Dinner and collaboration.

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Fireflies" by Gargantuan Music)

We came out from the firm and then go to BISTRO AGNES one of the best french restaurants and have a wonderful dinner.

-"So let me get this straight in your last job he actually ask you to do it and then you kick him right in the nutts"(Ian)

-"Hahaha well that just happen I mean it was a disgusting ball of grease that have near the double of my age and he has the guts to ask me for it and assault me so I kick him really hard"(Adalind)

-"Well damn... Ms.Shade remember me to not making second toughts about you, I will hate to be broken by your mighty kick"(Ian)

-"If it's you I wouldnt particulalry mind about it... excuse me I have a call let me answer it first"(Adalind)

-"Well then answer it I am going to fight this delicious stake by the meantime"(Ian)


Adalind POV

Well I am pretty nervous about this interview, not only its a senior partnership with the best law firm around the globe I would also known the secretive boss behind it and many other world known enterprises, there are many gossips around him some say that he is young and handsome, some say that he is old but have an air of greatness and nobelty surrounding him.

First I talked with the secretary and told her who I am and why I was there, for a moment I saw how she was completely red and absorted, it was until the second time that I call her that she pay attention to me, when i told her who I was again she clearly saw me with a killer gaze and quickly inspected me, she told me that the boss is already expecting her and to come in.

I knocked the door and hear that I am allowed to came in, and so I did, as soon as I closed the door and turn I saw him in his desk, shit the rumors where partially true he is incredible handsome and strong, god damn... he is talking with someone on the cellphone and told me to sit down and to wait for the call to finish, I cant help but look at him in all his glory.

I hear that he is talking to someone called Bill, but the next thing just break some stuff in my mind when he is talking about acquiarin Skype and Google I just knew that Bill was Bill Gates, also he tals about T mobile acquisition and the easyness when he talks about acquiring them witn billions of dollars just makes me have a single tought about this man, he is way too PERFECT and an incredible bigshoot.

Then he told me that he already knows about me and that I was remarcable which I am but then he asks me what can I do for him an his firm, I quickly think that I would give my all to make him and the firm the best in Oregon and some of the best in the country this was a relatively new firm so its an achieveable goal.

He gives me the directorship of the firm (I almost jumped from the couch)and tolds me to not dissapointing him, heck I would hate to do that I would give it my very best, then he told me to go and have dinner and known each other, well I wish that it didn end with only dinner... Adalind what are you thinking he is smoking hot but you already have Sean, well if you think about it Sean its not near as handsome or powerful as him but he is a royal and I always wanna be a part of them.

We go to the best french restaurant in Portland and start talking he is really nice, I mean beyond charismatic and funny and he keeps giving this smirking smile when I talked about why I retired from my last job that I am just fascinated by.

My cellphone starts to vibrate and I saw that it was Sean, what does he wants now, recalling he always is constantly using me for what he wants he never calls just for talking or to have a nice dinner, he always talks to give or make something and that's when I got it I am just a tool for him, a tool that sometimes he screws and my dream of becoming part of the royalty blinds me into thinking that what we have is love my mom always told me that he was not the one for me but no I got it.

-"Hi Sean"(Adalind)

-"Adalind I need you to keep in sight two people specially one of them"(Sean)


-"Tell me about them"(Adalind)

-"You have to be extremely cautious both are Grimms, one of them its in my precint I am not that anxious about him but the other one is extremely dangerous, well I am going to send you both pictures"(Sean)

Sean send me the pics and I saw the information of one, Nick Burkhardt grimm newbie high qualified Detective, known relatives Marie Kessler, well her aunt is one of the boogeyman in the wesen world.

When I saw the other pic my heart almost skipped I nearly peed myself, it was him, my boss, Ian Michaels it says that he is an hybrid Grimm and a highly deadly one, captain of the best search an kill squad in the DEVGRU for 10 years with no casualties and a 100% success in their career, SAC at FBI Portland (Wesen Division), he is one of the richests guys in the world behind the scenes, Relatives known: Mother: ???/ Father killed by the Verat, Michaels adoptive parents passed out due to age they are also a pair of Grimms, its known that his squad retire with him and is actually working with him as well in the FBI(WD), noted that they are all wesens in its team and they are also highly trained treat with the highest caution dont piss him off or you are done, also its known to have mercy if you are not too bad, known nickname: Darklight Reaper.

