New members and first case.

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Final Stand" by Mark Petrie)

-"Damn so now we have magic, alchemy and stuff like telekinesis or pyrokinesis this is a crazy world"(Nick)

-"Yes it is, well now lets check out how Hank and Wu are doing"(Ian)

We came out of the office and Hank and Wu where talking with the guys they seems to became acquantainces pretty quickly.

-"Boss they already agreed to became a part of the team and we already present ourselves to them"(Grace)

-"Well perfect now, all of us live in the castle we are currently making a luxurious apartment in side the base with the help of some Eisbieber (beaver like wesen that are extremely adept to the construction and fixing things) you might bring your family or girlfriends there in about two weeks, usually in our kind of job some wesen are not happy about what we are doing so they may want to get revenge hurting some of our closed ones, all the area surrounding us is monitored so we cant be ambushed here so, think about it"(Ian)

Then they agreed to move to the base, Nick was thinking about it but when I talked about the possible revenge thing he decides to move here with Juliette, and we have a party for the new additions.

-"Now I am happy for our new additions to the team, now Wu is going to be part of the comms and hacking team you need to have an intense training to allowed you to be a pseudo operative, Hank is going to be part of the operational team but you need to have an intense combat training as well, Nick I am going to train you myself "(Ian)

-"Please let me explain how are our teams are made, we have the operational team that are in charge of facing the wesens head on and its conformed by: the hunters team that are in charge of building traps and making ambushes, hacking and comms teams that are in charge of destroying any kind of digital clues that our ops left behind, enter the security cameras or many devices and keeps track of our location and status during the ops, medic team that is in charge of dealing with any type of health issue along the ops, for us or for the neutralized enemy and the tank team that is used to handle a huge quantity of wesen enemies and focus on themselves their utmost quantity which allow us to eliminate their numbers quickly"(Ian)

Nick took two weeks to became a decent Grimm, Hank and Wu took a month to be a decent operation asset so I allowed them to begin in the nest case, Nick and Juliette as well as Hank and Wu move to the base apartment building, I called the team to the study cause we have a new case.

-"Team we have a series of disappearances of little girls that went through 3 months to today, this is Kelly and she have 2 days missing she have similar semblance to the other missing girls, now Cortana here looked through the cases and it says that the possibility of being a wesen case is of nearly 90%, we dont know which kind but due to its victims we might going to confront a Blutbad, Luison(wolf like wesen with the same capabilities of a Blutbad) or a Jägerbar"(Ian)

-"Now quickly go and get your equipment as soon as we got in the victims house Jaeden, Boone and Ty got her scent and track her when we have her approximated location we are going to use the drones to look with what we are dealing with"(Ian)

And so we did it, as soon as we got there Jaeden took a used sweater of the girl and walked out, for tracking ops we used 3 black, sturdier and quiet KTM 450 SX F, they quickly follow her scent, we start to go out of the city, and start to go near the Osbow Regional Park, Jaeden tolds me that he had her location, Ty and Boone study the surroundings and drop the drones.

In the Huron me and the guys saw the drone cameras and they activate the thermal vision, soon we saw that there are only 2 people in the house the bigger heat sign is the bad guy and a small heat sign underground it might be the girl.

-"Jaeden talk to me you or the guys got some scent that might give us a clue to what we are dealing with?"(Ian)

-"Yes boss, Ty is 100% sure that it is a Blutbad"(Jaeden)

-"Well then Grace, Nick and Sam any plans that you may have in mind I need three posible options"(Ian)

-"Boss you might send Kath to seduce him and to give us a chance to take him down"(Grace)

-"Or we might just knock his door show him our credential, apparently he is a postman and works around the area that the girl came from, then took a chance to take him down"(Nick)

-"Both of them are good options, letting Sarah seduce him might not work due to him consumming human meat he is more feral and that might affect his response to Sarah's powers, I choose Nick's idea me and him are going to pose as Portland detectives that are searching the girl due to his job area we want to know if he saw anything suspicious, now Sam give me a letal version of the mission just in case"(Ian)

