The Girl He Promised You Was Me

I finished getting myself dressed for dinner. Damon had chosen a grey suit with a purple tie so I wore a purple dress to match. The dress was made of silk and came to my midthigh. There was a strap on my left side but not one on my right. I curled my hair and did a mix of a purple and black smokey eye paired with a dark lipstick.

Once I was satisfied I left the bathroom to let Damon know I was ready to go. He got up from the couch as I entered. His eyes looked me up and down and a sexy smirk crossed his lips. "You're lucky we have somewhere to be or I'd take you again right here."

I could feel myself blush at his words. "You wish." I teased.

"Damn right I do." He responded and grabbed my hand in his. "Let's get going Love."

I followed behind as we exited the penthouse and got inside of the elevator. He pressed the button to take us to the first floor. I had no idea where we were going. All I was told was to look nice.

"Is Stacey joining us?" I asked, this was a work dinner after all.

"Not tonight. Just you and I with the client." He responded as the elevator descended.

We finally reached the first floor and the elevator opened. Damon continued to hold my hand as we made our way through the hotel lobby. I could feel eyes on us as we went. The Tipton name held such a presence almost everywhere. With news about Damon getting engaged people were curious, especially since we haven't really been seen together much in public.

Damon paid no attention to the watchful eyes as he led us to the door with confidence. I peaked around with my peripheral vision as I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone. Hopefully the staring would be less frequent the more people saw us. I wasn't used to the public eye being on me so it was going to take some time to just ignore it.

We got into the car and began to drive to our destination. Cody wasn't here for security but some of his subordinates were given the task to accompany us. One of them was a driver in our car and the security followed in another vehicle. They would do the thing where they would watch us from afar and intervene if needed.

We arrived at the restaurant after about ten minutes in the car. It was the nicest place I had ever been to. It was a high class italian restaurant. We went inside and were immediately greeted by the hostess who led us to the table. At the table a man with short blonde hair sat with a woman who was a brunette.

The man got up and greeted us. "So nice to see you again Mr. Tipton."

"Nice to see you as well Mr. Benson." Damon responded and they shook hands.

We took our seats, I was across from who I assume was Mrs. Benson. "This must be your fiancé I've heard about." Mr. Benson spoke as he looked in my direction.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"This is my wife Brittany." He introduced the woman who smiled.

The waitress came over and got our orders for drinks. Damon placed an order for a glass of wine for him and I. The waitress then proceeded to take our order for food. I had never been to such a fancy place. I decided to stick with what I know and got chicken alfredo.

We waited patiently for our food, that's when the contract discussion began. Damon spoke up first. "Mr. Benson, I know my nephew is supposed to come to sign this contract but looking further it would be best for us to get this in sooner."

"Mr. Tipton, you know I respect you. But Mr. Moore and I have been in talks about this for four months now. It wouldn't be right to turn my back on him now." Mr. Benson responded. "Besides we made a deal that I don't think you can uphold."

Damon looked at Mr. Benson curiously, "What kind of deal?" He asked.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss it." He answered.

Damon and I exchanged glances. We knew what kind of man Justin was. They had been in talks for months. This explained why he came to me begging to give him a second chance. I was the deal. If Justin didn't have me he didn't have a contract.

They continued to go back and forth on this contract. Damon was not going to let up and Mr. Benson was not going to cave. We could be here all night if they kept on like this. Mr. Benson's phone rang, he looked at the screen of who was calling. "Pardon me, I must take this." He walked off to a hallway in the restaurant.

After he walked away I could see in Damon he was getting frustrated. A few minutes passed and Mr. Benson was still gone. "Excuse me for a moment. I need to go to the ladies room." I got up from the table and Damon watched me leave with curious eyes.

I made my way into the hall with the bathroom where Mr. Benson had gone to take his phone call. It looked like he was just finishing up when I arrived. It was probably wrong but I decided to listen in. I was prepared to help Damon land this contract at whatever cost.

"Yes Mr. Moore, I'll talk with you later. Goodbye." Mr. Benson spoke before ending the call. He had clearly been speaking with Justin. Once Justin knew Damon was swooping in he surely would be on his way here to close this deal. It was now or never.

Mr. Benson turned around and was startled to see me. "You scared me Ms. Bush." He chuckled.

"I know what Justin promised you." I got right to the point, no need to tiptoe around it.

"Oh do you?" Mr. Benson asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You said he started talking to you about the contract four months ago, right?" I responded.

Mr. Benson nodded, "Yes."

"He promised you that he would supply a female for you to do whatever you wanted to do for a night as long as she was in one piece when she came back to him, didn't he?" I asked.

I could see his demeanor change, he was nervous. "H-How do you know?"

"Because Mr. Benson, I was still seeing Justin at that time. That girl he promised you was me." I folded my arms across my chest.

I could see the color drain from his face. This was the ticket to the contract. "I uh-" He started to speak but I interrupted him.

"You're going to go back to that table and hear my fiancé out on this contract being signed with him. Then you're going to sign it before you leave tonight. If you don't then you'll piss off Damon Tipton who will be able to let the world know about how you are willing to trade business for a woman. No one dares to go against anyone of the Tipton name, he'll destroy you." I was stern with my tone, he knew I was serious.

Mr. Benson was speechless. He looked at me with shock but finally nodded in agreement.

"Good." I responded and walked back to the table.