Starting of cannon.

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Justice Without Mercy" by Alibi Music)

We came to the stage all of the squad was behind me Sean present us and told that it was an honor to work in collaboration with the FBI to speed and improve both of our cases that he is 100% sure that this a good change and that we have all of his disposition if we need any kind of help also he told that they are going to be mainly an addition to my team integrating Nick, Hank and Wu in the team, later he let me talk with the police force.

-"Hi there my name is Ian Michaels, I am the Special Agent in charge of this special division that Im glad to take a part of, we dont intend to interfere with your usual work mostly we are going to take on cases that are hard or that Nick's team have assigned they also are going to work in some of our cases as well leaving both of our team the chance to learn from each other, I am also glad to announced that I am going to donate new vehicles and equipment for all the force upgrading it to the highest standard, this is also what the director of the FBI wants as well and even if hes not here he send you his regards, this equipment is going to be ready in 2 weeks."(Ian)

All the force is excited to look how great this new equipment and vehicles are, I give Nick, Hank and Wu their new uniforms and equipment, as well as their new badge and firearms, Nick, Hank and Wu gets on the Paramount and we then start to go to the castle.

-"Perfect now when we arrived to the base we are going to present each other also I am going to assigned you to a specialty team we are all divided in different teams that are our strenghts, first I am going to say congrats for taking part of the team but you have a final test to know if you can be a part of us, final test that is going to be taken in our base"(Ian)

When we arrived to the castle they seem perplexed this seems like a freaking castle its extremely pompous sorrounded by a forest and a huge terrain with what it seems a vineyard, we arrived at the entrance Mark take out his sunglasses, put his hand in a lector, approach an iris lector and called some password, later some heavy machinery sound and the thick door was finally open.

-"Great Nick, Hank and Wu please follow Sarah here to the medic bay she is going to make some tests with you, later go to the training area we are going to present each other having your final test then later you are going to have 2 choices stay or leave"(Ian)

They follow Sarah and she starts to scan them in the medic bay, last week we finally finish my last invention, a diagnostic room, it basically founds whatever ailment you may have using our medic database Cortana practically scans you holographically, chemically and gives you the upgradaded version of medicine diagnostic, its like all the medic costly equipment in one, they just walked in the diagnotic area and Cortana scans them, the three of them are in very good condition but they need a lot of training mostly Wu and Hank, Nick well he have it easier due to the Grimm Blood.

Next Sarah sends them to the training area, we are already there so we proceed with the test.

-"Perfect then the last test is starting, your health results are ok but you are going to need a lot of training if you want to stay in the team, now lets star with Nick"(Ian)

-"Yes sir, what I need to do"(Nick)

-"Have you ever saw something that's not meant to be seen, something or someone weird"(Ian)

Nick gets pretty weirdly astonished I mean last week he saw some guy that was fighting with his girlfriend changing in to a rat man, the weird part was that the girl also change turning in to a beaver like human, it was pretty weird and he didnt know how to explain it.

-"For your face I would confirm that you have, now let me explain, there are many things in this world that are not the definition of normal that you and me know, have you ever read the Grimm stories, what if i told you that they are true well not the fantastic story that surrounds it but about the monsters inside them"(Ian)

When I finish talking about this my team woge in front of them (P.S - before we have this talk we take their firearms), Wu just dropped on the floor, Hank go to a fighting stance but he is pretty freaked out and Nick is the one that have the best complexion, around 15 mins later Hank and Wu calmed down they dont let down their awareness, but I guess they tought that it cant be a collective hysteria to see the same thing in front of you, they start to interact with the team and I guess that they are handling it pretty well.

"Well then, now that you know the truth, you have two choices stay or leave, what we do in this team is to deal with this kind of troubles, their kind is called Wesen and there are an incredible number of species of them around the world, the head of the government are aware of them but due to their numbers and that they are practically in every aspect of the world, well we coexisted with them for centuries and we are going to stay that way, the problem are that, not all of them are as civilized as my team, some of them do all kinds of illegal things from fraud through homicide and some of them get away 'cause the non wesen people dont know what they are dealing with"(Ian)

-"You are going to have a day to make a decision you might talk with the team to solve some of your questions, you will fully known about them if you decide to stay, now Nick come this way I need to talk with you." (Ian)

Nick and I went to another room I talk to Grace to see if she might send me some coffee and something to eat, she came with two cups of coffee and some cookies.

