You Looked A Little Thirsty

Damon had left last Friday morning, here we were a week later and I only spoke to him once for about a minute. I wasn't going to sit and mope about him being gone. I wanted to focus my attention elsewhere. If he wanted to play this game I was going to go shopping with his credit card. I will make him pay for running off, literally.

I picked up my cell phone and dialed Julie. I wasn't about to go by myself, what fun would that be. She answered in two rings. "What's up?" She asked.

"I'm going shopping today, come with me." I responded. I hoped she would agree. I knew she needed to work but surely she wouldn't be out this early in the day.

"Sure thing. Where do you wanna meet?" She asked.

"How about the RiverGate Mall?" I suggested. It was one of the biggest shopping malls here and only about fifteen minutes away.

"Sounds good to me. I'll meet you there!" She sounded excited.

We hung up the phone and I started to get ready. It looked a little cloudy today but that was okay. I got dressed in my pair of jeans and wore a black tank top topped with a purple cardigan. I did some light makeup finishing with a winged eyeliner and lip gloss. I threw my hair into a ponytail and made my way down stairs.

I had texted Cody prior that I would need a ride so he was ready to go by the time I got down there. I entered the car and told him my destination would be the mall. He nodded and started driving. As usual we drove in silence until we reached the destination. I wonder if it was this silent when just him and Damon. Probably not, they probably discussed business or something.

"I should be fine on my own, I'll be with my friend and you can do whatever you like." I spoke up, catching Cody's attention.

He nodded. "Remember, just a phone call away if you need something."

"Of course." I got out of the car and headed to the entrance to meet Julie.

I know he was supposed to keep an eye on me but the poor man shouldn't be stuck with me if I wasn't going to be left alone. I had shown I was more than capable of handling myself so he had laid back on being adamant on following me. Damon probably wouldn't be a fan of it if he knew but that was okay. As long as I was fine it didn't matter.

"Hey!" Julie greeted as she saw me approaching.

"Hello." I returned the greeting.

We entered the mall and I had told her about my brief conversation with Damon. I also told her to get herself one of the most expensive things here because I was intending to make his wallet hurt today. Maybe then he would call to scold me and I could force him into talking to me. Atleast that was my hope. I wasn't sure if it would work though, he was rich but I wasn't sure how rich. This could just potentially be like a couple dollars to him.

We went into a cafe near the mall to get a coffee after shopping. We ordered our drinks at the counter and sat at a table once we had received them. I had gotten a caramel iced coffee and Julie got some sort of tea concoction. We sat and chatted for a moment when unfortunately a familiar face and her groupies had entered.

"Oh hey Kaydence." She greeted me with a snobby tone after she had seen me.

"Hi Victoria." I rolled my eyes.

I seemed to keep running into her this week since Damon had left. It couldn't just be a coincidence. Justin must know Damon wasn't around and sent his little minion to taunt me. It was the only thing I could think of. It felt like she was stalking me at this point or something.

"Are you coming to dinner on Sunday?" She asked.

"What dinner?" I responded, I had no idea what she was talking about.

"The dinner Martin is planning. Justin said Damon had confirmed his attendance." She faked a surprised look on her face. "Oh did he not invite you? Probably didn't want to pay for you." She started to laugh, her friends joining in.

I rolled her eyes at the mention of my past. "How about you go along and don't bother me?" I suggested.

"How about you go sell yourself you whore." She shot back.

I could see Julie go red at Victoria's words. She stood up and before I could respond Julie threw her tea on Victoria. She faked the same surprised look Victoria had prior. "My bad. I thought you looked a little thirsty."

"You put her up to this!" Victoria had shot daggers at me while I tried to conceal my slight chuckle. "I'll make sure you pay for this!" She threatened and hurried out of the cafe before a bigger crowd could be drawn to the scene.

"Nice job." I chuckled at Julie's actions.

She smiled. "She's a bitch. She deserved it."

We spent a few more hours together, getting ourselves an early dinner. We figured it was a good idea to eat before I went home and she went to work. After the meal we parted ways with a hug goodbye. I walked my way to the car where I had Cody park, I got inside and we were off.

We arrived home and I decided to use the television in the living room for once. Usually I would just occupy my time in my room. Rose and Cody had retired to their own rooms so I was just on my own. I was flipping through channels to decide what to watch when there was a bang on the door. Before I could get up to answer the door came open and I was in shock at the angry man who entered.

"Justin?" I gave a puzzled look.

"You whore! Victoria told me what happened. I'm sick of your shit and Damon isn't here to protect you!" His words were filled with venom.

I could feel the panic inside me build. He was right Damon wasn't here. But Cody was, he'd be here shortly right? Before I could respond he grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked me to him. He slapped me hard in the face, I was in shock so I couldn't find any words to say.

He threw me to the ground, he started to unbutton his pants as he looked me in the eyes. There was nothing but darkness. "I'm going to teach you a little lesson you whore." He spat.

"Leave her." Cody's voice spoke in a threatening tone. Thankfully he had heard the commotion and came to my rescue.

"And what are you going to do?" Justin sneered.

"Ms. Bush go to your room and get some rest." Cody instructed and dragged Justin out of the house by his collar. I hurried to my room as I had been told. It was bold of him to come here even with Damon gone. I wasn't sure Damon would even care that this happened. He had disappeared and didn't seem to care about speaking to me, why would he care?