New world.

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Lords Of Grace" by Jody Jenkins)

Well then I just recalled all that happened until I became 16, well somehow a woman from the royal family escaped from them they only use them for breeding or political stuff, so she escaped Cortana tolds that she is an hexenbiest with a dormant elder blood in her genetic material, so that's one part of the wish i guess the other is that apparently in her escape she cames by a powerful Grimm and she wants to use him to escape her captors and she did but somehow they end up together and well 9 months later here I am making me the better version of both worlds or I might say a Kelly Burhardt 2.0 might be 3.0 with the Elder blood and witcher knowledge.

So eventually the royalty came for my mother and my father runs to retrieve her but even with the powerfull my dad was he eventually was killed by them due to majority those fuckers he left me with another Grimm family before and due to my intellect I somehow make some breakthrough in the tech area I guess that's due to my brain and Cortana's help but well at the end I was pretty rich right now I am also now senior at Harvard majoring in Medicine and Law I am going to graduate in a year in law and the next 2 years in medicine.

I am now in Massachusetts I recalled Boston with care well in my last life I stufy at MIT and with my knowledge I guess that I dont think that studying Engineer was what i want now and this majors are going to be great for what's coming, now Cotana tolds me that I was born in October 1983 so now its the 1999 in about 2 months Its going to be 2000.

-"Cortana scan my body I want to know what perks I might have right now"(Ian)

-[Master the perks of your new aquired body are the following:

Superhuman Perception -(Ability to see creatures in their true form when they got some heightened emotion).

Superhuman Strength - (Strenght beyond any wesen known, needs to be measured)

Superhuman Reflexes - (Reflexes beyond any wesen known, needs to be measured)

Superhuman Durability/Stamina/Endurance - (Durability/Stamina/Endurance beyond any wesen known, needs to be measured)

Superhuman Speed/Agility - (Speed/Agility beyond any wesen known, needs to be measured)

Superhuman Hearing - (Hearing beyond any wesen known, needs to be measured)

Eidetic Memory - Photographic memory.

Indomitable Will - Incredible will power

Artistic Talent - Superbly skilled in all form of art.

Combat Skills - Natural aptitude for fighting.

Immune to disease- Combined with elder blood you are practically immune to most diseases

Telekinesis: Able to move objects with your mind.

Pyrokinesis: Able to turn things in fire with your mind.

Magic Sensibility: Sensibility to the usage of magic, magic source or people nearby.

Adept to magic: Able to do magic as it was a part of you.

Adept to alchemy: Able to do alchemy as it was a part of you.

Elder Blood: makes you exceptional for all magic and gives you spatial magic as well.

Regeneration: Due to your elder blood and grimm blood mixture you have the power of mild regeneration, not known to what extent.

Incredibly long lifespan: Due to your genetics you have a huge prolonged lifespan. ]

Well I am pretty OP but not invincible what If I got involved with a vulcanalis without a freezing source nearby or if I dont have enough freezing magic at my disposal, I am pretty dead then I dont think that I can regenerate as quickly as I am consumed by the heat and well I also got all the other wesens that ROB talked about.

I watch the mirror in the bathroom and I saw the reflexion on it, I look like a young Henry Cavill but my hair intead of being white its silver it might be due to the mixture of Grimm and Elder blood.

-"Cortana why I am not proficient or I know what measures I have physically or magically as well?"(Ian)

-[Master the skills I talked about are the ones that you have by default with your bloodlines but they are not measured due to they being dormant until today that they are now active you were already intelligent and have a remarcable memory also you have me but until now you got photographic memory now we can accelerate our pace, the last orders was to keep the best known knowledge of medicine an laws worldwide and giving to you to learn I couldnt insert those knowledge to you due to your mind and body couldnt handle it but now I can, do you wish me to transmit those knowledge the last mission was to make you the best doctor/lawyer in the least time possible]

-"Great then please transmit that knowledge to me and also make a working schedule to measure my actual prowess"(Ian)

I kinda blackout for the excess of information but my mind handle it pretty well that and the combination of my photographic knowledge I technically know the best techinques and all medic knowledge nowadays, as well as a miriad of laws around the globe, I make Cortana built a special gymnasium by buying equipment and other stuff to measure my abilities.

