I'll Figure It Out Myself

"Well who was it?" Selene asked sternly to break the silence.

"You've already been caught, come forward now or I'll figure it out myself." Damon's tone was threatening.

I didn't look to see who had been the ones talking when I left the room so I couldn't identify who it was. At this point if I knew the identities I didn't know if I would tell him, he was making this bigger than it needed to be. I wasn't sure what he would do to the two girls.

After Damon's threat though two women about my age came forward. They clearly didn't want to but came forward anyway to prevent even more of a fuss. I didn't think he would cause all this fuss over something like this.

"It was us Mr. Tipton." a dark haired girl with tan skin spoke. Standing next to here was a paler girl with dirty blond hair.

"I will have them removed immediately Mr. Tipton." Selene spoke as she approached the women.

Damon held his hand up to silence her. He proceeded to shoot daggers with his icy blue eyes at the two women. "What did you say?" His tone was stern.

"Well I-I just pointed out I couldn't believe you were engaged to her." The dark haired one spoke with fear.

"And I mentioned your family usually marries the upper class." The other one had the same fear in her voice.

"And what exactly is wrong with Ms. Bush that you don't think she's worthy of me?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing's wrong with her." The dark haired girl responded, trying to make sure she didn't say the wrong thing.

"She's just not what we expected for you Mr. Tipton." The other added.

He smirked, but it was a devilish smirk. "Well it's a good thing I don't have to come and get approval of who I date or marry from people like you. Do you usually gossip about the paying clients?"

The girls relaxed a little bit when they saw him smirk. They unfortunately didn't know that was a bad sign for them. "No." They answered at the same time.

As quick as it appeared though the smirk was gone and replaced with a stone cold expression. "You're both fired."

"Selene!" One girl cried out, hoping their boss would swoop in to save her.

"You both offended Mr. Tipton and Ms. Bush, you were unprofessional. Security see them out please." Selene responded, not wanting to cause any further problems for Damon.

"Cody." Damon spoke as the girls were removed.

Cody came from the corner he was watching from and appeared in front of Damon. "Yes?"

"See to it that Victoria Kane removes from social media anything that has the slightest mention of Kaydence or even sounds like it's about her. If she refuses and doesn't have it down by sunset I will pay Justin another visit." Darkness flashed in Damon's eyes in his last sentence.

"Yes sir." Cody nodded and off he went.

Damon turned to me. "Let's not let this ruin our shoot today."

"I didn't mean for them to get fired over me." I responded, feeling slight remorse. I felt like I had just tattled and got my way, I was worried others may see that as I was being a brat.

"They should've been more professional then. No one speaks about my woman poorly." He responded and his arm went around my waist. He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Forget about this and let's get this picture done Love."

I nodded and he led me over to the set with the camera. I now understood why people feared his power. I knew he was powerful of course, but I didn't think he had the ability to have anyone who wronged him fired so quickly. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I had never seen him be so ruthless to anyone besides Justin until now, I didn't expect this when I told him what went on.

"Love, you're thinking about this too much." His words pulled me out of my thoughts. "Don't worry so much about others, worry about yourself and us."

I nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong. We need to get this done though. Let me cheer you up." He responded.

"How?" I asked.

The only response was his lips met mine. He knew what power he had over me when he kissed me. My brain emptied the thoughts of the scene that had gone on. Jolts of excitement went down my spine as his lips moved with mine. He pulled away with a smirk plastered to his lips.

"Better?" He spoke.

"Yes." I could feel my cheeks getting hot from blushing. I was surprised he had kissed me like that here. Usually a kiss like that would be saved for home because it often led to the bedroom.

The makeup artist had quickly come and reapplied my lipstick and gave Damon a wipe to remove what had gotten on his lips. After that we had gotten in front of the camera and posed as Selene had instructed. These pictures would be sent to various magazines to inform the public that Damon Tipton was off the market. From what the two women said earlier I could already tell there would be others who would say the same things online.

I was a nobody after all. I didn't have any money and I wasn't the type people apparently expected to be with Damon. The words "What makes her so special?" echoed in my mind from the girl's voice. He told me why he chose me, that should be enough to settle my nerves. But what if someone who was more of a fit came along and had the same attitude with him that I did. Would that be the end for me?