Let Me Take Care Of You

"Have you learned the importance of being home on time?" He asked.

I nodded. "Y-Yes." My teeth chattered as I spoke.

"Very well then, you can get out." He held open the towel.

He wrapped me up as I exited. The towel had been ran in a dryer to provide extra warmth for me. He had the water drain while we exited the bathroom, he was holding me close. "H-How long w-was I i-in there?" I asked him.

"An hour, I wasn't going to allow it past that. Any longer and your body would've become too weak from the the temperature of the water." He explained. He began to remove his shirt and his pants.

"Damon, I-i'm really not i-in the mood." I had a pleading look in my eyes.

He chuckled, "Love, I know. You don't have the energy for me to fuck you. But we need to get your body temperature back to normal." He was standing in dark grey boxers.

I nodded in response, thankful that it seemed the punishment was over.

He laid down on the purple sheets and motioned for me to join him. I just wanted to sleep at this point. I dropped the towel and laid down next to him, chest to chest. His arms wrapped around my naked body as he pulled me into his warm embrace. His hands moved up and down my back to help warm me up. I could still feel myself shivering but not as much compared to when I exited the bathroom.

We didn't speak, we just sat in silence. I didn't know what to say after going through all that. My mind was blank. I felt myself getting warmer and warmer, the shivers subsiding. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

When I had woken up it was light outside, and Damon had left my room at some point. I realized I was still naked and hurried to get some clothes on before he came back or before Rose came in. I settled on a pair of grey sweatpants and a light blue tank top. I coughed and could feel congestion in my nose. I was clearly still feeling the effects of the punishment.

I got back into bed, not ready to leave the room. Not only did I feel terrible physically but I felt the same mentally. I would be lying if I said I didn't have any anger towards Damon over last night, but I did understand I agreed to his terms. He didn't have to be so harsh for me just being late.

What concerned me was he mentioned he was taking it down notch. I didn't even want to know what the full punishment would have been. Making me feel like a child and freezing my ass off was more than enough for me. The only way to prevent it would be to make sure I followed his rules exactly how he set them. I didn't want to go through this again.

My thoughts were interrupted by Damon entering my room. I chose to ignore his presence. I didn't want to deal with whatever he was coming to bug me about. I brought the blanket over my head to avoid eye contact as well. I knew if I spoke my anger might come out giving me an attitude and I was not ready to risk any further punishment.

He chuckled at the sight of me in the blankets. I felt a spot next to me press down in the mattress, he was sitting on the bed. He pulled the blankets to reveal my face. "How are you this morning?" He asked.

"I don't feel great, thanks to you." I responded. I couldn't help but have an annoyed tone.

He had a smug look on his face. "Well now you know not to be late again."

And with that sentence my anger could no longer be contained. "Excuse me! I'm sorry I went out to enjoy myself and forgot about the time! You didn't have to be a sadistic asshole and degrade me like that!" I shouted in his face. Half of me was scared at what he would do in response and half of me just didn't care.

A smirk grew on his lips. He brought his face to mine so our noses were touching. "I'll let the attitude slide today because you don't feel good. And you're cute when you're mad." He pulled his face away from mine.

I rolled my eyes, but thankful there was no other punishment coming. "Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?" It was nearly noon, he should've been at the office.

"I worked late last night to avoid going this morning. I figured I was either going to come home and fuck you or I was going to punish you. The decision was left up to your actions." he explained. "Plus my work today is meeting with some clients at a charity dinner, so I will be out later."

Rose entered my room with a bowl of soup, she left as quick as she came to avoid any interruption. I sat myself up against a pillow "You need to eat." he spoke as he took a spoon full and brought it to my lips.

"I can feed myself." I responded.

"Shut up and let me take care of you." He was clearly a little annoyed with me, but it was his own fault I felt the way I did.

I rolled my eyes and let him feed me the soup. There was no point to fight back, I felt weak and was hungry. If this was the only way I'd get some food into my stomach then so be it. The soup was delicious, there were vegetables, bits of chicken and then some noodles. Rose knew how to cook that's for sure.

After I had eaten, Damon told me he wanted me to stay in bed today so I would feel better tomorrow, hopefully. I didn't have any problem doing what he asked, I was more than happy to do a whole lot of nothing. Rose was given the task of checking up on me from time to time. Damon was so serious about me staying in bed that when Rose came in when I was getting up to go to the bathroom I was almost scolded by her until I told her what I was doing.

Hours passed, I killed time on my phone and watched the TV that was in the room. I had even called and talked to my mother for about an hour or two. With her immune system not being great due to the cancer I didn't want to see her until I was better incase I had actually gotten some sort of sickness. I told my mom everything usually, but I still hadn't told her about my involvement with Damon. I sure as hell didn't let her know I had been selling myself to pay her bills. I didn't want to disappoint her.

I had fallen asleep at some point after Rose brought me another bowl of soup for dinner. I was finally feeling a little better, my body had more strength than it did a few hours ago. It was about 11 PM and I decided I wanted a snack. From my understanding Rose went to her own room around 10:30, I didn't want to interrupt her to get me something when I could do it myself. I exited my room quietly, unsure if Damon had returned from his dinner.

I crept down the stairs and found some cookies in the kitchen pantry. I took a few and headed back towards my room. I hid myself against the wall of the staircase, keeping myself hidden as the front door had opened. Damon was just getting in. I heard a giggle that was way to feminine for him. "Oh Mr. Tipton, won't you let me come to your room?" A woman spoke seductively.

"No. Your cab is here. Go." His tone was stern with her.

The woman sighed, "Whatever." was the last thing I heard from her before the living room door closed.

Damon walked towards the stairs and stopped. "Come out Kaydence.�� Damn he was good, I thought I had concealed myself enough.

I stepped out from hiding. "I wanted a snack and felt more than capable of getting it myself."

"I see that." He glanced at the cookies in my hands.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"An escort, I hired her to go to dinner with me." he responded, then a smirk appeared. "Are you jealous?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No." I scoffed. But that was slightly a lie, I did feel a tiny bit jealous when she spoke with him. I didn't know why, I was just here to please Damon and I knew that. But the jealousy was new to me, I hadn't felt jealous about Justin and his girls. I barely knew Damon and our agreement was only a few days old, why would I feel jealous about this?