You Sound Jealous

I looked to see Victoria with a fake smile. "You're not sorry." I responded.

"Oh but I am Kaydence. I'm sorry my delicious coffee ended up on scum like you." She sneered.

"Something tells me this wasn't accidental. What do you want Victoria?" I rolled my eyes.

"Damon had my poor Justin beat to a pulp the other day. I heard it was all your fault you wretched bitch." She had anger in her eyes.

"Look, I may have gone to confront him but only because he had been violent towards a friend of mine. He's the one who grabbed me and called me a bitch in front of Damon. I don't know what happened but I was instructed to leave the room. Whatever Damon did Justin deserved anyway." I responded.

"You're an evil little whore. I can't believe Damon would waste time with you when he could have any girl he wants." Her anger was rising.

"You sound jealous. I assume that must be because you were promised the ring that I wear and that's no longer the case." I scoffed.

She furrowed her brows in anger. "Me jealous of a whore who sold herself? Please. That ring deserves to be on a woman of high class like me. Not someone who blends in with the rest of the scum of the earth."

"Well it was a good thing you didn't need to be consulted for Martin to make the decision to give it to me. You think because you're with Justin you know everything but you don't. I've been there, you only know what he wants you to. I assume when you ask questions that go too far he tells you to shut up." I responded, it's what he had always done when I pressed for too much information.

She was in thought for a moment. "That's none of your business." I could tell by her change in demeanor I was exactly right.

I gave a slight smirk. "It's because I'm right. I was with Justin for six months and I was only told what he would let me in on. I probably know more than you ever will. I've also been told a few eye opening things that you'll never be told. Even about your precious Justin." I didn't really have anything on him right now, but she didn't know that. I just wanted to retaliate for the coffee on me.

She had raised her hand to slap me but was interrupted by Cody's voice. "Is this woman bugging you Ms. Bush?" He asked.

"So he got you a bodyguard? Of course he did." She scoffed.

I turned to Cody. "She is, but she's not worth another second of my time. I have somewhere else I'd rather be."

I turned and made my way to the car, Cody following close behind. Victoria yelled at my back, "This isn't over you bitch!"

"Really? Cause it looks like I'm leaving." I yelled back.

We got into the care before she could say another word. I still wanted to see Julie with my soaked shirt. She would have one that I could probably borrow. I was out already and I didn't want to make another trip later. I wasn't sure if there would be time for another anyway, I didn't know when Damon was due back.

"Are you ready to go home yet?" Cody asked.

"Not yet. I would like to go see my friend Julie again. Please take me there." I instructed.

"But your shirt Ms. Bush-" He started but I cut him off before finishing.

"I don't care. I can change my shirt later. Please take me to Julie's apartment." I responded.

He nodded and headed towards Julie's home. He had taken me a few times so he knew exactly where to go. She only lived about ten minutes from the hospital so it wasn't too far. My shirt clung to my skin, it was slightly cold but I ignored it for the short drive. We pulled up to the building and I started to get out of the car.

"Let's do the same as last time please. Just stay here and keep watch for anyone suspicious. Okay?" I spoke to Cody.

"Okay." He responded and let me get out of the car.

I walked into the building and up the stairs to Julie's door. I knocked and she had answered, looking at my shirt. "What happened to you?" She asked.

"Nothing. I was bumped into at the hospital and a coffee had spilled on me. Do you have a shirt I can borrow?" I asked.

She nodded and let me into the apartment headed for her bedroom. She returned shortly with a blue short sleeved shirt. She handed it to me with a smile. "You can change in the bathroom."

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I changed my shirt and headed back to the living room. I took a seat ready to visit with my friend. "How are you?" I asked. I noticed the bruise on her neck was faded.

"I'm doing good." She responded. "I was glad when you text me to visit. I was worried you might be upset with me over the last time."

"Never." I gave her a reassuring smile. "How's school going?"

"Not too bad. There's a few big tests coming up that I've been studying for. It's kind of been difficult to balance work and preparing but I'm managing." She answered.

"Well I wish you the best of luck. You can do this, I know you can." I gave Julie my support.

I visited with her a little while longer. We decided we would order a pizza for dinner to give us a little more time to chat. Once the food had arrived and we sat down she started to ask me questions about Damon. The uneasy feeling returned to the pit of my stomach. I told her about how he had left with no word, I didn't want to tell her about the Justin incident.

"Well that's weird." She responded after I had finished telling her he left and hasn't said anything to me.

"Yeah. I'm not sure what to think about it honestly. I guess I just have to wait for him to come back to find any further information." I sighed.

We finished eating and we said our goodbyes. I wanted to get home in a timely manner so I could be up and get my mother home as soon as possible tomorrow. I also didn't want Cody to report to Damon that I missed the curfew or anything again. I had been punished before for it and it wasn't going to happen again.

Especially if leaving without a word was part of my punishment. I didn't want to have to deal with the anxiety that developed the longer he was away. I just couldn't stand to do this again. I was missing him, and I was hoping that maybe he was missing me too.