I Just Want To Talk

"What's new?" Mom asked as I entered the hospital room.

I had taken an extra day to fully feel like myself since Damon's punishment. I felt good enough though that I was able to visit and with how fast it took I wasn't sick just recovering from him. She had been moved to a much nicer room than she had. The change of room had to be Damon's doing, I didn't even know it happened til the nurse told me when I checked in. This room seemed a little more cozy, especially for someone who was going to be here for a little while. "Not much. This is quite the upgrade." I spoke looking around the room.

"I mean it's still a hospital room. I do like that it is a little bigger and the walls are more of a cream color rather than white. Plus I have this window I can look out of now." She pointed to the window on her left that overlooked a little bit of the city. "How'd you do it?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She looked me dead in the eyes. "This is a room more for a rich person. Either you did something or that Justin is trying to get in your good graces again."

I sighed, I had to come clean about Damon. "I've gotten involved with Justin's uncle, Damon Tipton."

"What do you mean involved?" She asked, probing for more information.

"Mom. Justin I broke up because he hit me." I started, I didn't want to give her more of the details about Justin but I felt it was necessary to share to explain my situation with Damon. "His uncle Damon witnessed it, he checked on me once or twice after and I told him about your situation. He wanted to help and figured he could pull some strings to get you into a nicer room." I explained. I was not about to tell her what I had to do in return.

She nodded. "Justin hit you, that little prick is lucky I'm stuck in the hospital."

"It's okay." I reassured her. "I'm fine, I'm just glad it's over with him."

"As long as you're okay." I knew she felt bad she couldn't really be there for me being stuck in the hospital. She had been worried about me taking care of myself since she got admitted.

"I promise, I'm doing fine." I smiled.

I was leaving the hospital when my phone had buzzed. I received a text message from a number I was not familiar with. "Meet me at the coffee shop in fifteen." It read. I wasn't sure who it was, but out of curiosity I decided to go and find out. I called Cody and had him take me to my destination.

I walked inside, scanning for any familiar faces to see who it could be. "Kaydence." A voice I had only heard once before spoke.

I turned in the direction of it, my eyes meeting Victoria's. She either had money herself or she was still with Justin judging by the quality of her clothing. I made my way over to her and took a seat at her table. "What do you want?" I asked.

She smiled. "I just want to talk."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I figured that. About what?"

The smile had been removed from her face, replaced by a serious look. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing. I know Justin left you and now you're screwing his uncle. You should leave his family alone, you were no longer part of it when he dumped you."

I chuckled at her words. Clearly Justin was brainwashing this poor girl to make me be the bad guy. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"He told me everything." She tried to be intimidating. "He told me how he tried to help you but you couldn't stop selling yourself, like you were addicted to sex. He told me how you made him look bad to his family, how you made him feel ashamed of you." She folded her arms across her chest.

"Well, did he tell you about the women he'd bring home to have sex with, not caring if I was home or not?" I asked.

She thought to herself for a moment. "He said he had to do that because you refused to sleep with him. It's not his fault that you pushed him into the arms of others."

"You really have no idea who he is." I responded to her comment.

"Look, if you refuse to stop being with his uncle we're going to be seeing alot more of each other. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Justin no longer wants you. It's me and him. Okay?" Her brown eyes looked at me as if I had taken something valuable of hers.

"Well, if we're going to be on the same page, let's make something clear. I'm not your competition when it comes to that asshole. I do not want him, whatever he's told you is a lie. I could probably tell you exactly everything he did to me but you'd be so blinded by your lust for him that none of it would register." I felt bad for this girl getting herself involved with Justin, but now she was just being a bitch. There was no reason for her to even come and talk with me other than she felt threatened.

She smirked. "You're just mad that he found someone else so quick."

Again, I rolled my eyes. "I'm Damon's now. This whole thing you're trying to do isn't necessary. Justin can go fall off the face of the world and I wouldn't be phased."

"You know he started to see me before he dumped you right? He left you for me." She acted like she had won some great prize.

"What do you want me to say? Congratulations?" I asked. "I really don't care."

She seemed more irritated about how unbothered I was being. I meant every word though. I didn't care what Justin did, I was away from him and that was what I wanted. I didn't care about the fact she was seeing him before I left him. He was a manwhore, I knew that so I would've been more surprised if he had actually waited til we were over to get a new girlfriend.

My phone had received another text message. This time it was from Damon. "My office now." I read. I glanced back up to Victoria who was still thinking about a way to respond to my last comment.

"Is there anything else? I have some place I need to be." My question broke her out of her thoughts.

"Just leave us alone." Was all she could say.

"Honey, I wasn't even doing anything. You and Justin need to realize the world doesn't revolve around you. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go pay your boyfriend's boss a visit. In case you need a reminder, I'm the woman of his superior. Contact me again for a petty manner like this and I can assure you Damon will handle it accordingly. Just like he did with Justin in Martin's home last week." It was probably petty to bring up Damon being Justin's boss but this girl just wouldn't let it go. I wasn't going to allow Justin to bully me through her.

Victoria nodded in response.

I got up and started for the door, I turned around though before I had gotten too far. "You can reach out to me when he turns on you. When he hits you, if you need help don't hesitate. You have my number." And with that I left for Damon's office. I knew it was a matter of time before Victoria ended up in my same position a few weeks ago.