Weapons (Firearms and melee).

The normal weapons that we carry are:

-Sig Sauer P226 XM(eXtremely Modified) specially modified by me and Cortana it allows with an special alloy to be light and extremely resistant also we modify it to use .44 ammunition instead of 9mm that give us the necessary penetration, and it have as well 15 ammo magazine available fulled with .44 ammunition, special osprey silencer made of the same alloy that makes it the best silencer for covert operations I and Cortana make so that even Wesens cant hear the sound that it makes until its too late.

-KaBar knife with runewords.

-Black Throwing Spikes with runeswords, specially me and Sarah due to our telekinesis abilities we used them a lot when we are dealing with a lot of foes to reduce their numbers as quickly as possible.

-SCAR H is an assault riffle that have 900meters of useful range, fuelled by 7.62mm ammunition it might be attached a grenade launcher

-Barrett M82 is a .50caliber sniper rifle commonly used to penetrate armored vehicles/constructions.

-Flokethrower is an invented firearm by Ian, that shoots a dangerous shot of chemical fire as well as a directed shot of smoke.

Smoke grenade, greande that explodes a huge quantity of smoke this is used to cover the team retired troops or take down incredible quantities of bees.

Enchanted Katana is a masamune Katana that's enchanted making it even sharper, heavier, also extremely durable and sturdy.

War hammer as it seems a medieval war hammer that is enchanted

Claymore as it seems a claymore that has been encanted.