-"Boss the close version is already covered by you and Nick, but in case it gets dangerous Luke is going to stand waiting for the shoot with his sniper, all of us are going to surround the house in case he escapes"(Sam)

-"Sounds good lets get this guy to the purgatory ASAP I have a nice surprise for him , I hate when these fuckers kills a child, now Nick and I are going to make contact all get in your positions"(Ian)

Nick and I get out of the huron and approach the house, then we knocked the door and wait until it finally opened.

-"Yes officers what can I do for you"(Random Blutbad)

-"Excuse me we are the officers in charge of the girl dissapereance, you know that the first 48 hours are crucial so we get to know that you were the postman in charge of that area may we enter to talk if you remember seeing anyone suspicious around the zone"(Ian)

-"Of course came in, well now that you talked about it I seem to saw a watch maker guy that day that give me the creeps let me looking for pen and paper to give you his direction"(Random Blutbad)

As soon as he gives me the direction, he turns around I punch his scruff and kick his lower body making him go down the floor as soon as he starts to change I hit him in the head hardly knocking him off, Nick quickly goes for the kid and get her in the Huron, Mark cuffed the guy with special handcuffes for wesen and he throws him in the prison side of the armored vehicle Mark, Jaeden and Ty are on watch. Hank and Grace are going to left the child in her house.

Nick and I want to go to the direction that the guy gave us some wesen told us that he is a good guy but we need to confirm it, and so we go to his house, this guy is called Monroe a blutbad, he is well known in the wesen community, ith might be pretty useful to have him around also he is the max level of brohood that one can ever wish, I knocked the door and wait until Monroe opened the door.

-"Hi there, we can come in? I need help with some watch maintanance I have a Duc D'Orleans Breguet Sympathique that needs some cleaning they told me that you are the best watchmaker in Oregon"(Ian)

-"Shut it!! You have an Duc D'Orleans Breguet Sympathique please come in I insist. let me prepare some tea"(Monroe)

-"Now we are talking about thanks Monroe"(Ian)

Monroe goes and take out some tea, we start to talk about watches and then classic music, I also told them that I play the violin and he tolds me that he plays the cello we scheduled a day to him to come in and look to my watch and playing a little bit.

The next weekend Monroe cames to the castle and its amazed with all the building and their art paintings and knight statues, Monroe also smelled Ty scent and woge in front of Nick and I.

-"Wait there I am a good blutbad dont hurt me, I never saw a Grimm up close and there are two in front of me, I was thinking that I was her to fix the clock but If you want I may go"(Monroe)

-"Dont worry Monroe you are here for that, we are not going to hurt you I also have a proposition for you, my name is Ian Michaels I am an FBI agent and Nick is part of my team, we are part of the Wesen Justiz from the human side and we are interested in you giving us tips or information due to you being a renowned member of the wesen community here in Portland"(Ian)

-"Well I dont particularly mind about it and you seem to be good people also the Wesen Justiz is an honorable profession that helps the community to stay hidden from the world and gives proper justice for the wesen transgressions, if the pay is good and you let me coming to the castle often then I am in"(Monroe)

-"Perfect, the pay is remarcably good and you can come here whenever you want, also due to you becoming a part of the team you might actually came to live here free of charge even I might built you a watchmaker station here if you want"(Ian)

-"What a great idea, if we think about it If the wesen community knows that i am helping you there are some wesens that might hate me for it so the safest way is living here also I have to say I loved the castle"(Monroe)

-"Hahahaha and this are only the tip of the iceberg Monroe came her I am going to walk around the castle with you"(Ian)

I show him all the facilities and make Cortana to add his biomethric signatures to let him have easy access to the facilities, he is like a child with a bunch of candies and quickly moves in to the castle.