We Have An Image To Maintain

I felt anxious in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't remember what happened after Julie had shouted at the man. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to avoid the inevitable. I didn't want to face the reality of possibly having done something so stupid.

The bedroom door opened but I still refused to look at who entered. I pulled the sheets over my head to hide myself. I had gotten way too drunk for my own good. I only have ever gotten black out drunk like this once or twice before. I was scared at what I may have done that I don't remember.

A lamp clicked on and I heard a low chuckle. "Why are you hiding Love?"

I let out a sigh of relief as I had heard Damon's voice. I was home. I couldn't have done anything too bad if I was here at home. I slowly pulled the sheet down to come out of hiding. Damon came over and took a seat on the bed beside me.

"What happened?" I was embarrassed I had to ask.

"You and Julie went out and you got way too drunk. Some man tried to take you home with him." He started to explain.

I nodded. "I kind of remember that."

"Well when he kept trying to pressure the both of you, Julie contacted Cody and informed him of the situation and how you probably needed some help getting home. The one time I let you off without a bodyguard and this happens." He shook his head as if he was disappointed

"I'm sorry." I responded, ashamed at my actions.

"I went with Cody after hearing about the situation and when I had entered you had punched the man and he was knocked to the ground." Damon stroked my cheek with his thumb.

I felt better knowing that even black out drunk I didn't mess up. Damon has become my world and I wouldn't do anything to screw that up. I was falling for him hard. I was only worried because I had no control of the actions of drunk Kaydence.

"What happened to my clothes then?" I asked.

He let out a sigh and then looked me over. "You threw up all over yourself. Cody has to go get the car cleaned tomorrow because of it and I need to have a suit dry cleaned."

I covered my face with my hands. "Oh god."

I was beyond embarrassed at this point. My stomach was feeling queasy but that was probably still just a result from being so intoxicated. Never again. I never wanted to feel this way ever again. Especially with Damon witnessing it.

He gently removed my hands and gave me a bottle of water he had brought into the room. "Drink this all the way and let's get you back to sleep. We can talk more in the morning, and take this." He handed me a couple ibuprofen.

I opened the water and downed it along with the medication. I was moved at how caring Damon seemed. I honestly was scared he was in here to reprimand me at first. I'm sure that would come later though. There was no way he was going to let me off without a deeper conversation about this.

I finished the water and Damon had turned the lamp off. I felt the bed sink down as he climbed in beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waste as my back was turned to him. I could feel his lips place a few kisses on my spine. "Get some rest, Love." His voice was low and soothing.

I woke up to the sunlight entering the room. I was no longer wrapped in Damon's arms. I got out of the black silk sheets and put on a tank top and some shorts. My stomach was still upset, I needed to get food in me and then I could shower. I tied a robe around me and left the room.

Damon had been waiting for me in the dining room. He was still in his pajama pants and shirt from last night. I thought he would've been to work by now. He probably was running late because I'm sure I kept him up before I sobered up. I sat down across from him and his eyes fell on me.

Rose brought out our breakfast which was an omelette with some hash browns and fresh fruit. I had no appetite but I knew I wouldn't feel any better until I had eaten. I took a sip from the apple juice brought out with the meal. Then I took a bite from the omelette.

"Are you feeling okay?" Damon asked after swallowing a bite of his food.

I nodded. "I'm alright."

"You can't do that again Kaydence." He used my name to show how serious he was. "The public knows who you are now and we have an image to maintain."

"I know, I'm sorry." I responded lowly as I took another bite of food.

"That man could have hurt you. I can't have that happen. There's a new rule, a two drink max. No more after that and I don't want you drinking if I'm not around you." His icy blue eyes met mine. They were filled with care and concern.

His rule wasn't so that he had control over me. It was to protect me and I could respect that. I didn't want to go through anything like this again. My body felt terrible right now and it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth the stress I had felt in the middle of the night because I wasn't sure what had happened.

"Okay." I nodded. "Are you going to work today?" I was trying to change the subject.

"No, you and I are going somewhere on business." Damon answered.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"There is a client I need to sign a contract with immediately in New York. You're coming with me." He wasn't suggesting, it was an order.

"Doesn't your secretary go to things like that with you?" I asked.

"Typically, but it's different now that I'm engaged. People want to meet the future Mrs. Tipton. Plus after yesterday I don't want you to leave my side for a few days." He responded.

I sighed. "When do we leave?"

"After you've had a shower. No need to pack anything, we'll buy as we need there." He stated.

"What's the rush?" This seemed very important to him.

"Because Justin needs this contract to be signed by him to help secure the VP spot. I'm not going to let that happen after this stunt." I could see irritation in his eyes.

"What do you mean, after this stunt?" His words made me curious.

"He sent that man to the bar last night Kaydence." Damon's words made my blood go cold. "Apparently he's keeping an eye on us as well. The man confessed when I went to make him pay for what he had done. Justin's trying to sabotage our relationship, so I'm teaching him a lesson by taking the most important contract to him."