How Did You Do It?

I took my seat at the table as the waitress came with our food. She had dropped it off and walked away before Mr. Benson had returned. He still appeared to be a little shaken up but not as bad as when I left him in the hall. Damon's eyes looked him over and then glanced at me. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind.

"Tell me again, what's the advantage if I sign with you tonight?" Mr. Benson asked.

Damon broke his stare at me and looked back to Mr. Benson. "I'm the president of the company Mr. Benson, I can have the project start right away. The press release would look very good for your company if you were able to get the president to come in person for you to sign compared to a regular manager like Mr. Moore." Damon explained.

Mr. Benson nodded. "I would like to get the project going as soon as possible so it would make sense to sign with you."

"Why such a sudden change Mr. Benson? You left this table hell bent to sign with Mr. Moore." Damon questioned.

"Well I thought about it for a moment after getting off the phone. We've done business a few times when the company was under my grandfather. I'd hate to ruin such a good business relationship for someone who has just barely made management at Tipton Enterprises." Mr. Benson had come up with the best excuse he could. I give him credit for thinking on the spot.

"And what about the deal my nephew had promised?" Damon's asked in a slightly threatening tone.

I could see sweat slightly on Mr. Benson's forehead. He tried to be confident but he was still nervous. "I'm no longer interested in the deal. A personal deal shall not get in the way of company business." He answered.

"Are you sure?" Damon asked again, still with the threatening tone. At this point he was pressing the issue to make Mr. Benson uneasy.

Mr. Benson nodded. "Yes. A deal like that will never be made again as long as the relationship with Tipton Enterprises remains in good standing."

"Good. Let's eat while I have my secretary bring the documents." Damon got his phone out and texted Stacey.

We all proceeded to eat our meals. There wasn't any conversation going on and the silence felt a little heavy. It was awkward and a little uncomfortable. Finally Mr. Benson's wife spoke to break it.

"So how long have you two been an item?" Brittany asked to make conversation.

"Just a little while now. I met Damon through his nephew actually." I explained the bare minimum of the details.

During the relationship with Justin we were never public. I never dealt with any media, but that could also be because he wasn't as well known as Damon. I never went to any business dinners either. I was dropped off for entertainment purposes and went home when his client was done.

"You guys make a really cute couple." She smiled.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile in return.

She seemed to be the only one oblivious to why things were a little tense. My guess was she was never told what her husband intended to do. She probably thought the awkwardness was just from the back and forth of the contract talk. She seemed very sweet too, such a shame Mr. Benson was willing to risk things with his deal with Justin.

We finished eating and sipping on our wine when Stacey approached the table. "Here you are sir. Is there anything else you need?" She asked Damon.

"No, thank you Stacey. You may go back now." Damon dismissed her and shuffled the papers.

Once space was cleared he put them in front of Mr. Benson. He proceeded to show Mr. Benson where to sign. I had no idea what this contract was for, I didn't want to pry too much in Damon's business. I was just glad I could help him. It also felt nice to get some revenge on Justin.

We stood up once the signatures needed were on the documents. Damon looked at Mr. Benson with a stern expression. "If I hear of any further deals with my nephew or anything similar this contract will be terminated. Understood?" He asked coldly.

Mr. Benson nodded, "Understood."

Damon held my hand with one of his, the documents were in his other. Once we had made it back to the car he looked at me as if he was studying me. "How did you do it?" He asked.

"I simply informed him the prize he had been promised was now your fiancé. That it was in his best interest to sign with you or risk upsetting you. He must've decided upsetting you was not worth it for him." I responded. "How did you know?"

He smirked. "Because he came back scared and you came back overly confident. It was sexy." He planted a kiss on my cheek.

We arrived back at the Hotel. He gave me the key for the penthouse while he went to give Stacey the documents to hold onto. Things had calmed down now, it was time to talk to him. I went into the bedroom to lay down while I waited for Damon to come back. He entered not too long after.

He looked me over, the flash of hunger in his eyes. "Well you're not playing hard to get are you?" He asked as he looked at me on the bed.

I sat up. "We need to talk actually." I paused waiting for his attention, once I got it I continued. "We forgot to use protection in your jet. We can't do that Damon."

"Why not?" He raised an eyebrow. I didn't expect I'd have to explain why.

"Because we shouldn't be risking having a baby!" I blurted out without a second thought.

His face went red from anger quickly. I didn't mean for my words to come out like that. "So you'll stay in my home, wear the clothes I buy, spend my money, agree to run a store I bought you, but the thought of having my child is too much for you?" His words were as cold as ice.

"Damon, I-" He cut me off.

He came closer and looked me in the eyes, his icy blue ones filled with rage. "Don't forget this started with you attending to my needs. If one of my needs is a child then you damn well will do it!" He spat out and left to the living room, slamming the door.