The Helio's beloved (2)

Felix was taken aback when he finally understood. So Darius was not actually letting Delaney's presence cloud his thoughts, but using her to lure his enemies out.

"I would like to see who is on my side." Darius added, making Felix certain of his speculation.

"It's a brilliant idea, my lord. As long as Princess Delaney agrees to side with you."

Darius frowned slightly when he considered it. Felix was right. If Delaney decided to take sides with his enemies instead of him, then it would be pointless.

Felix looked like he was about to speak but he stopped, taking out an envelope instead. "There is another letter for you, from Ivrasea."

"What does Reginald want this time?" He grabbed the envelope impatiently and tore it open. Like the first, King Reginald's letter this time was infuriating.

He was offering to summon Delaney back to Ivrasea to punish her, if Darius didn't have time to do it himself.