He Had A Problem?

"Are you doing alright?" Damon's husky voice asked from the other end of the phone.

"About as alright as I can be after being abandoned by you." I responded sarcastically.

He chuckled in response, it irritated me slightly. "I have business to do. I'm the president of a company, things come up Kaydence."

"That may be true but you could've said goodbye or sent a text Damon." I stated.

He was silent for a moment before speaking again. "I have business to get to." he hung up before I could protest.

I set the phone down on the counter and took a seat. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration. I had hoped this call would clear things up but that was not the case. He didn't even say when he'd return. Something was still off, I just wouldn't be able to figure it out until he got back.

"Would you like something to eat?" Rose asked.

"No, I'm not hungry." I responded.

"Are you sure Kaydence? I don't mind cooking something up for you." She was offering once more.

"Yeah, I ate with my mother. Can we talk for a few minutes though?" I asked.

She had a slight smile as she took a seat on the bar stool next me, "Of course."

"Where did Damon go?" I asked.

"He went to Los Angeles I believe." She answered.

"Do you know why? There must be a reason other than business if he's willing to talk to you and not me." I wanted to get more info.

She sighed. "He was adamant it was mainly for business. There's a contract he's trying to sign with another company there. He did say he needed to get away for a little bit. He didn't say as to why though." She explained.

"I think it's me." I responded quietly.

I thought things were okay, why would he need to get away from me. My overthinking had won the battle in my brain. Maybe he just wasn't into this anymore. I just wish he would have said so instead of running off. If he was done I would have no problem leaving and going back to my mothers.

"I don't think that's quite it Kaydence. Mr. Tipton is very fond of you. Maybe he just needed to get away from work here." She tried to be reassuring once more.

"It doesn't explain why he left in such a rush without communicating with me. Since I've been here he's been asking me directly my whereabouts for the most part. Now he doesn't bother asking me. He asks you or Cody. Something feels off about it and I cannot shake what it may be." I vented to Rose.

"He tends to leave in a rush quite frequently. Just relax and wait for him to come home and explain himself. I'm sure it's going to be alright. You'll see." She still was trying to be reassuring.

I nodded. "Can I bother you with questions for just another moment?" I asked.

She gave me another slight smile. "Of course dear. I enjoy this little girl talk we have."

I gave her a smile in return. "So do I." I paused and lowered my voice slightly. "What's the deal with Cody? He's very standoffish."

She chuckled. "Let me make some tea and we can get into that."

She filled a kettle with some water and began to let it boil. As we waited she went to the pantry to get the tea packets and a few snacks for us to munch on. She had brought out some chocolate chip cookies that looked delectable. The kettle soon started whistling to signify the water was ready. She dumped it into two cups and made the tea.

She set a cup in front of me and on in front of her. The cookies were placed between us for easy access. I took on from the plate and began to eat it. I wasn't sure if she made them or if they had been store bought but they were delicious.

"What would you like to know about Cody?" She asked.

"Has he only ever been so serious? Sometimes it's like talking to a brick wall.? I responded.

"He and I came here with Mr. Tipton around the same time. He's always usually been very serious. He does have moments when he lightens up a bit. He's a good man, I can see why Mr. Tipton has employed him and trusted him with you." She explained.

I nodded. "Does he have any family here or is he by himself?" I asked.

"I believe he has a sister that lives here in Nashville. No wife or children as far as I know. He stays here in a part of the house with a servants quarter. The same area of the house where I stay." She answered.

I nodded. Was he not married by choice or was it a job requirement? I personally couldn't take a job where I pretty much lived to serve someone else. I get why Rose was here, she was older and it just made sense for her to take this position. Cody was about the age of Damon, there was still alot he could do with his life over serving Damon. I can't imagine he could do much always being on call.

"How did he meet Damon?" I asked. "He told me they met in Los Angeles but didn't say how."

She nodded. "I suppose that was more due to giving information away about Mr. Tipton." she spoke after sipping some tea.

I raised my eyebrow, "what about Mr. Tipton?" I asked.

"I probably shouldn't say Kaydence. It's not my place." she looked towards the counter.

"Please Rose, as his fiance I should know if there is something wrong with him." I practically begged for her to tell me this secret.

She thought for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. "Mr. Tipton developed quite the drinking problem when he stayed in Los Angeles years ago. It had gotten bad right after he and Martin got into a big fight over the company, when he walked away temporarily. One night he got carried away and was almost in a fight until Cody had stepped in." She explained. "After that he chose Cody as a bodyguard and got himself away from his addiction. Once he returned to the company Cody was promoted to head of his security team."

I nodded. I was speechless from being in shock. I had no idea Damon had a problem prior with alcohol. He seemed so put together and handled his occasional drink without any problem. Coming to think of it when he had any alcohol since living with him it was only one glass. He never went further than that.

I could see why Cody had kept silent about their meeting. If anyone had known about Damon's drinking issue it would make the Tipton's look troubled. Martin would do anything to keep the family name clean and Damon seemed to be the same way.