
Beep beep* you awoke to the sound of your alarm. Alright time to get up and get dressed once you got dressed you had to make breakfast you really didn't know how to cook so you just grabbed a granola bar and said it was breakfast. You went outside and sat at the bus stop and then a girl came and you knew her well. Her name is samantha and she was screaming for you to stop and you just sat down so then she realised that you sat down she stopped screaming. Fortunately the bus just came and you took your seat and read manga while you waited. And then samantha asked you if you were joining any clubs. You said no and she was  about to talk but then the bus driver said we were here and then we got off. Samantha and me said are good byes and then we went inside. *Time skip to math class because I said* Alright what is 100007 + 100007 You thought it was easy and then suddenly the loudspeaker announced we were going in to lockdown and 5 minutes late a drunk dude knocked on the door for 10 minutes straight and then ran out of the school. We went back to math but by the time we started it was time to leave.I was the only one in the  room and then suddenly samantha bursted into the room. Hello Ashtion!!!! You just snapped out of your daze and screamed have you found a club you shaked your head and she said Welll then you can join mine!!! Sam beamed with happiness and you then said no and she said  Katie made cupcakes and you screamed CUPCAKES!! And this marks the day you sold your soul for a cupcake