Let Go Of Her!

"So can you explain to me how you became my assistant?" I asked Julie.

I was surprised when Damon had called in the assistant and Julie came in. I figured the assistant was an excuse to keep an extra pair of eyes on me. I was glad he picked Julie to do the job atleast. This also meant that she would no longer have to sell herself if Damon was paying her. That alone made me breathe a sigh of relief.

After work we had decided to go ahead and get some drinks. We went to the local bar near the spot for our previous employment. The staff knew we were somewhat regulars so it was always nice to come to this one.

"He came to my apartment this morning and asked if I wanted a safer job. Of course no one wants to sell themselves so I figured hearing his offer couldn't hurt." She started to explain as she sipped on her drink. "The downside is that I have to move schooling to nights so it'll take a little longer to get finished but I think it was worth it."

I nodded and swallowed the shot in front of me. "He never said anything to me about it." I responded.

"He said he wanted it to be a surprise for you." She looked at me. "Kay, you've got a good man. Never let him go."

"I won't." I smiled. "Another shot please." I asked the bartender.

Another shot of alcohol had been placed in front of me and I took it as if it were nothing. Julie watched as I did so. "Be careful, you know how you get." I could see the concern on her face.

I didn't drink often but when I did I went big. It was like I was a garbage disposal for alcohol. Most of the time I would feel fine as I down drink after drink and then it would hit me all at once. In return I would have the biggest hangover of my life after I woke up.

"I'll be fine." I reassured her.

She nodded. "How's the wedding planning going?"

"We haven't started yet. The store is the main focus right now. Plus we talked about a longer engagement before." I explained.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad you found someone like him though. The only good thing to ever come of your bullshit relationship with Justin." She rolled her eyes.

Her comment made me chuckle. She was right though, my involvement with Justin is what led me to Damon. "I didn't think about it like that." I stated.

We continued chatting as we got more drinks. Julie was telling me about things they had done in her classes recently. I was holding conversation and being as attentive as I could. The alcohol was beginning to affect me though.

"I'll be right back. I need to go to the ladies room." I spoke after she had finished her story.

"Do you need me to come with you?" She asked, hesitant to let me go by myself.

"No Jules, I'm sure I can make it just fine." I answered.

I will admit, I did accidentally go overboard. My mind started getting foggy. I probably did end up getting more drinks than needed without realizing it. I stumbled slightly as I made my way to the bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror which made me realize how drunk I really was. I giggled for a moment but did my business and returned to Julie.

There was a tall slender man who was talking to her. She didn't look too thrilled to be talking to the man. She finally looked relieved when I approached them. "Hey my friend is back. You can go now." She spoke to the man.

The man turned around and looked me up and down. He had shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes. He smirked after checking me out. "Well you're cute too. How about the three of us go to my place and we can have some fun?" He suggested.

"Dude, we're not interested." Julie spoke sternly.

"Don't worry, I get it. I've seen you two where the prostitutes hang out. If you don't want to go for free I have no problem paying. How much for the both of you?" He asked, looking between Julie and I.

I chuckled. "We don't do that anymore."

"And we wouldn't be interested in you anyway. As any other business we have the right to refuse service to anyone." Julie had added.

I don't know what this guy had said to her while I was gone but she was not having it. It took alot for Julie to be unwelcoming to someone. This man had clearly irritated her while I was briefly in the bathroom.

"Okay, since you wanna be a bitch I'm going to uninvite you anyway." The man scoffed as he spoke to Julie.

"If being a bitch gets you to leave then so be it." Julie rolled her eyes. She had been called worse by clients so much that name calling didn't bother her.

The man looked at me and the smirk returned to his lips. There was something dark in his eyes, he was up to no good here tonight. "You can still come."

"I'm engaged, sorry bud." I pointed at the ring on my hand.

The man came closer to me. He was obviously going to take advantage of my drunken state. "A ring's a ring. I haven't seen one plug any holes yet."

I pursed my lips together. "No thanks, my fiancé would literally kill you for touching me."

The man's hand went to the small of my back so he could pull me into him. "That's a chance I'll have to take sweetheart."

I was trying to think of what to say in my clouded mind. I had taken so long to respond that he took it as a sign he had a shot with me.

My mind began to blank out after this from the alcohol beginning to hit me with full force. I was observing as Julie attempted to pull me away, I don't even remember her grabbing onto me. Then I felt like I had blanked out again as her and the man exchanged words. I could tell by her expression she was getting beyond pissed at this guy.

"Let go of her!" She shouted. That was the last thing I remember from being drunk.

I groaned as I finally woke up. I don't remember what happened after the pushy guy started to talk to Julie and I. It was still dark and my mind was spinning, I couldn't figure out my surroundings. All I knew is I was laying down. I could feel only sheets against my skin which meant I was naked. My mind put the pieces together. I was naked and in a bed.

What did I do after I blacked out?