Wang Xiu continues to glare at the large canvas of a dragon on the wall with her arms intertwined across her chest, she shuts her eyes off while slowly breathing in the cold air inside the office of her uncle Liu Wei.

The scent of woody and aquatic fragrance of Issey Miyake l'Eau d'Issey [Summer Fragrance] fills the room and relaxes the woman's senses wearing a green long-sleeve shirt with a yellow ribbon and black pencil cut skirt for her first time back at work.

'It's good to be home,' Wang Xiu says in her mind.

CEO Long Liu Wei sits on his black swivel chair behind the marble table. His head is down with his forehead creasing while staring at the portfolio of hotels that offered their services for his coming 55th Birthday.

The Long Mansion which was their usual venue for parties was not enough for the long lists of guests that immediately displayed their enthusiasm to attend the CEO's birthday. The Repondez, s'il Vous plaît' or RSVP that Wang Xiu sent to her uncle's friends and associates all have responded with yes.

An unexpected reaction after the crime that involved the CEO's son and niece of Long Construction which most people would want to stay away from and yet they all want to be part of the celebration.

'Something is not right,' Wang Xiu doubts, pouting her lips while thinking of a reason behind the surge of people wanting to get connected with the CEO.

"How about Hotel Eclat?" Mr. Long asks and stares at the woman standing in front of the painting.

"Too small, they can only accommodate 120 guests and that's max." Ms. Zhang answers while walking towards the CEO's table.

"Too small? I thought our guests would be around 100?." Long Liu Wei exclaims dropping the folder of portfolios on the table.

Wang Xiu stops in front of the table and crosses her arms on her chest before answering.

"I sent 150 RSVP and they all said yes."


"With guests…"

"What number are you now?"

"200 plus?"

CEO Long shrugs her head learning the guests surpassed his previous birthday celebration. He wonders if the reason behind it is his announcement for the next CEO.

"How about Raffles Hotel?" CEO Long asks, setting his head back down on the portfolio.

When Long Liu Wei lifts his head, he notices the smile on Wang Xiu's heart-shaped face.

"Why are you smiling?" The CEO asks.

"It feels so good being back to this office?" The woman sighs letting the man hear her distinct sound of relief, "I thought when I went to Shanghai I could meet grandfather Zhang but all I did was mess up."

Wang Xiu's eyes begin to moisten recalling the incident. She often tells herself maybe it's karma for using the director to meet CEO Yang again and show off with a great project for LCDC.

The CEO stands up from his feet and steps towards his niece. Laying both of his hands on the woman's shoulders and softly squeeze them to express his sympathy.

"It wasn't your fault." Long Liu Wei sounds firm yet caring.

He wants Wang Xiu to bring back the confidence she has before the incident. It pains him to know that she still blames herself for the crime made against her.

CEO Long put her hands down and set his hands on his pockets, "By the way, where's Li Jun?"

"Having lunch with her girlfriend." Wang Xiu glances away, feeling strange that her cousin has someone else to be with.

"Girlfriend???" Mr. Long raises his brow.

"Ms. Bao Hwei Ru, the twin sister of Mr. Bao Jiang Ru, CEO of Bao Metal?." The female executive introduces the lawyer attaching his brother's name to make the old CEO grasp who the woman is.

"The female lawyer who defended that scum???" CEO Long raises his voice about the man that attempted to destroy his daughter's dignity.

"I was trying to bring a positive light on her," Wang Xiu mumbles, reaching for the portfolio of hotels nesting at the CEO's table.

"We never have a problem being in business with Bao Metals, I don't see why you want to build up this woman to me." Mr. Long Liu Wei set his hand on his waist.

"Imagine Bao Metals giving LCDC large discounts on construction materials, lowering the cost and bringing more companies to do business with us." The woman's eyes brighten explaining her profitable idea to her boss.

"You want to tip the scale?" The CEO crosses his arms on his chest.

"Not a bad idea." Wang Xiu arches her rim mischievously on her face.

"No." Long Liu Wei answers with a stern tone.

"No?" The executive's face is disgruntled by the CEO's answer.

Long Li Jun puts her arms down and walks back towards the table. He sits firmly in his chair before answering the executive's question.

"Other companies would want to do the same. Bao Metals has been neutral and fair to every company." Long Liu Wei turns his head towards Wang Xiu with his dominant stare.

"Then no invitation to Mr. Bao Jiang Ru." Wang Xiu takes her phone from his pocket and opens her notes to delete the man's name from the guests.

"I think Li Jun would like me to invite him if he's dating her sister." Mr. Long halts Wang Xiu for taking the name off the list. "What about you? Any additional invitation?"

Wang Xiu is surprised by her uncle's question. She widens her eyes and veers her head towards the CEO, setting the portfolio back to the marble table before answering the question, "No, uncle Liu."

The female executive paces away from the table and goes straight towards the door. "Please, call me when you decide what Hotel to book. We need that before 5 p.m., sir."

She faces the door, holding the handle of the intricate wooden entrance when the CEO calls her to stop her from leaving the office.

"Wang Xiu!!! I'm serious when I offer you the CEO position." Long Liu Wei quickly stands up from his chair.

The woman rolls her eyes with annoyance. She wants to avoid the subject of marriage and yet her uncle appears to drag it back whenever he can. Wang Xiu swivels back to face the CEO and struts towards the table.

"Uncle, I don't want to be tied down with someone I don't like." Wang Xiu answers sincerely, staring at his uncle's eyes. 

"How about marrying with a contract?" Long Liu Wei continues to convince the woman to get engaged before his birthday.

"Uncle??? MARRIAGE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A CONTRACT." The woman blurts out her sentiment with a scoff. "An agreement to give whatever the other needs. The only difference between marrying someone for money and love is trust. And I want someone I can count on for my future husband."

Wang Xiu shrugs her shoulder after explaining her standards in a relationship and the old man agrees with her principle. Marrying without trust is a constant burden to both parties even with specific details of the contract.

Long Liu Wei smiles. He didn't expect Wang Xiu to have this kind of maturity with her. The only man he has heard the young lady in a relationship with was Susu Ming Qu and that was after the apprenticeship with Mrs. Park.

The female executive goes out of the office to continue the preparation for the CEO's birthday. Long Liu Wei exhales loudly showing his comfort from the knowledge that Wang Xiu grew up as a strong and intelligent woman that he hopes his daughter would be.

If only he can do more to compensate for his inability to tell Wang Xiu the truth.

"She will understand me someday," Long Liu Wei tells himself.