
You woke up the next day and got all your stuff and got two granola bars and ran outside and sat at the bus stop and ate one of the granola bars and then Sam sat down and munched on a cookie that Naomi made for her and then the bus came and you went on (Timeskip brought to you by Ashtion sleeping in class) You woken to the sound of Sam screaming in you ear WAKE UP! You screamed because she scared you and you said "beat ya to the literature club!" You dashed up to the literature club while sam running for her life and you pushed the doors open and said "I told you I would beat ya" Sam said no fair! You laughed and then Monomj walked over and said can I talk to you in private you nodded and headed out the literature club and Monomi came slowly after the doors shut and Monomi said Why don't you love me! It took you by surprise and before you could answer Monomj said It's probably because of naomi you like her do you!!! You shook your head but secretly you loved her and she calmed down and and you both walked back in and suddenly you heard naomi groan and you walked into the closet and saw naomi trying to reach a box of manga and you got the box and took her by surprise Ahhh oh hi Ashtion hi naomj wait is this parfait girls she nodded in excitement and you said I have seen it on the internet  You sat down on the floor and patted a spot next to signaling to sit down You opened the first page it was in Japanese but the book was in English the first volume was intro but it was about four girls in highschool that loved baking and you thought to yourself that's where she got baking from. Monomi suddenly announced that it was over and you and sam ran out the door and then ran to your houses You completely forgotten about your poem and fell asleep.