So What If I Did?

Yesterday we had taken our pictures and they would be given to the press as our announcement of engagement. Today was the dinner Victoria spoke about when I last saw her. I wasn't excited to be face to face with Justin after he had come here. He was more of a threat than I thought he would be. Damon was home though, so I didn't have to worry too much.

I exited the room wearing a black dress today and some heels. These people never dressed casual. It was always trying to look your best. The most casual I've ever seen Damon is when he wore jeans and a button up shirt. Even then though it looked like he was ready to go do business if the opportunity came.

Damon had just left the room a moment before I did. All my things had been moved in here, so long purple room. It was a pretty room but Damon's was too. Damon had a balcony in it that had an amazing view. It was about the same as the room I had been in but everything was just a little bit bigger and mainly in black and grey. He definitely was not into light colors.

I made it down the stairs and Damon was not there as he usually was when waiting on me. I wasn't sure where he was so I figured it was best to be the one waiting for him. He came into the room a few minutes later, a little surprised I was already down.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes. Where were you?" I responded.

"Just letting Cody know he would not be needed today. Let's get going." He gently grabbed my arm and headed to the car.

We got in the car and began driving to Martin's home. I felt a little bit of anxiety at the thought of Justin being there. Damon picked up on my body language and placed a hand on my thigh. He didn't do it to be sexual, but as if he were protecting me. "It's alright, get out of your head Love." he spoke softly.

I glanced at him, he was trying to focus on the road as well as me. "Okay."

"You overthink too much. You can't control everything, so don't think about it unless necessary." He responded.

I nodded. He wasn't wrong. I overthink too much and I need to stop it.

We arrived at Martin's house and I let out a small sigh of relief when Justin's car wasn't there. Unfortunately his parents were here but that was it. Ava wouldn't dare to be problematic in front of Damon and Martin. We got out of the car and made our way inside of the home.

Martin was happy to see us but all Ava could do was glare and shoot daggers at Damon with her eyes. I assumed it was about whatever he did to Justin. Justin wasn't here today which wasn't normal, especially since Victoria said they were coming. I began to feel uneasy. What did Damon do?

"Well, let's go eat." Martin instructed.

We all followed him and took our seats at the dining table. Ava still occasionally glared at Damon but he remained unbothered. Martin's staff had come and served the dishes that were prepared for the dinner this evening. They served a salmon dish as the main course, a soup had been our appetizer. I never was too keen on sea food but I ate the fish regardless out of respect for our host.

We were still eating when Martin spoke up. "It's a shame that Justin and Victoria weren't able to join us."

"Oh, where is he?" Damon asked while looking at Ava, he knew she was angry and decided to make it worse.

"You put him in the hospital you asshole!" She yelled.

"Ava, you don't know that." Martin interrupted.

"Let him defend himself dad!" She continued with the raised voice.

"Ava-" Martin started but was cut off by Damon.

"And so what if I did?" He sneered. "Maybe you should've taught him some respect and I wouldn't have to."

Ava abruptly stood up from her chair and slightly leaned over the table. "Why did you do it Damon? What did he ever do to you? You're the company president and you stole his woman out from under him, if anything he should be beating up on you!"

"Well, if you must know. I did it because of the way he's treated-" Damon started but I kicked his leg under the table. He looked at me and I shot a warning glance to keep quiet about me.

I had just been watching him and Ava exchange words, I didn't want to be brought into it. If Ava knew I was the reason Damon went after Justin she would surely kill me. I also didn't want the details of Justin and I's relationship to reach Martin. Martin had brushed off the outburst Justin had here one of the last times as Justin being jealous I was with Damon. He didn't think I had actually been a prostitute and I didn't want to disappoint him. I felt shame for the things I've done in my past.

Ava figured out what Damon was going to say. She glared at me in anger, like she was going to come over and wring my neck. "Is this about you? My family is getting torn up by a god damned Harlot!"

"That's enough!" Martin shouted.

"Yes, that's enough. Let's go Kaydence." Damon demanded.

I got up and followed him to the car. We got in and he began to speed off. He always sped when he was angry. His face was cold as he focused on the road. I was afraid to ask but I needed to know.

"What happened to Justin?" I asked quietly.

"Cody called me after I landed, he told me what happened and that he had Justin. I had him meet me at Justin's apartment where I proceeded to beat the shit out of him and leave him with a major concussion for trying to come assault you." He had no emotion in his words. Damon seemed to never have any remorse at his actions he took when someone wronged him.

"But he's your nephew." I responded.

"That may be so, but just because someone is blood Love doesn't mean that you have to keep them around." He still kept his eyes on the road. "Besides, Justin wouldn't be a problem if you would just be honest with my father on what he did to you. He'd be removed immediately."

"It's my past to tell Damon, and I'm not ready for that." I still kept my tone a little lower.

Damon glanced at me and then back to the road. "That is your decision, but remember Justin will stop at nothing and will continue to use it against you until you take your power back."

He was right, Justin won't stop until he wins. But Damon was keeping me protected, even going as far as beating Justin so bad he had to be hospitalized. I was grateful he was willing to go so far for me, but it scared me a little bit. How far exactly was too far for Damon Tipton?