A princess preparing for battle (3)

The battle ended much earlier than anyone ever expected, taking merely three days. According to Darius, fighting against a divided kingdom was easier than drinking water. Axel had an army of his own, and since he had spent ages trying to gain the favor of the people, he was not lacking in supporters when the war broke out.

King Raymond had been taken captive, stripped of his power and Axel had ascended the throne as soon as he could.

In the end, Itrusia had won, having taken Raymond's supporters down in less than a day.

When everything had calmed down, Darius returned to the castle and was greeted enthusiastically by Delaney, who couldn't wait to jump into his arms.

"You are back."

"In one piece, just like you wanted me." He smiled, hugging her. She seemed to realize what she had done but she didn't pull away as fast as she would before. Instead, she took a step back. "Welcome back. Are you hungry?"