Demise and reborn.

So here I am Ian Michaels, a complete NEET for my closest friends and a serious antisocial engineer from the rest, I am proficient in many electric, mechanic and programming stuff, graduated SUMMA CUM LAUDE from MIT I guess I have a nice life but as always when you are remarcable in some areas everyone wants something from you, or expect better you know and if you are good or gives them what they want they just want something else or expect even more from you, that's why I kinda break off my relationship with my family and some called friends I needed more than those so called friendships where you have to put everything and getting nothing or a little in return I became tired of the dissapointment, I love my family as well but they always want more from me they are not satisfied with the fact that I have the best paid engineer job in the country or that I have my private lab where I make a lot of new and fantastic inventions.

No they just want me to make my own company by the way giving jobs to many of my family members and chew from me and what I can do, I am a no brainer for the managing stuff and even if I contract some that could do that I cant trust them entirely, and it has a precedent I satrt with a remarcable idea that make billions of dollars and was stoled from a family member and sold for a stupid amount of money so I just want to stay apart from them from their approaches.

Today was a nice day I was finally making the last step of what I called the invention of the century or maybe millenia but well I was programming an AI it is a job that i make for the government I also know what repercussions it may have, so I installed some backdoors to shut it down if they used it in a not intended way or even if the AI goes crazy well NEET speaking I already saw that shit an no way I will be the one to bring the world down that way, you might think that its easy to break in my tech but I create a whole new programming language and encoded it and as the coding goes by the same code keeps altering and encoding itself make it virtually impossible to break in by anyone but myself.

As I code the last coding lines I run it through and all I need to do is wait to the programm to run itself the AI needs a period of 2 days with the supercomputer to learn almost about everything that and because the supercomputer need to cool down due to the exhaustinf labor the AI is going through I guess that in 3 days I will know if it works as intended, so I just take out my laptop and start to watch TV series, anime, playing games in between sleeping and eating until the end of the learning process is done.

So that day has come Cortana is finally alive, well screwed it I love the Halo series sue me! But enough the learning process was well integrated thanks that Cortana has literary speaking all that known knowladge I asked her to process how to solve some of the hardest problems nowaday.

-Cortana how much time you have to spent to look out for a solution in the worlds worst problems today.

-Master Ian I already think about some of them right now I as well as master needs to those problems to get solved, as intended I need to save humanity from its inevitable path of destruction.

-Master this plans I am going to send are devices that cleans and restore the oceans from all known pollution, restore the ozone layer and the north an south pole, reforest the planet and solved the hunger issue that's now alarming also I create a new way to create water using the hidrogen and oxigen in the air, as well as a clean and economic energy, I am now looking to make data experiments on solving some of the worst diseases known.

-Perfect when you are done sent them to all the government around the world and publish it in all known media companies.

And that, well that was the issue due to not having an exclusive to my own government they send an operative to hunt me down and retrive Cortana, as soon as they call for the operative Cortana told me and we start the countermeasure, Cortana finished investigating the cures of all the known worst diseases and their procedures, and sent them as well, as soon as those info was known in the world the hunting operative was at the door I cant just left Cortana so I just stay with her not other supercomputer was enough to handle her and I already do what I want to do.

-"I guess that's better than make a company dont you think mom, I solved all the world issues well it was Cortana but I make her anyways as soon as the special forces where near my location Cortana initiate the self destruct operation banish this base and all the information of you from existence it was nice to known you Cortana". (Ian)

-[It was great to be with you master, initiating the self destruct operation]

-"And well you got what it happened"(Ian)

-"So that's how you got the most humongous Karma ever seen in a mortal being well even if I am a greater being some of you expect me to be aware of all of you, its really harsh you know I have a Multi universe in charge and its crazy to known everything of anyone, well with your amount of Karma you are allowed to go to other world with 5 wishes, the catch its that you cant decide where you wanna go, sorry but its rules from way above me"(???)

-"Well great it kinda sucks that I dont get to where I wanna go but I guess that with my wishes I am relatively safe wherever I am going to end going to, well let's start ROB"(Ian)

A huge roulette with all the known multi universes that I known about appears form nothing I saw Tv Series, Anime, comic, movies, books and all their crossover in the roulette, the it starts to turning on, and stopped in TV Series GRIMM (EV).

-"Great a modern world virtually like mine but with Grimm creatures its going to be fun!!"(Ian)

-"This its not entirely like the TV version you saw, in this world there are other creatures an is a relatively more dangerous world than the one you know, but it follows the main story even in between the deal with a lot more of creatures than expected, now tell me your wishes"(ROB)

-"Well then: (1)I want to be a Grimm of an upgraded version, knowing what you are dealing with is crucial in this world. (2)I want to became an hybrid of a Grimm and the most powerful Zauberbiest that have a mixture of elder blood from the witcher. (3) I want Cortana integrated in to me. (4) I want all knowledge from the witcher world being magic, techniques and alquimic knowledge. (5) Well amm I want to make polygamy legal in all the globe."(Ian)

-"Ok all of them have no problem only the last one it might be an issue for you in the long way imagine there might increase the population of hybrids among the world so I am going to nerf it a little to not broke the whole sense of the world and its secretive way of being, so polygamy is legal and well acepted with the catch that you need to make them physical and mentally satisfied as well as being superbly rich, that's going to nerf it imagine a normal human being having a spouse normal as well but then a blutbad lover cames and all goes well the poor man might going to have its full with only the blutbad women cause she is physically way more powerful than him so that might going to decrease the hybrid wesen but you will have an increase in their number so I am going to also increase the number of grimm people as well to balance it."(ROB)

-"Well its okay with me thanks for not asking why the last wish"(IAN)

-"I know why you want that wish good luck with 'em boy now choose your appearence and your time line"(ROB)

-"I want to look like Henry Cavill and dont have any Zauberbiest traits with only a lightly glowing blue eyes and I want to wake when I am 16 years old".

-"Well then have fun my child dont come back quickly!"(ROB)

I was then send to the void the next thing I recalled is waking up in a luxurious suite, and memories are instantly coming to my brain that are those that of my last 16 years of live and while the memories well I knew that my wishes might fuck a little the order of things.


A.N: Please give me ideas for the harem of this world.