
Once you got to two doors samantha pushed the doors open and screamed The new member is here!!! A girl with purple hair walked up to you first and said hello I'm Ayano what's your name my names Ashtion it's nice to meet you. Then a girl with brown hair and green eyes walked up to you and said hii I'm Monomi what's your name. I'm Ashtion it's nice to meet you. Then a girl with pink hair said a boy way to kill the atmosphere sam then said that's not nice. Something about that girl made you fall in love. Suddenly sam said I'll go get the cupcakes!! Naomi said no i made them I will get them. You chuckled and she went into the closet and came back with a tray with foil and took off the foil to reveal twelve cupcakes decorated to be cats you took one and took a bite and said this tasted delicious and then suddenly Monika said we are going to write poems

I said sure and I walked home with sam. Here is the poem I wrote

I see a girl in a white snow storm

Pink hair and beautiful eyes and it was awesome to see her but she wasn't happy to see me and I brought her in side and she went by the fire and then she was happy to see me. Finally I went to sleep