-"Well then where we are, umm yeah well you are a Grimm, a special person who possesses incredible powers, such as being able to see the true form of Wesen even when the Wesen don't want them to. For centuries, Grimms have taken it upon themselves to mediate and hunt the Wesen population that breaks the law to protect normal humans from the unknown threat around them, now If you want to know its a recessive genetic material that wakes up at certain age some wakes it earlier than others and its something that goes within your family for centuries, some of them got it and others dont."(Ian)

-"And what are you I mean all your team is wesen but I dont know what you are."(Nick)

-"Well Nick that's a little bit more complicated, as you know since the era where the royal empires where made as you know, all of them promote the polygamy for well their nefarious purposes but that cames with a price, a lot of wesen copulates with normal humans, its not usual, as they tend to make out with their same species, but that brings an issue and that is that the half humans appear, now the other issue is when wesens from other species also copulates with each other what makes to appear the hybrid wesen, regularly is really hard to this to happen but it happens so what I am going to say is that I am an hybrid as well as some of the guys in the team"(Ian)

-"Well that's crazy, it was enough knowing about normal wesen to now thinking about hybrids or half humans and well how did that work, also what kind of hybrid you are?"(Nick)

-"Well it just happen, most of the half humans or the hybrids are many times more dangerous than their pure forms, due to natural selection the best of both parts mix and makes a better child, the more common ones are the half humans and the maleability of the human bloodline usually makes the wesen side supress their disadvantages, lets say a wesen that easily gets angry the human bloodline supress all of his emotional outbreaks and their natural advantages usually increase."(Ian)

-"What about the Hybrids?"(Nick)

-"Well hybrids are nearly impossible to born, if their counterparts are way to different from each other its almost a 95% chance that they would never have an offspring, the catch is if they are from the same species then it depends, but they might have a 50% chance more or less to have a child, they are the most dangerous type of wesens, as well as the half humans most of their wesen deficiencies gets erased and their advantages increased immensely, the catch is that they usually have a random special trait"(Ian)

-"Special trait like what?"(Nick)

-"Well a year ago we take down an hybrid of a Fuchsteufelwild and a Königschlange that his dominant gene was of a Königschlange"(Ian),

-"I am new in this what are those wesens?"(Nick)

-"A Königschlange is a cobra like wesen with incredible senses, particularly smell and touch, they are sensitive to temperature and can detect weak vibrations. They are a living lie detector of sorts they also have sharp fangs that release a deadly toxin into whatever they puncture, and the Fuchsteufelwild is a goblin-like Wesen that his four fingers fuse into two razor sharp fingernails and a thicker thumb, his nails are semi-retractable and from them drips a highly corrosive acid that might even melt some metals."(Ian)

-"Wow talking about some dangerous shit those wesens can be pretty deadly"(Nick)

-"Yeah, now imagine a cobra like wesen that its poison not only is deadlier than the normal one but it also have a corrosive property, also he had claws that drips the same deadly corrosive posion"(Ian)

-"Jesus, that's just overkill, and what kind of hybrid you are?"(Nick)

-"I am telling you this only due to you have to deal with this even if you dont agree to became a part of the team, your life from now on is going to became a life full of the wesen people"(Ian)

-"Well I already decided to came to your team when you told me what I was and that what i have is not a condition"(Nick)

-"Perfect, well I am a Grimm like you and thats my dominant gene, my non dominant one is that i have Zauberbiest bloodline as well, they are a warlock-like Wesen that resembles a corpse, they usually have telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and some magic also they are adept to making concoctions and alchemic potions for many uses, now I am Grimm 2.0 in terms of physical capabilities, I have two special traits, first I cant woge at all into my Zauberbiest form and Grimms also cant force me to do it, second I am incredibly adept to magic, trait that is usually more incline in our female counterpart the hexenbiest"(Ian)