They're Just Jealous

I woke up to my phone going off. Damon had already gone to work so I was by myself in the room. I checked the screen to see Julie was calling. It was 8:35 AM, a little early to get a call from Julie. I answered the call and she spoke excitedly before I could even say hello.

"Did you see?!" She asked.

"See what?" I questioned.

"Your face is on practically every site right now!" She exclaimed. I guess the announcement must be out.

"Hold on." I responded.

I got out of the black silk sheets and made my way to my laptop that sat on the desk. I opened it and patiently waited for it to power on. I logged on and started pulling up the internet browser. "Where am I looking?" I asked Julie.

"Anywhere! If you look on twitter though everything is mainly under one tag. Apparently you're trending as the Tipton mystery woman." I could tell she had a smirk on her face.

I pulled up my feed on twitter and she was right. We were everywhere. Somehow internet sleuths figured out my account too. I had it privated so therefore I had a ton of follower requests. Same with my instagram as well. I expected it to be big, but not big enough to find me. Damon was well known practically everywhere so of course this spread like wildfire.

"Holy shit." I spoke as I started looking through everything.

I read the comments that people were leaving. There were alot of people complimenting how pretty I looked and how hot we were. Alot of people were also questioning who exactly I was because I came out of nowhere. People didn't even think Damon was dating anyone before these pictures broke out. Then there were the negative comments, saying he was too good for a nobody like me. I closed my laptop when I had read enough.

I shouldn't have read people's thoughts. Some made me feel good but the negatives stayed in my mind. I don't know why I was feeling so insecure about all this. Usually I had been pretty confident in myself. I also had never been involved with a public figure and business owner before though, this was all new territory to me.

"It's insane!" Julie's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I had almost forgotten I had her on the phone.

"Yeah." I responded in a lower tone.

"You read the jealous bitch comments didn't you?" She was talking about the negative comments.

The way she referred to them made me chuckle. "Yes."

"Don't listen to them. They're just jealous you took their eye candy off the market. Not that they had a chance anyway but it's like putting a nail in the coffin for them to find out Damon Tipton is going to be married." She stated.

My phone buzzed against my ear. I looked and it was a test from Damon. "Come to my office."

"Hey Jules, I gotta go. I'll call you later okay?" I spoke to get Julie off the phone.

Just because we were a legitimate couple now didn't mean I wouldn't face consequences. He was very adamant that our agreement rules still held up. Therefore I needed to get to his office before I was late. I didn't want to make him unhappy.

"Sure! Bye Kay!" Julie responded.

"Bye." I hung up the phone and quickly got dressed.

I didn't wear any makeup or anything. I just threw my hair in a bun, pulled some jeans on and put a shirt on. I headed down stairs and called for Cody to take me to Tipton Enterprises. He had the car ready in no time and we were off. He knew there was a sense of urgency for me to get there so he drove a little quicker than normal.

We arrived and I exited the car. I made my way inside to the receptionist desk. "I'm here for Damon."

She nodded, "I'll let his secretary know you're on your way up."

I headed for the elevator to make my way to the office. I kept being glanced at by employees scattered around and there were whispers. I knew they were about me. They didn't know all the details but they probably knew Damon had stolen away Justin's girlfriend. I probably looked horrible in the eyes of these observers. Like a golddigger, I hated that.

I got inside of the elevator, relieved I was the only one inside. I pressed the thirty-second floor button and up it went. It dinged and I made my way to Damon's office. His secretary greeted me with a slight smile. "He's waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." I returned the smile and headed inside.

I opened the doors and walked inside of the office. Damon was standing at the window admiring the view. "Hello Love." His voice greeted me.

"You wanted to see me." I responded.

He turned around and looked me up and down. He wore a grey custom made suit today with a navy blue tie. His hair slicked back as it normally was when he was being professional. Personally I preferred it in it's natural state, it was sexier. "Have you seen the announcement had been released?" He asked.

"Yes. I did." I responded.

"How were people towards you down stairs?" He questioned further.

"I mean, no one was rude or anything. I did notice some watchful eyes and whispers but that was about it." I answered.

"I'll fix that." He stated while making his way to me.

He pulled me into his arms and placed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync, his kiss melting me as usual. He wasn't going to go full blown make out right now, I could tell because his tongue would've been battling mine by now. He was holding himself back. He pulled away but had the hunger for me in those icy blue eyes.

He made his way to a coat closet in his office and pulled out a grey dress with a blazer along with some heels. "Put this on." He ordered as he handed it to me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He smirked, "Not for a business meeting Love."

"What do you mean?" He was just confusing me further. "Don't you have a secretary to attend meetings with you."

"I do." He responded. "But it's not a meeting for me Kaydence. Today this is a meeting for you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I had no idea what he wanted me here for. I felt ambushed. What the hell were we having a meeting for?

"You have ten minutes to be ready." He spoke, further making me nervous.