The Punishment

I felt fear with Damon for the first time, I had forgotten about my curfew we agreed on. I really didn't think it would've mattered with him being gone, but clearly it did. "Damon, I'm sorry. It was an honest mistake." I spoke.

He gave a smirk, but his icy blue eyes had a darkness in them. "I did hear you did turn away the males who tried to get your attention." His hand was caressing my cheek. "For that I will take it slightly down a notch on your punishment."

"Can't you just let me off this once? This is still a new arrangement for me." I pleaded.

"Kaydence, we had an agreement. You broke one of my rules. If I let you off the hook that would make me a liar about punishing you for disobedience. I can't have that." he responded.

I swallowed the lump that was in my throat. I didn't know exactly where Cody had been when I was with Julie. The comment Damon made meant he had eyes on me when I was gone, my guess is Cody was here for than just driving me around. I sighed, "what do you want me to do?"

"Well, for starters I want you in just your bra and underwear. Strip down. Now." His tone was dark and stern.

This is what I agreed to, so there was no reason to fight. I removed my shoes and my dress as he had requested. "Done." I spoke quietly. "Remember, you promised to not hit me."

For a moment his dark look disappeared. He held my chin with his thumb and finger, forcing me to look into his eyes. "You don't need to remind me. I know what I promised." He planted a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded in response. I trusted he would keep his promise but I was still afraid of what this punishment would entail.

He pointed to a corner in the room. "Go stand there, don't move until I tell you."

I had a questionable look on my face, "seriously?"

The darkness had taken over his face once more. "Go."

Without hesitating I made my way to the corner like he had picked out. I stood there with my back facing Damon. I could feel his eyes glued to me as he approached me from behind. He grabbed my wrists and tied them together behind my back with the belt he had removed earlier. He came closer, pushing into my back. I could feel his erection as he planted a few kisses on my shoulder.

He pulled away and sat in an armchair a few feet away. I could feel his eyes glued to my back. I felt like a child in time out. He wasn't being violent with his punishment, which I was grateful for. However this felt degrading, I hated standing here with him just watching me. I didn't want to ask how long I needed to stand here, I felt like speaking would just make this all worse.

I lost track of time, it felt like I had been standing here for hours even if it was just minutes. My legs were getting tired and my arms were getting sore from being tightly bound behind my back. I let out a sigh, the first noise I dared to make since being in this position. To my surprise Damon came and let my hands go. He then proceeded to turn me around to look at him.

"Are you ready for the next part of your punishment?" He asked.

"There's more?" I groaned.

"Of course. When I came home, at about eleven and noticed you were still gone I had Rose draw a bath. It was warm but considering that was about an hour and a half ago, I suppose it has to be cold by now." responded. I almost had a sigh of relief until he spoke once more. "Get naked and go get in." He motioned at my bathroom door.

It was pointless to try to fight back, so again I did as I was told. I removed my bra and panties and made my way to the bathroom. Damon followed behind me. Before I got into the tub I turned and looked at him. "How long am I going to be in here?" I asked.

He smirked, "Until I say so. Now get in."

Another sigh escaped my lips. I made my way to the bathtub that had been filled with water. My feet went in first and stung at the cold, the water had definitely lost it's warmth. I slid my body into the water further until I was finally settled. I tried to hide my discomfort but it wasn't working very well.

Damon took it a step further, he turned on the air conditioning. "Are you serious right now?" I asked, frustration in my tone.

"Don't move until I come back, if you've moved we'll start over." He turned his back to me and exited the bathroom and shut the door.

I was just left alone with my thoughts. His punishment may not have been physical violence but it was definitely messing with me mentally. I went from standing in the corner like a child to freezing my ass off. Thanks to the adding of the air conditioner, any time I moved any part of me from the cold water it got even colder with the air. I held my arms close to my chest in hopes that some type of warmth would come.

It didn't though, I could feel myself shivering. It felt like eternity sitting here. Justin had never done anything like this. He was just abusive with his words and the physical at the end. I couldn't decide which was worse. Damon had atleast been upfront that I would face punishment if I didn't play by his rules. He also had yet to lay a hand on my for my 'disobedience' as he put it.

I could've tried to be sly and add warm water but if he heard the water run I would just be here longer. He had been smart and removed the towels from my bathroom. If I got out it wouldn't be any better than the cold I was facing now. Even if I wanted to look for something if he was paying attention I'm sure he would hear the noise of me exiting and getting into the bath.

I don't know where he had run off to while I endured this punishment. For all I knew he could be sitting in my room til he had decided time was up. Another reason to not risk having to do this over. I was exhausted and I just wanted to get this done so I could go to bed. That's all I had wanted to do since returning from my night out.

The punishment was draining my energy. My body was fighting hard to try to produce something to make my situation better but had yet to be successful. My eyes felt heavy and wanted to close. I was fighting it though. I knew there was no way I'd be able to sleep with the current conditions. It also would be a dumb idea to even attempt a nap in a bathtub. This was bad but I didn't want to drown.

I caved into closing my eyes for a moment, trying to take my mind somewhere else to get through this punishment. The water and the air however kept reminding me of where I was. In return I was struggling to relax. I opened my eyes when the bathroom door had come open. Damon entered with a towel.