Alarming family reunion.

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Inspire" by Gargantuan Music)

In the castle everyone is having training when we are not in a case, from shooting to martial arts to wesen powers usage, at last a lot of us do the holographic training in a variety of situations and Cortana helped us in the material way with her cyborgs, this helped us to quickly plan how to deal with them efficiently in this scenarios we have two categories, individual and team operations.

Tonight we have to deal with an issue, Nick wants to tell Juliette about the wesens he wants to marry her, I already told him about the probable consequences of doing it thankfully I have some potion that makes her forget about the last hours, also if they completely freak out then I might shoot her an Axi and then injecting the potion easily.


A.N: I decided to not have Juliette in the Harem due to its being incredibly complicated on how that's going to work and tha armony of the team if that happens, Adalind obviously might going to be the left out of the equation so she might going to be part of the harem.


So we left this to show her an Eisbiber and Kath (in her wesen form she is visually appealing and not scary), then gradually show her more wesens, Juliette and all of us are in the dinner room Nick starts to telling her what he knows about the wesen, Juliette starts to mildly freak out thinking that Nick might not be mentally good but she also glares at us like expecting us to helped her or antagonizing Nick, next Nick says that he can prove it, then the Eisbieber and Kath woge in front of her, then she take some steps back from them but seeing that they are not trying to harme her and that they are not that scary she approach Kath.

-"Wow so there are many wesen like her, I mean she is drop gorgeous both ways"(Juliette)

-"Hahaha what a sweety, thanks but I am pretty rare type of wesen"(Kath)

Next to that Juliette start asking questions and all of us try to answer them the best we can, Nick told her that me and him are Grimms and that the reason he can avoid having wesen issues from now on, Juliette says that she needs time to process it but that she is okay and that she loves him, she also told him that she was worried becuase he is starting to acting weird and she tought that he might be cheating on her and that she was glad that was not the case.

Now Juliette is a pretty good Veterinarian so the wesen world just makes a click on her and she ask if she works in the medic bay and if she can read the books in the tower, I of course allowed her to do it, increasing then one more person to the medic team with me and Sarah.

This have major repercussions to the original cannon story but well if you are a reincarnator and stay with the cannon story you are a mediocre being, I intended to change the cannon story for what I think its good.


In the other part of the city a woman sneakily enter Nick's old house but she saw how it is all empty so she calls Nick.

-"Nicky I am in Portland and I came to visit you but I saw that you werent in your house"(Marie)

-"Aunt Marie sorry about that I am staying somewhere else so I will send you the location"(Nick)


-"Well we dont have any problem with your aunt coming here, but just you know some are a little bit nervous your aunt is a legendary and ruthless Grimm"(Ian)

-"Really, now that you are talking about it that makes total sense all those times that she usually went out home and came back late and sometimes she cames hurt"(Nick)

Marie follows the GPS and cames to our base all the surrounding of the base have a 10 meter electric fence powered by high voltage, I make a clean reactor that power the castle, the fence and the prison, the entrance to the base have a watchtower that usually have an armed guy, this time was Levi and the entrance door was a thick 5cm tungsten/steel alloy plate, Levi let Marie enter the base and she she takes the road to the castle.

Nick and I was already waiting for her outside the castle when she parks her van she goes out and start walking with a cane, she doesnt looks fine at all, If I have to say I would say that she might have cancer, but she stills walks like she was in perfect state, this woman is a badass.

-"Hi there Nicky, be a sweetie and go for my luggage, I would like to talk with your friend here Mr..."(Marie)

-"Michaels mam, my name is Ian Michaels"(Ian)

-"Oh Michaels, are you related with Frank and Lily Michaels dear?"(Marie)

-"Of course mam, they were my adoptive parents they died about 5 years ago"(Ian)

-"Oh sweetheart I heard about them, actually I was looking for you but your neighbor told me that you were on the special forces and that you might not come back in a while, I was a good friend of your parents they told me about your condition, how are you?"(Marie)

-"As good as I can be mam, you know dealing with what life throw at us, these years the world is getting more active in the wesen world me and my team are handling the best we can but the increasing cases are alarming"(Ian)

-"I know kid the royals, revolutionaries and even the crazy ones are becoming a pain in the ass, thankfully I was not going to keep my head down in all of this, so I got a list of some good personnel around my travels, I am going to left that with you, see what you can do with them"(Marie)

-"Thanks for that mam, I am sure that if they got the eye of the great Marie "The Judge" Kessler then they will be at least remarcable assets, what we may need the most right now are some of our kind, I talked with the WJH(Wesen Justiz Headquarters) and it appears that a great number of cases and wesens are increasing/coming to Oregon, I need more of us to light our weight"(Ian)

-"That's alarming, I might know why they are coming let's talk inside but dont worry child I will talk with some old friends to help you out"(Marie)

-"Thanks a lot mam, also I may have something to help your condition, just go to the medic bay while me and the team regroup to hear what you have to say"(Ian)

We just regroup in the study and wait for Marie to came out of the medic bay, around half an hour later she cames in walsking with a medical infusion wheelstand, she sit down in the sofa while Nick help her out, then she just start to glare to my team and then she starts to talk.

