You Wouldn't Dare

My mother's recovery was going smoothly. There was a major difference in her energy when going to visit her. She was way more upbeat and she was genuinely happy. As expected she didn't want to come to stay here at Damon's Mansion. I couldn't blame her, it felt like forever since she had been in her own home. She did agree to have a live in caregiver for a while though. Damon had found a woman about the same age as my mother, they clicked instantly and acted as if they had known each other all their lives.

Things were good, it was like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I decided it was time to have a little time to myself. Damon had returned back to work so I took this as my opportunity to go visit with Julie again. I approached her apartment door and knocked. She answered with a smile.

"Hey, what's up Mrs. Tipton?" She smirked.

I chuckled. "I'm still Ms. Bush, thank you very much."

She opened the door, letting me in. "How's your mom doing? You never updated after texting me that she was getting the surgery."

I smiled. "It worked. She'll be discharged next week."

"Sounds like things are going well for you." She returned my smile. Then I noticed her hand was on her neck trying to conceal a bruise.

"What's that?" I asked her, pointing to what she was trying to hide.

"Oh nothing. Client got too rough." I could see in her eyes it wasn't the whole truth.

"Who was it Julie?" I asked.

She bowed her head in shame. "I-I don't think it's a good idea to tell you."

"Julie, who did this to you?" I asked again, but my tone was more stern this time.

She looked up at me, fear in her eyes. "Please don't hate me. You know that this work you have to take what you can get. Promise me you won't judge me."

"I won't, I promise." I responded.

"It was Justin, your ex." She looked down in shame again.

My eyes grew wide. "What? When? How?" those were the only words I could get out of my mouth.

"A couple nights ago, he came to the spot and offered me two thousand. I couldn't refuse. I knew I shouldn't have but I did it anyway. He was violent though, he slapped me and then choked me until I almost passed out. Then he gave me the money and practically pushed me out of the car." She explained, she still seemed shaken up by the experience.

I was speechless. His violence was worse than I thought. I couldn't let him get away with hurting my friend. This was not okay. I stood up and looked at Julie, "I'm so sorry that happened to you. Never agree to do anything with him again please. I need to go." I made my way for the door.

"Are you pissed at me?" She asked quietly.

"No Julie, I promise. But he can't be doing this." My tone was softer.

We said goodbye and I made my way to Tipton Enterprises, having Cody drive me. I didn't know what I was going to do but I was angry. I knew I couldn't do much but I could confront him. He wouldn't hurt me in the office, there would be too many witnesses. He also wouldn't lay a hand on me with his office being so close to Damon's.

Damon seemed caring and compassionate last week when I needed him, something he didn't show often. But I also know the other sides to him. Pissing him off would not end well for the person who provoked him. There was a reason Justin didn't push it any farther than he had, but I didn't know how long that would last. He was getting desperate so I wasn't going to put it past him to agitate Damon more if it helped him get the company.

Cody stopped the car in front of the building. I got out and started marching to the elevator inside. I was still letting my anger take the lead here. Julie had nothing to do with anything that has gone on, hurting her was probably more to get to me. I pressed the button for the thirty-second floor. It dinged and I stepped out right to Justin's office.

I opened his door as I pushed past his secretary. He looked surprised at first but then as if he had expected me. That's when it hit me. He probably hurt Julie knowing I would come down here, just like I had. A devious smirk crossed his lips.

"What do I owe the pleasure, whore?" His words were filled with venom.

"Why? Why did you hurt my friend?" I asked. I figured out why but I wanted him to admit why he had done it.

"I think you know why. It worked, you're here aren't you?" He still had his smirk. He got up from his chair and came closer to me. "I decided that my precious Victoria was too perfect to hurt, unlike you. So the best way is to take my aggression out on whores like you."

"You're an awful human being." I responded, shooting him daggers with my eyes.

"I heard your mother is getting well again. You can leave my family alone now. Or I can pay your friend another visit sometime soon?" He threatened.

I scoffed. "So that's why I'm here? I take it the engagement between Damon and I has messed up your plan."

"Listen you whore, this company is supposed to be mine. You're screwing everything up!" He spat at me.

I chuckled which only pissed him off more. "You think I care about your plan? Fuck your plan." My tone was harsh, he deserved every bit of it.

"You bitch." The anger flared in his eyes. "I should've never picked you up. I regret every moment with you."

"For once something we can agree on." I rolled my eyes.

"I should slap you right now for talking to me like this." His tone was threatening again.

"You wouldn't dare." I challenged, it was dumb but my anger was taking the lead. I wasn't about to back down to him.

He grabbed me harshly by my shoulders, yanking me to him. "How dare you challenge me. It's just you and me right now. I'll smack you and not think twice about it." His brown eyes glared into mine, darkness filled his pupils.

"Get your hands off my woman." A husky voice spoke.

Justin's eyes left mine as we both turned to look at Damon. Justin quickly took his hands off of me, "Control your bitch." He responded to Damon.

Before I could even blink Damon had Justin pinned against the wall with force. He punched him in the face and proceeded to do it for a second time. Then he looked at me, his face red with anger. "Get in my office. Now!" He demanded.

Chills went down my spine, Damon was beyond pissed. I nodded and ran to Damon's office as directed.