More Than Enough Privacy

"You wanted to see me?" I spoke as I walked into Damon's office.

"Yes. Sit down." Damon instructed while looking up from a stack of papers he was going through.

"What did you want?" I asked.

"Have you had any lunch?" Damon responded.

"No." I answered, "can you tell me why I'm here?"

"I wanted to see you. And there's something we should discuss." He pulled the phone on his desk to his ear and dialed a number. "Yes, Stacey send one of the assistants to get me lunch." He spoke and waited for a response. "Two house salads with dressing from my usual." He hung up the phone after that.

"What do you want to discuss?" I asked.

"Next week I have an event I need to make an appearance at. You will be going with me." He smirked.

"I thought I was just here to please, not to go to events. Is one of your escorts too busy?" I rolled my eyes. I was still a little irritated from my punishment a few days ago, therefore containing my attitude with him was difficult.

He chuckled, "It would please me if you came. Now it's not up for debate. I will be leaving tonight for a business trip. I might be gone until next Thursday."

"Okay, and?" I responded.

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. "Mr. Tipton, your lunch is here." his secretary spoke from the other side.

"Bring it in." He responded.

His secretary Stacey entered, she was in about her thirty's. She was dressed very professionally and had her red hair pulled tightly up into a ponytail. She brought in a bag that held the food. She exited and Damon removed one of the salads placing it in front of me and the other in front of himself.

We continued our conversation as we ate. "While I'm gone my rules still apply. If you do not follow them then your punishment will be more severe than the one you just had." He was stern with his tone.

I swallowed my bite of the salad I had taken. I let out a sigh and proceeded to answer him. "I know, I get it. I refuse to put myself through that bullshit again."

"Kaydence, watch your tone." He warned, a darkness flashed in his eyes for a moment.

We finished our meal in silence. It was just a basic salad with lettuce, carrots, bits of purple cabbage and tomatoes. I knew there had to be other reasons for me to be called into his office. The information he had relayed to me could've been done with a simple phone call.

"Was there anything else you had me come here for?" I asked, my tone softer than before. I didn't want to piss him off.

He got up from his desk and walked behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, "I'll be away for a week. I unfortunately won't be returning to the house before I go." His lips came close to my ear. "Therefore you're here to make sure I've been pleased before I go."

"Damon, your office isn't exactly private. There's windows." I pointed to the other side of the office overlooking the city.

"Kaydence, the glass makes it so I can look out but people can't look into here. There's more than enough privacy. His hands moved from my shoulders to my breasts.

"What if someone comes in?" I asked. I felt doing it here was risky.

He walked over to his desk picking the phone up once more. "Stacey, makes sure no one enters the office and all calls for me are on hold until I finish my meeting with Ms. Bush." He hung the phone up. "Now we won't be bothered. Undress." He demanded.

I sighed but did as I was told. I stripped off my jeans and shirt while he removed his pants and suit jacket. I could see how hard he was in his boxers. "Remove the bra and underwear too." He instructed further.

"Okay." I responded, removing them as directed.

We were fully undressed when he picked me up and sat me on his desk. He kissed me, hungrily. Our lips moved in sync and tongues danced together. Any animosity I had over the punishment suddenly was gone as I felt his hands all over my body. Without breaking the kiss his hands went to my thighs to spread my legs apart.

One hand came back up to the back of my head, deepening our kiss. His other hand went between my legs rubbing my core. He must've been worked up enough the past few days from holding back due to me feeling ill, he was focused on getting me wet enough to get inside without making me suck him off.

I let out a moan as his finger entered me, moving in and out of me. "Good girl, now shhh." He spoke against my lips.

He slipped another finger inside, moving inside of me a little rougher. He continued moving his fingers in and out, muffling my moans with kisses. He finally pulled out and put on a condom. His icy blue eyes looked into mine as he entered me. I couldn't help but gasp every time, the size of his manhood just fit inside me so well. He held onto my hips as he thrusted in and out of me. I threw my head back as I moaned in pleasure. "Oh Damon." I whispered quietly.

He took the opportunity to suck and kiss on my neck. A hand moved to the small of my back, keeping me in place as he moved the other to pinch my nipple and caress my breast. He let out very low little grunts as he continued to thrust in and out of me. His lips came to my ear, he whispered to me. "Cum for me Love."

His words sent me over the edge, I bit down on his shoulder to keep myself quiet during my climax. I didn't want to draw any attention to ourselves. I don't know if it was me biting down on him or what but he reached his climax as well. Once he was finished he stayed inside of me and kissed me once more.

We got dressed and I was sent on my way. As I exited the building I unfortunately ran into Justin again. He snickered as he looked at me. "You're such a slut."

I folded my arms across my chest, "And you're a manipulative asshole. Sending your little girlfriend to try to bully me."

A smirk crossed his lips. "You better watch your mouth you little bitch. I can still figure out ways to make your life hell." He walked away and went inside of his office.