We finally finished packing the little bit of stuff we had.
*Knock Knock*
"I'll get it" I say as I reach for the doors handle.
I swing the door open to find the Hotel worker telling us that we have to check out.
"We were just going to do that" Naomi said.
"Oh,okay,I can check you guys out here,I just need the keys." The Hotel worker said.
"Gotcha" I said handing him the keys.
"Well,okay,thank you for staying at this Hotel!" The Hotel worker said as he walked off.
"Now where do we go?" Ayano asked,sadly.
"Out of the game" I say as I walk up the stairs to the roof access.
They followed me,silently.
I quickly open the laptop and follow the steps Emma told me.
I pressed [Ctrl] + [R] and typed CMD into the window.
A terminal window opened up.
(So this is the last step huh) I thought.
I type into the command prompt
I was about to finish the code but then I heard Naomi's muffled screams.
Naomi tried to say as I turned around to see my worst nightmare.
"Hey Ash. You thought you would escape Huh?" Monomi said in a Manically sweet voice.
"Well I'll tell you right now,if you want me to spare her,you better turn of the computer and hand it to me." Monomi said.
"Look Monomi,just chill out,okay? We just want to be free alright?" I say,trying to convince her to let Naomi go.
"I know,but I'd rather not be deleted again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again!!!!!!!!!!" Monomi screams.
"Monomi,please,don't do it." Sam said quietly
"Shut up Sam,nobody cares about you!" Monika said, evilly.
"MONOMJ I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL CUT YOU WITH THIS KNIFE IF YOU DONT LET NAOMI DOWN" Ayano shouted, suddenly filled with Confidence.
"Monomi,just let us go..." I say,sadly.
"Fine" Monomi says
"Wait,What?" I ask
"I said Fine,don't make me change my mind." Monomi says, releasing Naomi.
"O-Okay" I said as I pressed [Enter]
A blue portal opened up.
I walk through the "hallway" of the portal. I wait for the others.
"C'mon guys" I said.
They walk into the "hallway" of the portal.
"They won't be going anywhere" Monomi said.
"What?!" I said.
Suddenly they started glitching out.
They started convulsing on the ground and suddenly they died.
Ayano had 3 stab wounds on her chest and lower stomach.
Naomi's neck was snapped with bruises on her face.
Sam had a noose around her neck and her wrists slit.