Accidents Happen

I was in disbelief at his words and how cold he could be. He didn't even let me explain myself. I just helped him and he had the audacity to speak to me like that. I could feel my own anger build. I wasn't going to just let him pass with how he spoke to me.

I stormed out of the bedroom to the living room. He was on the other side of the kitchen island with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He didn't acknowledge me as he took a shot of the alcohol. He clearly was still upset.

"First off, we're in an actual relationship now. You will not talk to me like that Damon! A child is a decision we both make, not you!" I confronted him with a raised voice.

He didn't say anything and his face was expressionless. He poured himself another shot of whiskey and drank it. I watched as he drank without acknowledging my words. My rage disappeared and was replaced with concern. Rose had told me Damon had an alcohol problem before. I knew he had already had his two max drinks with the wine at dinner.

"I'm just not ready for a baby right now Damon. We've only been together for a couple months. After we're married I'm more open to it." I lowered my tone.

"I guess I better just not touch you until then." His tone was still cold towards me.

"Damon-" he cut me off again.

"If I'm so unworthy of fathering your children why did you agree to marry me? Why didn't you leave when I gave you the chance? Are you only here because you feel the need to pay back the debt for your mother?" He asked while his eyes intently looked at me.

I sighed out of frustration. How could this man not see my feelings for him were genuine. "It's not at all like that." I paused when I noticed he was about to pour himself another shot. "Stop it Damon."

He looked up at me. "Why?"

"Rose told me about your alcohol problem in the past. Stop it please." I pleaded with him.

"Of course Rose would tell you." He scoffed. "What else did she tell you?"

"Just that and about how Martin was when your mother passed. Nothing else." I answered him.

"What's it to you then?" He asked.

"I care about you Damon! I don't know what the deal is but you're really worked up over this, why?!" He was beginning to frustrate me.

He didn't say anything. He took the bottle of whiskey in his hand and poured it down the sink. The silence was tense while he did it. Once the bottle was empty he sat it on the counter and turned to me. "Let's sit." He motioned to the couch.

I made my way to sit down and he did the same. He sat next to me but we turned to face each other. His face was much softer now than it had been when he exited the bedroom. I could tell he was thinking for a moment.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and let it out. "I came back four years ago to run Tipton Enterprises, but about three years before that is when I cut contact off with my father and left the company."

I nodded. From what I was gathering he was going to open up to me.

"My relationship with my father was strained enough because of the details Rose gave you. As I was moving up more in the company he had this future planned out for me. None of it was with my input, it was like I had no control of my life. I was just there to accomplish things he didn't have the chance to do." He explained. "My father made sure Justin had a good life though. No plans or restrictions for him."

"I'm sorry, that's not fair." I spoke trying to be sympathetic.

"Because of that I would act out just to spite him. One night I met a girl and we hooked up. I never really wanted a relationship or anything. I liked doing whatever I wanted without consequences. She became pregnant though." I could see the hurt in his eyes, this story didn't have a happy ending for him.

I grabbed his hand in mine. It was a way of showing my support without words. I didn't know the right thing to say right now.

"We were being civil with each other. I took her out for meals and accompanied her to appointments. We became really good friends, we didn't want to be together but we wanted to be good parents. I went to share the news with my father about the baby, she came with me and he was upset over it. The woman wasn't up to his standards and the woman that was going to birth his grandchildren needed to be of higher class." He explained further. "I thought he would be happy about another grandchild. Instead he was pissed and insulted her. She left the residence in a hurry and there was a car accident."

"That's awful. What happened Damon?" I asked, waiting patiently to see if he would give more details. I couldn't believe Martin could be so cold. He had always been welcoming.

"She was taken to the hospital in critical condition. She didn't make it and neither did the baby. She had only been about sixteen weeks pregnant." I could see the hurt on his face. "Being a father was taken from me because he just had to drive away the mother of my child. I left after that to Los Angeles. I took on working for another company and had no intention of returning."

"Damon, I'm so sorry that happened." I could only express my sympathy to him. I didn't know what else to say.

"I turned to alcohol to cope with the loss. I felt guilty because if I had gone and told him myself she wouldn't have left in such a rush. They would both still be here." He didn't make eye contact, he stared at the ground.

"I had no idea Martin could be like that. It isn't your fault Damon." I tried to help him cope with the feelings that had been brought up.

"I can tell he's sorry about it, he has been since he found out they passed away. He continuously tries to make it up to me. It doesn't help he was on medication at the time that made him lash out as a side effect. He knows it wasn't right, which is why he's been nothing but welcoming to you. He has his own guilt but the best he can do is to not be that way again." Damon responded. "I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I want the chance to be a father again. It just hit a nerve when it sounded like you didn't want to have my child."

"It's not that I don't want to have your children. I just don't feel like it's the right time. It's so soon." I explained.

"So what happens if you end up pregnant?" He asked. I could tell he was anxious about what I would say.

"Then we have a baby. Accidents happen, we just need to be careful and not do anything intentionally yet." I answered.