Chapter 100

"Why did you do it?" She asked. She was certain his reason had nothing to do with absolving Darius of the guilt that would come from the thought of having killed his mother. If deities were meant to be forgotten after their death, didn't it mean their killer would forget about the entire incident as well? Where would the guilt stem from?

Knowing he had been caught, Elifur could only tell her the truth. He waited for Ylvia to leave before he told her, "I did too many things that harmed the very realm I was tasked to protect."

"Killing a deity doesn't do anything to help you protect it. Maybe you shouldn't have helped her in the first place." She scolded him with her hands on her hips, but that was not what he was going on about.

"Although I cannot do much to help right now, killing Kyrah quickened my retribution."