That Was Stupid

"What the hell were you thinking?" Damon asked me sternly after storming back into his office.

I sat on the chair in front of his desk. My anger had quickly gone away and I was left with a slight fear of Damon. I honestly never thought of how he would feel about what I was doing when I was on my way here. I didn't want it to be a battle he had to fight for me. However it pretty much turned into exactly that, if he hadn't come in I didn't know what Justin could've done. He was bold enough to threaten me and grab me which I did not expect here at the office.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." I apologized, an effort to lessen Damon's fury.

"If Cody hadn't told me you were here I don't know what he would've done to you. That was stupid Kaydence." He was scolding me like I was a child.

"I know." I responded quietly.

"You know? Then why the hell did you do it?" He took his seat at his desk and kept his eyes on me, those icy blue eyes still had anger in them.

"He hurt my friend Damon. It was dumb but my anger took over and I had to do something." I explained.

He looked in thought for a moment and then spoke. "You're supposed to tell me these things Kaydence and I will take care of it. He's far more afraid of me than he'll ever be of you." His tone was still stern.

"He didn't seem very scared when you came in." I responded.

It was the wrong thing to say right now. Trying to calm Damon down myself was now out of the window. He furrowed his eyebrows at the new anger and irritation I had brought with my words. I didn't mean to say it out loud, but sometimes my mouth says things before I can think. I gulped down the lump that developed in my throat as I waited for his response.

He finally spoke, but his tone was more cold than stern. "He's getting bolder, I will agree. But you only witness for a moment what I was doing and then I made you leave." A devilish smirk found his lips. "I will spare you the details of what I did further to him, it's not any of your business."

"I'm the whole reason it happened and it's not any of my business?" I looked at him with a puzzled look.

His smirk left his lips as he looked at me with no emotion. Damon had a good poker face, it made it hard to guess what he was feeling but that was the point. "Fear can work wonders. Justin can continue to get enough courage to fight back with me but I will always make him regret it. I will not give you any details because I don't want you to fear me for the reasons that others do."

I nodded in response.

Damon got up from his desk and walked behind me. He brought his lips to my ear. "Now for your little outburst, I will punish you." His words sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm getting punished for standing up for my friend?" I sighed.

"No." He walked back to his desk and sat down, "you're being punished for doing something stupid instead of coming to me to handle it. Now get home and expect me in a few hours.��

I nodded and left the office. Fighting back would just make it worse for me and I wasn't about to do that. I walked past Justin's office where the doors seemed closed tightly. Of course I was still wanting to know what Damon had done but I wasn't going into the office to find out. I was curious but I wasn't going to make the same stupid mistke twice today. I was also scared to find out what had happened though.

I got into the car with Cody. "You told him I was here?"

"In my defense I thought you were here to see him. I was letting him know you were on your way up." Cody responded and then was silent driving back to the house.

I sat in my room entertaining myself as a few hours had passed. Damon was due home anytime now. I felt anxious in my stomach. After the last punishment I had vowed to myself to avoid any others, but here we were. The doors to my room opened, making me jump.

Rose chuckled seeing me jump off the bed. "Mr. Tipton has returned, he would like you to join him in the dining room for supper."

"Okay." I nodded and followed right behind her.

Damon was sitting at the dining table and I took my usual seat in front of him. He didn't speak as Rose brought the food in. She had made a lasagna and served it with bread and a salad. His silence had continued as we ate our meal. He seemed cold and distant, his caring and attentiveness had been pushed somewhere deep down inside of him.

He finally spoke after the meal was finished. "I want you in your bedroom, naked." He instructed.

I didn't want the punishment but if I cooperated hopefully he would be easier on me. I got up from the table and went to my room as told. Damon entered within minutes of me stripping my clothing off. The cold look on his face remained. He came up behind me, the anxiety in my stomach had grown.

He gently took my wrists, trying them together with his black tie he had worn to work. "I want you in the corner as I figure out what I want to do with you this time." He instructed further.

I sighed but went to the corner as told. This felt just as degrading as it had been the first time. I really needed to start thinking more about my actions to avoid these punishments. I was only standing here for a few minutes before he called me back over. "Come here." He was stern.

I walked over to him and he helped lay me on the bed. I was relieved we weren't going to the bathtub. He took me by surprise when he spread my legs apart and began to lick at my core. I let a slight moan escape my lips. He placed a finger inside of me, moving it in and out as his mouth began to focus on my clit. He was biting and sucking on me to get me to moan for him. "Damon. Fuck."

He sucked and bit harder as he had another finger enter me. Continuing to pleasure me his fingers moved in and out quickly. I could feel myself grow closer and closer to climaxing. I bit my lip trying to conceal my moans as he lapped at my juices. He watched my body language and could see I was on the edge of my climax.

Before I could finish he got up, untied my wrists and headed for the door, leaving me there on the edge. He turned and looked at me. "No touching yourself to finish. Your punishment is to be left unsatisfied and not being able to do anything about it." His tone was stern. He turned and exited the room.

I let out an angry sigh, he wanted to make me sexually frustrated. One of the most irritating feelings in the world.