"I'm kinda tired,I'm gonna go to sleep." I say as I plop onto the couch.
"Huh,what is it Emma?"
"YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE,NOW!" Emma screamed, worriedly.
"Okay,Okay,chill out,so why do I have to leave the game at this moment."
"OKAY...Okay,so Monomi broke through the main coding for the game,and she may or may not be trying to force the game to revert back to where all the girls died.." Emma says,trying to stay calm.
"She WHAT!?!?" I exclaim,in complete shock.
"I know, Now wake up! Emma said as I wake up
"Ash,are you okay? You were talking in your sleep" Naomi says as she get up from the couch.
"Y-Yeah,I'm alright" I say, embarrassed.
"Aren't we supposed to check out today" Ayano asked,timidly.
"Yeah,we check out a 6 pm,then we can figure it out from there" I said
"Hey Ash,there's a package for you" Sam said,handing it to me.
"Ah,it's here" I mumbled as I open the package up with my pocket knife.
A smaller box slides out,revealing a computer inside.
"There you are,let's turn you on..." I said as I turn on the computer.
"Woah! Where did you get that?" Sam asked,full of wonder.
"Y-Yeah where did you get that" Ayano says,playing with her hair.
"Gather around everyone" I said as I show them the laptop.
I decided to check the time.
"OH CRAP" I shout as I shut the laptop swiftly.
"What,What is it" Naomi said,slightly annoyed.
"We check out in 10 minutes,start packing our things into the box