-"Well kid you have a nice team also it has a remarcable variety of well trained wesens are you sure that they are clean?"(Marie)

-"Dont worry about it they are trustworthy I even gave them to drink an ancient Treue Zaubertrank (alchemic potion that makes the subject tell the truth and also show you the loyalty if the subject loyalty is not in you and he means something bad for you then the potion will knocked the subject)"(Ian)

-"Then there wouldnt be any issues, the reason why there are an increase in the number of wesen cases and more wesens coming to Oregon, there are 3 possibilities for that the first one the royal families may be her for me and wanted to take one of the Grimm Keys, like this one"(Marie)

Marie takes out a pendant with a Grimm Key from her neck.

-"In the legend 15 Grimm crusaders that were working with the royals, betrayed their masters and escaped with what it seems to be an object that have so much power, that the one having it will practically be this world owner, there are 15 of these keys that were made and each of this keys have a map to an ancient dungeon with many traps and dangers, at the treasure room of each dungeon, they will have some riches, valuable and unique objects as well as ancient weapons and all the books of each of those Grimms, at the center of it there is a sarcofagous, but be aware that this is the most dangerous room in the dungeon, if you succeed in approaching the sarcofagous you will need Grimm's blood to open it and inside will be a part of a map that will eventually lead you to the location of the power object"(Marie)

-"Well that was awfully descriptive you know how do you know this?"(Ian)

-"I know this because I have one, practically allmost all of my team died inside there, only three of us survived and we came in with 50, I hate that we enter it with a little information most of them were Grimms so that day we all commit a sin diminishing some Gimm lines, in the cover of the sarcofagous there was a legend that says that you would need all the parts to known the exact location to the Grimm's Vault and some clues that were only available to see to our kind, to my knowledge is the only one that has been opened"(Marie)

-"Explendid, It explains then how all the Grimm families broke their ties with the Royal families"(Monroe)

-"But then it leaves how the royal families get to know about the keys in the first place"(Ian)

-"Nice brain kid, that would be my fault one of the survivors was an spy of the Royal families and he told them about the keys and what they are guarding it all happened 37 years ago"(Marie)

-"Wait I recalled that my parents told me that around that time, it was publicly speaking that the Grimms were not trusted for the wesen community and some rumors were spread to diminish all the balance and justice that the Grimm's bring to becoming the monsters of our world"(Monroe)

-"It was a well use of their handling in the wesen community put the very same community in our backs, when we wanted to do something about it the damage was already done and it was irreparable"(Marie)

-"And the other possibilities auntie?"(Nick)

-"There are an increase in the revolutionary side, the royals are actively hunting for their leaders and Oregon has always been a Wesen Eden (place that is normally neutral and it becames a focus in wesen migration during the conflicts, curiously that also attracts the royals and revolutionaries to act in those places but they only do some low key operations not like outside the Wesen Edens where its a freaking war)"(Marie)

-"It makes totally sense if there are more conflict between both sides that Portland have an increase in wesen migration due to that"(Monroe)

-"The last thing that might be and if its that then that would be really bad news, a couple of years ago I and some friend took out some wesen group that were picking on other wesens that were good with the human community and some of them have some dealings with a Grimm, apparently this group is called Black Claw and they are a world organization that wants to show their true selves to the humans and bring back all the ancient rituals sacrifices and old wesen ways, they dont hesistate to kill anyone that goes in their way, bunch of crazy fanatics that thinks that being wesen gives them the chance to being above others"(Marie)

-"If thats the case then we might have a trouble, Grace come here, I need anyone in this list monitored and if they are good material for the team proceed with their recruitment, but first we will give them a Treue Zaubertrank to all of them"(Ian)

-"Im on my way boss, are there any priorities to the recruitment order?"(Grace)

-"Prioritize the Grimm recruitments, followed by the hybrid and half human wesens, go first for the near ones, for the ones that are far way send some WJ agents in other estates the order so that they make contact and send them to us the fastest way possible"(Ian)

-"Now sweetheart I want to talked about something else I have a squad of Verat Assasins on my tail would you be a sweetie and deal with them I am indisposed with this medicine of yours"(Marie)

-"Of course Ms Kessler, guy red protocol we might have some Verat assasins coming this way, Cortana upgrade the perimeter and keep on watch for any eventualities in the surroundings, guy I want you fully armed because we know that there are many varieties of wesen in their assassin division lets take out the big guys and tungsten ammo I dont want to take risks"(Ian)