Night Out

It had been a couple days since the brunch. Damon had let me get the things from my mother's house that I wanted. I took all of the makeup I had and come clothes of my own. I also made sure to take the picture I had of my mom and me that was on my nightstand. He wasn't too thrilled when I grabbed the items I took with me from Justin's but when I explained that I needed to ship them off as I had sold them he didn't care as much.

I had finished dropping off my packages with the sold clothing to be sent out. I decided to go get a coffee and check in on Julie. I hadn't been back since the Thursday night I spent with Damon and today was now Tuesday. I didn't want her to be worried something had happened to me. I approached the spot where the prostitutes were at, standing next to the dumpster was Julie.

"Hey." She smiled.

I had gotten an extra coffee and handed it to her. "I was hoping you would be out here but wasn't sure with how early it was."

She chuckled, "I'm almost always here Kay. What happened to you? It's been a few days, I was wondering if you had given up."

"You know that guy who picked me up and gave me the $100 for just sitting in his car?" I was referring to the encounter she had witnessed with Damon.

She nodded, "yeah."

"That was Damon Tipton, Justin's uncle." I responded.

"The Damon Tipton?" Her eyes were wide in surprise.

"Yes, I explained to him the relationship Justin and I shared. He decided he and I should have one of our own. He put $100,000 for my mom's care so I didn't refuse." I explained further.

"So are you like his girlfriend then?" She asked.

I bit my lip. "Not exactly. He's called me his woman, I'm only there to please him as needed."

Julie sighed, "well, that's safer than being out here. Just be careful okay. We don't need another Justin situation."

"I know." I nodded. "Hey, why don't we go out tonight. Take a night off."

"I can't do that Kay, I need the money." She frowned.

I looked in my purse at the money I had made from selling the clothes. Everything had finished selling so I was sitting on a good $2,000. I could've gotten more since they weren't exactly cheap items but I didn't want to keep them hanging around. With Damon providing me everything I didn't need all off of the money. I took out $1,500 and handed it Julie. "I'll just buy you for the whole day then." I smiled.

Her eyes were big again. "Kay, I can't take this from you."

"It's fine. Just please hang out with me. I haven't been out with a friend in so long." I practically was begging for her to take it.

After giving in she finally nodded. "Okay."

"I've got some things I've got to do, but go get yourself ready and then we'll meet up." I smiled.

I walked down the street after my conversation with Julie and called for Cody to come take me home. Damon told me no more ubers, they could be dangerous. Plus Cody was the only driver authorized to enter the gates. He pulled up in minutes, he had already been in the city from dropping me off at the post office. I had made him go entertain himself while I got coffee and talked with Julie.

The drive again was silent, Cody was definitely not a talker. He was very intimidating and I think he liked it that way. He had short brown hair and a muscular build. He practically towered over me. He also seemed to constantly keep a straight face. Damon sent him out with me in case I needed any assistance, no one would want to mess with Cody.

We returned to the house and I made my way up to my room. Damon had told me he will be gone either really late or overnight for work so I felt it was a perfect opportunity to go out with Julie. I found a black dress from the closet with silver sequins, I paired it with some black heels to match. I decided to let my hair flow in its natural waves today. I did a dark purple eyeshadow and finished off my look with a lipstick to match.

I figured that Julie and I could get some dinner first and then go to a club. I exited from my room and went down the stairs. "Where are you off to Ms. Bush?" Rose asked.

"I'm just going out with my friend. I'll be back in a little while." I answered her. I was supposed to relay my whereabouts to her per Damon's request.

I called for Cody before I had headed down, he met me in the car. "Where to?" He asked.

I provided Julie's address and we drove to her apartment. Everywhere I wanted to go would be a walk from her place so I told Cody that I would call him when I was ready to go home. He drove off and I made my way into the building to find the correct apartment number. When I finally reached it I knocked and waited for her to answer.

"Hey." She smiled as she opened the door. I noticed immediately she seemed a little more relaxed compared to our encounter earlier today.

"Hey, I figured we could get a bite to eat and then go out, is that okay?" I asked.

"Absolutely, let's go!" She had excitement in her voice.

We made our way down the stairs and went to a Chinese restaurant that was next door. Julie got lo mien and I got a chicken dish that had strawberry sauce on it. We ate our food and used the time to just talk with each other. "How's your mom?" Julie asked.

"She's good. How are things going with school?" I responded.

Julie was going to college, she didn't have family to help pay and didn't have the grades in school for a scholarship. She had been mixed up with the wrong crowd and that got her into the prostitution. She was now using it as a way to get through school so she could quit. When I was with Justin I couldn't visit with her, to him it looked bad. It was nice to be able to feel like I had a friend again.

"It's good, just one more semester and I'll be good." She smiled.

After we ate, we went to a club that was a couple blocks away. We got ourselves a drink and made our way to the dancefloor. It was nice to just let loose. A few guys did try to come talk with us but we ignored them. It was just a night for us girls and I wasn't supposed to associate with other males that tried to flirt by Damon's orders.

We spent a few hours dancing and having some drinks, but we made sure we weren't going to end up drunk. I took my phone out of my bag I had brought, it was 11:30 PM. Julie and I decided to call it a night. We walked back to her place where I had Cody pick me up. He was again quiet the whole drive.

Once we got into the garage I got out of the car and proceeded to head to my room. I opened the doors and was surprised to see Damon sitting on my bed. The look he had was far from welcoming. "You're late." His tone was stern.

"I'm sorry. I thought you weren't going to be back, so I went out with my friend Julie. I lost track of time." I answered, I had no reason to lie about my whereabouts. I didn't think it would matter that I was late because he told me he wouldn't be back and if he was it wouldn't be til later anyway.

"I was late coming back, but I was also testing you Kaydence." There was a flash of darkness in his eyes. He stood up and removed his belt, "Are you ready for your first punishment?"