Something Was Feeling Off

It was all in his plan, to punish me and then leave on a trip without saying a word. When I had woken up the following morning Rose had told me Damon left for a few days. He didn't disclose why and where he was going other than it was business. Part of me felt like he was doing it to get away from me. Atleast that's what my gut was telling me.

He basically confirmed it though, he had been gone for four days now with no contact with me. It kind of stung for him to just up and leave with no communication. With the way he was, if he left as part of the punishment I would expect to have him call and taunt me about it. Last time he had called and checked in with me, he had even sent a few texts that time too. Something was feeling off.

I decided it would be best to clear my mind and not focus too much on my thoughts. He could just be busy honestly. My brain wasn't going to let me think that was it though. If I sat in here all day I would overthink. So instead I was going to check in on Julie and see how my mom was doing today.

"I'm going out today Rose." I spoke as I made my way to the front door.

"Hold on." She spoke, causing me to pause. "I will let Cody know, he has been instructed to go out with you for protection."

I rolled my eyes. He can't talk to me but he can give others orders. All it did was make me feel like my gut was right. He must've decided to send Cody around with me as more than a driver in case of another Justin encounter. With him away Justin could try to get away with something without repercussions.

Rose called for Cody and he quickly met me outside in the car. I got in and again he was silent. It was always an awkward silence with Cody. I wanted to make it more comfortable. I was going to get this man to talk today.

"How long have you worked for Damon?" I asked.

"A few years. I met him back in Los Angeles before he moved here." He took me by surprise by actually answering my question.

"What exactly do you do?" I probed to get more information.

"I'm a driver and head of Mr. Tipton's security." He responded.

I was a little confused, all I had seen him do was drive. Today was the first time I had seen him be any security. Maybe Damon had wanted it that way and that's why he made Cody drive me around. That way I was guarded without knowing. "Head of security?" I questioned.

"Yes. I'm in charge of others on the security team. They're currently with Mr. Tipton and he had given me the task to keep tabs on you while he's away." He glanced at me and then back to the road. "Where to Ms. Bush?"

"To the hospital please." I instructed.

It explained why he was the way he was. He didn't really talk because he was being professional. I knew he looked too buff to just be a driver. Security didn't dawn on me until he said so, but it made sense. I really should've been able to guess it.

"How did you meet Mr. Tipton?" I asked, breaking the silence once more.

Cody let out an annoyed sigh. "Ms. Bush I'm not here for a social hour. I'm here to do my job."

The rest of the drive was silent. Cody clearly wasn't the type to make conversation so I wouldn't bother any further. We soon approached the hospital and Cody stopped the car. I got out of the car but spoke once more to Cody before closing the door.

"I'll call you when I need you to pick me up." I directed.

"Mr. Tipton said I should follow you around." He responded.

"Cody, really? We're at the hospital. Justin won't come mess with me here." I didn't see the point of being followed to see my mother.

"I was directed to not let you leave my sight." His deep voice was stern.

"How about this, I go visit with my mother and you sit out here and keep watch. If you see Justin take action and come get me." I suggested.

He thought for a moment and took me by surprise when he agreed. "Fine, but if anything out of the ordinary happens you are to contact me. Understood?"

I gave him a smile. "Understood."

I shut the door and ran inside before he could change his mind. I went inside the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. It wasn't long before it dinged and made my way down the hallway. I knocked on the door and proceeded to enter after getting the okay.

"Hey." She smiled. She was looking better each day. She was gaining a little bit of weight back and hair started to sprout from her head. It wasn't much but with time her blonde hair that matched mine would be back.

"How are you?" I asked, taking a seat.

"Great, I'm being discharged tomorrow." She answered.

"That's great!" I was so excited for her.

"Yes, Judith will be coming to get me and take me home." She referred to the caregiver that Damon hired.

"I can take you." I offered. "Damon is away and I don't have much to do right now."

"Are you sure honey? It's no trouble for Judith to come do it." She responded.

I took her hand in mine and her eyes met mine. "We came in here together mom, we're leaving here together."

She nodded in response. "Okay, I'll let Judith know."

"Sounds good." I gave her a satisfied smile.

"How are things going with you and Damon?" She asked.

I sighed, "good I thought. He's been away for a few days and I haven't heard from him."

"And you're stressing yourself out aren't you?" She raised her eyebrow.

She knew me so well. "Yes." I responded.

We talked a few minutes longer, she was trying to help reassure me I was getting worked up over nothing. I hoped she was right. Everything had seemed fine before the Justin incident. I didn't think that would be enough to make him run away from me. After our talk I figured I needed to get going if I still wanted to go visit Julie.

I exited the hospital and made my way towards the car. Before I was even halfway there someone bumped into me. The cold contents of the cup ended up all over in front of my shirt. I looked it over and noticed it was an iced coffee. Thankfully it wasn't hot or I would've been burned.

"Oops, sorry." A familiar voice spoke with an overly nice fake tone.