The weird hotel thing

We can't go there. Ashtion said with a sleeping Samantha in his hands. Of course,Naomi was triggered "But if we can't go to your house where are we gonna sleep?" Naomi asked with a hint of sourness. "I mean,we can't just......But Ashtion wasn't listening he was too busy thinking about Monomi.(Not that way sicko).How can a "innocent person have such a sadistic personality" "Ashtion,Ashtion are you even listening to me!" Naomi screamed. "wha- oh yeah" Ashtion said. Ayano who was quiet asked "Wait, isn't there a hotel nearby?" "Oh yeah, the one that is two streets down." Ashtion answered. "But I don't have enough money." Ashtion said "But what if we all combine all our money we might have enough" Ayano said. "Yeah you're right" Ashtion exclaimed. We combined all our money and surprisingly had enough.


"Hi, How can help you." The Hotel Worker Said. "Hi,We would like a room." Ashtion said. "Okay that would be 10$" The Hotel Worker Said. Huh, Ashtion thought. We have 100$ 10 Days" Ashtion thought. Suddenly, the walls were gone. "What the fuck?" Ashtion Said. The walls came back. "What?"Ayank said. "Never mind" Ashtion said. "Something is really fucking wrong here...." Ashtion thought. Something in his brain just clicked. "This place...Isn't real... It's all a game..." Ashtion Realized."Alright, lets go" Ashtion said. "Okay, Lets go to the pool later" Naomi said. "I have to find a way to get the fuck out of this game or whatever."Ashtion thought."But, i gotta tell them first." Ashtion thought,Scared of what they will say. They arrived at the room and walked in. Naomi crashed onto the bed quickly. "Hey,Where are we Ashtion?" Sam said now standing and awake. "I saved you from Monomi, She went insane,now we are in a Hotel."Ashtion explained. "Well, now that you are all awake, i have some things to tell you."Ashtion said.

Ashtion explained the whole dilemma about the game. "So, this world is fake?, And we are in a game?" Everyone asked in unison. "Yeah, And i'm gonna get us out. Ashtion said confidently even though he has no clue what's going on.