First I measure my punch force, I can produce a lot of energy and incredibly quickly as well in my arms and I have a lot of muscle that way I punch the machine Cortana is measuring as well due to velocity an mass calculating my momentum generated virtually the greater the momentum generated the hardest you can punch is like an elephant it has great mass and it can punch really nasty amount of sheer force, now imagine a elephant that can produce that force quickly that's pretty crazy right well right now my punch force technically can deal with every wesen known but it might be different because this is not the same World as i know so maybe I can handle the hard skin of the Siegbarste(Ogre) but I dont know if in this world its hard skin its even harder, my kick force as well it way stronger due to it can generate more momentum than my fist.

I installed a machine that throws me thick balls at huge speeds to measure my reflexes, endurance and dexterity as well I have to say that I was remarcably awesome I sense the general direction of the projectile that's nearly me and the speed that my body works when I gives the order to evade the projectile is simply a cheat, I cant say that I can actively sense and evade a bullet but I can easilly evade all wesen projectiles that came near me if they are slower than a bullet, but I also have my doubts if they are not stronger as well I need to keep my head down an became better to survive in this world.

I let all the rest of the projectiles hit me they pick a punch but nos as hard as it would be if I am not enhanced I saw that my bruise start to quickly vanish from my skin and I quickly stop feeling pain, then I proceed to cut my left arm with a knife the first 2 seconds I spilled a reasonable amount of blood and then the wound stop bleeding and start to close itself leaving no scar as it closes.

For the rest I need to go to a desert place to practice magic stuff so I recalled all the knowledge of the Witcher series and something that I need ASAP is to make the witcher medallion something that in the series was long lost I know the way to make the best version of it and I modify it to send me a warning of anything wesen in a range of 45 meters, I quickly told Cortana to buy the ingredients some of them are going to take at least 2 days to arrive but its reasonable time so I start to plan what I am going to do next.

The plan that comes to my mind was to first go to Harvard and graduate in advance for both majors then goes to be an intern in an hospital/firm, I need to find a better place for modern martial arts, all the witcher knowledge gives me a pretty heads on, on the wesen dealings but I think that It might be better to make some reflex memory with a qualified person and I urgently need to make myself comfortable with those violence situations quickly, practice telekinesis and pyrokinesis is crucial due to there are many wesens that its weakness is fire and if I developed telekinesis It might help me wonders in the future, first I am going to developed myself physically and mentally and then later I am going to start with the magic stuff I need a solid foundation.

-[Sir I already left an email for the Harvard Admin that you are graduating early, If I can give you a sugestion but it might be dangerous about your plans master]

-"Great, thanks Cortana well talk me about it"(Ian)

-[Master you might want to enlist yourself in the army it would provide yourself with the best martial and firing teachers and you may also work as a Medic Soldier as well, also I already recalled the whole TV series and with your wealth the best way to deal with the wesen world is being in the FBI or the police force and being a renowned retired medical soldier will be great for your resume]

-"Well thanks for that Cortana I was thinking about it and you are right I may handle all of my issue right now enlisting but if I am going to do it I need to aim high, first enlisting and then going to the special forces I am going to make a law firm and injecting some of my money in it as well as doing stocks with your help to increase my wealth, then Iam going to came back and go to work in the FBI in the Portland Division"(Ian)

Two weeks later I graduated early and enlisted myself with the marines I want to became a NAVY SEAL so that's the way I intended to go, the enlisted officer goes through my resume and immediately talks with his superior not all days a 16 years old graduated from Harvard majored in law and medicine cames by to enlist in the army, I was quickly passed the physical exams and being approved to enlist.