Shit now I might be in trouble I mean my own boss its a fucking killing machine and also he is freaking rich and have a team of deadly wesens and Sean expect me to keep an eye on him he is fucking lunatic screw him and the royals If they cant deal with him why I need to go and murder myself, I am tired of this bullshit.

-"You know what fuck off Sean, this guy here is my freaking boss and did you not saw the resume you send he is the fucking Darklight Reaper a renowned worldwide Grimm that is feared in the whole world I heard that he freaking killed a Siegbarste with his hands, annihilated a pack of 50 feral Blutbads for fuck sake, If its him I am no longer availabel for you the other one I might help you with him but the other one forget about it"(Adalind)

-"I am asking to just keep an eye for him seduce him you are already his employee, he is taking Nick, Hank and Wu to became a collab team to deal with the Wesen cases I cant do anything to stop it it come way beyond my paygrade but it makes me anxious that he ask for Nick its enough having him in Oregon another one complicates a lot of things"(Sean)

-"Listen to me fucker, I am not your plaything vassal I already told you my terms and I am not going to put my neck or my family in risk just because of your anxiousness, also I dont want to see you anymore, if you need help dealing with Nick we may talk about it and if it doesnt put me at risk of getting known by Ian, let me say this clear, from now on we are done if you need something is going to cost you"(Adalind)

I just hang up the phone and calm down staying in the bathroom for a while, I came back to the table.



I saw her coming she doesnt seems to be completely okay she finish to eat so I called the waiter and asked him to bring a tea and a chocolate cake.

-"I know its not my business but you were not the same after that call is everything allright? By the way I ask for tea and chocolate cake that might make you feel better"(Ian)

-"Well you are right its just... well I get to know that my crush from many years is a fucking asshole that just calls me to do what he wants so today I just cut ties with him"(Adalind)

-"Well that sucks if you need to talk or just keep your mind somewhere else I am available, I know that I am your boss but I really like you, you are really funny if you are going to drink tonight then I allowed you a one day holiday to sort those things and to came to the firm fresh and without worries "(Ian)

We take some bottle of wines, talked and then I walked her home and give her my personal phone number, then I just called the encripted ghat group of the team and ask if anyone can came to take me to the castle, Jason was near me and took me up.

The next day me and the team came to the police department I am going to represent the collaboration between agencies and talk about the new task team that's going to work with us, we take out 3 vehicles:

Paramount Maruader: mine-protected construction, this armored beast is designed for cross-country agility and speed as well as tugging along a payload upwards of 9,900 lbs. The Maruader can also seat up to 10 individuals, can handle anywhere between an 8kg-14kg TNT blast, and hosts a double-skinned spaced armor hull to protect against kinetic attack, bulletproof also have modified bullet proof windows to make them stronger a dynamic screen that shows me the best course available with the help of Cortana, also it has a modified fully mounted weapon holder (MFMWH) thats completey covered with bulletproof material, it has the ability to change from a M2 .50 caliber machine guy, flamethrower and nitrogenthrower.

Huron APC: mine-protected construction can also seat up to 16 individuals fully bulletproof, with dynamic screen and MFMWH, it operates as a temporary mobile hacking and comms/prison we left some space for some of the most advanced comms and computer stations, and nearly 10 spots for the reinforced prison that's actually enchanted.

Karlmann King: my car, I mostly use this to move around, completely bulletproof, same dynamic screen.

As its costume we came fully equiped, the entire police personnel its going to be there, we quickly approach the police station and left the armored vehicles outside, some reporters took pictures of our entry, all of them came with balaclavas and sunglasses except me cause some of them might do some inside jobs and secrecy its the best policy.