A Glitch?


Location:Dream Kingdom

Also,sorry i made the story first person from here on out, it'll be fixed in the second book.


I stand on a blue platform. "Where am I, is this heaven?"

"No,no you're not dead" A voice said

"What?" I said. "Where are you, can you see me?"

"Yes, and i'm here to help you," They replied

"Can you show yourself?" I asked, skeptically.|

"As you wish"

"Wow, you look great!" I said.

"Thanks, you always were optimistic, weren't you Ash?" They said

"How do you know?" I said.

"You are waking up, No time,see ya later Ash!" they said.

I woke up.

"What a weird dream,but it seems kind important..." I mumbled.

Ash tried to get up, but he realized Naomi is laying on his chest.

"Naaaaaaaaomi," I said.

"zzz" Naomi snored 

"Manga isn't literature..." I said, jokingly.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" Naomi said, fully awake.

"Okay,okay..." I said.

"Don't we need to check out Ash?" Ayano asked, tired.

"No, not yet" I said.

"Whaaaaat?" Sam said groggily.

"Nothing Sam," I said

"So, whats for breakfast?" Samantha asked.

I chuckled "Pancakes from the Hotel,why?"

Sam gasped "PANCAKES!"

"Sam, quiet down, please.." Ayano said
