I Love Him

We had returned from New York a month ago. As Damon requested I throw myself into designing for the store to open. The renovations were finishing up and we were really waiting on the products to finish being produced. The staff he had hired had helped make it very easy to keep my focus on the designs.

We would be starting the interviews soon for the staff. The applications were going to be released today. The applications would go to Mrs. Thorne in the human resources department, then she would run them by Damon and give the necessary call backs. Once we had a good list of people the interviews would be held. We were shooting for next week.

Since returning from our trip I did get my monthly visitor two weeks later, meaning I wasn't pregnant. Damon seemed slightly disappointed when I told him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed as well. But we agreed we wouldn't have a child before we were married, there was a lot going on so it was best that way.

Justin has been silent since the return. Either he was up to something or Damon had gotten to him. Since being back we haven't made it to Martin's for any of the dinners or brunches. Damon had no desire to go see Justin be fake. I didn't protest because I really didn't want to see Justin either.

Today was the first day off I had given myself all month. I decided to go and spend some time with my mother. I had kept myself so busy that my checking in with her was just phone calls. I knew she was in good hands though and her health had significantly improved since her surgery.

I put my notebook of sketches away. There were a few designs in it that I had no intention of sending for mass production. I wanted to do some of the elegant dresses by hand. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to make something totally by myself. Also the value of things I made on my own would be higher as they would be one of a kinds.

I went down the stairs to let Rose know I would be going out. She was in the kitchen working around some dough and vegetables. "What are you making?" I asked.

She slightly jumped. I immediately felt bad for startling her. "Don't do that again." She was wide eyed but quickly returned to her normal expression. "I'm prepping some things for dinner tonight."

"Oh, what are you making?" I asked. I enjoyed Rose's cooking very much and I made sure she knew that.

"I'm planning to do chicken and dumplings." She answered.

"I don't think I've had that yet." I watched as she moved around the food.

"It's one of Mr. Tipton's favorites. He hasn't had it in a long time so I figured it would be a nice surprise." She spoke as she cut up some of the vegetables.

"Well it sounds delicious and I look forward to it. I'm heading out to meet my mother, I should be back before Damon gets home." I informed her.

I had let Cody know that I was ready to go out today. He was already in the car waiting for me. I got inside and buckled up, then he began to drive off.

"Hey Cody." I decided to see if I could get any conversation out of him.

"Hello Ms. Bush" Cody responded, I was slightly shocked he didn't ignore me.

"I'm just meeting with my mother today so feel free to go run an errand or something while I'm with her." I instructed and then gave him the details of the café we were meeting at.

Cody nodded in response.

There wasn't any more conversation after that. Cody was so quiet and reserved that I was lucky to have gotten anything at all. He continued driving until the car was in front of the café. Once stopped I got out and dismissed Cody to go on about his business.

I approached the café that we had decided to meet at for lunch. It had felt like it had been so long since she and I went out somewhere. I would've invited Damon but I wanted to have some one on one time with her. He was busy with work anyway.

"Hey mom." I greeted as I sat down.

She had gained some weight so she didn't look so thin. Her hair was beginning to grow back but she was still a little self conscious about it. She had gotten a few wigs until she had enough to feel good about. Today she wore a blonde one that went to her shoulders.

"Hey. How are you?" She smiled.

"I'm good. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Great! The doctor's are ecstatic about my progress." She answered.

"Even Dr. Baker?" I raised an eyebrow. I hadn't heard much about him since Dr. Prentice had taken over the surgery. He seemed to avoid the room when I was there. He must've spent enough time around Damon those few days he didn't want to risk being scolded.

My mom chuckled. "Yes. Even Dr. Baker. He apologized to me you know?"

"Well that's good. Hopefully next time he'll be more observant." I responded.

The waitress came and took our order. We both decided to get a glass of water and a salad. My mother was on a strict diet now and needed to make sure she ate healthy.

"So how are things with Damon?" She asked while we waited for the food to come out.

"Really well actually. We're waiting for the clothes to be finished for us to put in the store and then we'll pretty much be ready to open once we have a staff." I had told her over the phone about Amethyst. She was so excited that I was finally starting on my own dream.

"Have you guys set a wedding date yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. We're planning to do that once the store is up and going." I explained.

She nodded. "Is there a reason your relationship has progressed so quick?"

"No. We just fit each other well." I responded.

"It's been what about four months since you told me you ended things with Justin right? You've been engaged for about two I think. It's a little quick, that's why I ask." She stated

The waitress brought out our food and set it in front of us. It was quick, she was right. I didn't want to give the details of how this all started with him. She had no idea what I had done for money while she was in the hospital. I wasn't about to tell her either.

"Yes, it was fast and unexpected. But he's treated me amazingly and I love him." I spoke without thinking.

Damon and I had not said we loved each other yet. It was no secret my feelings were growing stronger for him. I knew he felt strongly about me but I didn't know if he was at the point of saying he loved me. I was too chicken to admit it to him, I didn't want to blurt it out and he have a bad reaction. He had left once before because he started getting feelings for me. What if he ran off again?