Smoke Demoness

Darius swept his gaze through the court and added, "she had the signet ring for a week. All she did with it is ensure that Ivrasea is protected."

Although it was true, Delaney's face softened in a smile at his defense. He didn't have to speak up for her, and she knew that the situation would have been a lot worse if he was against her. There wouldn't even be a trial—he would order for her to be thrown in the dungeon or beheaded and no one would have any objections.

She also knew that by being on her side, he had created a lot of controversy, which he could have simply avoided by staying out of it.

She was even more surprised when Felix spoke up too.

"She did something else with it. Look at this, my lord." Spoke Felix, bringing a scroll to Darius. He unrolled it for Darius to read, and when he did, he looked over at her with a gentle smile.