Make Sure You're Free

"So you love each other then?" She asked.

"Yes." I told a small lie, I didn't know if he loved me. I just didn't want her to question the topic further.

"Well as long as you're happy." She gave me a smile.

"I am. I promise." I reassured her.

We ate our lunch and talked a little bit longer. Then it was time to part ways so she could go home and rest. I had let Cody know I was ready to go and he met me in front of the café again. I got into the car and we headed back for the mansion.

It took about twenty minutes but we had arrived home. It was only about two in the afternoon so Damon was still at work. I decided I would go and talk with Rose. I hadn't sat down and had a conversation with her in awhile. I was always busy with working on my designs or Damon whisked me away.

I entered the mansion and went directly towards the kitchen. Rose was still cooking the meal for tonight. The kitchen was filled with such a delicious smell. "Hey Rose." I greeted to prevent from scaring her again.

"You're back. How was your lunch?" She asked me in a pleasant tone while she stirred whatever she had in a pot.

I took a seat on the stool at the kitchen counter. "It was good. Nice to get out and visit with my mother without worrying about work." I responded.

"Do you want me to get you a tea or anything?" Rose offered.

"No. I'm fine thank you." I declined. "How is your family doing?"

"They're doing great!" She stepped away from the pot and came to stand across from me. "My son and daughter-in-law are coming in this weekend from Illinois. It'll be nice not to have to rotate which child to see this weekend off." Her eyes were bright, she loved talking about her kids.

"Just for the weekend?" I asked.

"Well, they'll be here for a whole week. But unfortunately I'm only available for the weekend days." She sighed. "Honestly I was going to talk to Mr. Tipton in hopes of getting the entire time off, part of why I'm making the chicken and dumplings."

"Being engaged to Damon means I get to make decisions too when it comes to the house, doesn't it?" I questioned.

She thought for a moment before she answered. "Well I mean I would suppose so."

"Well then consider it done." I smiled.

"Oh Kaydence, I appreciate that. But I would like to know if Mr. Tipton is okay with it as well." She was slightly nervous to accept without his approval. I understood, he was her boss after all.

"I get it. But I will make sure he agrees. With the both of us working there's no sense in keeping you cooped up here just to make food. We're adults after all, I think we can handle a week of fending for ourselves." I reassured her. It didn't sound like all of her family was in the same place very often so I knew this was important to Rose.

"Oh thank you Kaydence! I wasn't sure how to bring it up to him honestly. Especially when I don't know what kind of day he's had." She responded.

I stayed in the kitchen with Rose and talked more. She was telling me about how her youngest grandchild had just started kindergarten. She was sad to see the youngest growing up and hope one of her children would have another. The oldest of the four grandchildren was heading into their senior year of highschool and she was looking forward to seeing him graduate in the spring. We talked until it was about five in the evening. Damon should be home any time now.

I heard the front door open and went to go greet him. He gave me a slight smile when he noticed I was approaching. "Hello Love. How's your mother?" He asked while removing his suit jacket, he then draped it over one of the sofas in the living room.

"She's great." I answered, "I have something to tell you."

He raised an eyebrow at me, "What is it?"

"Rose's son is coming into town this weekend and staying for a week close by her daughter. I decided since we're so busy to give her the entire time off." I bit my lip, nervous at his response.

He thought for a moment, his face had no expression so I didn't know if it was good or bad. "I guess you'll have to cook me dinner then." He finally responded with a smirk.

I felt relieved that he seemed to agree. "I can do that for you." I responded with a smile.

His hands gripped my waist and pulled me close to him. "You'll be providing me dessert as well." His words were filled with seduction.

I could feel myself begin to blush. I knew he didn't mean actual dessert by the tone in his voice. "Whatever you want."

"Those are dangerous words Love." One of his hands moved from my waist down to my ass, the other went to the back of my head to push my lips against his.

Our lips moved in sync with each other. He held me firmly against him as he deepened our kiss. He took the first moment he could and had his tongue enter my mouth. I could taste traces of mint as his tongue battled mine.

We finally pulled our lips away from each other. "Dinner must be about done I assume?" He asked.

I nodded in response. "Yes."

"Then let's go." He directed as he began to lead us to the dining room, his hand still placed on my backside.

We sat down and waited for Rose to bring in the food. She had brought in a salad that she had cut up by hand. Then it was followed up with the chicken and dumplings. She had made some rolls from scratch as well. The meal was delicious and Damon seemed quite pleased with it.

"I forgot, make sure you're free on Sunday." Damon broke the silence that developed while we ate.

"Why?" I questioned.

"We're going to my father's." His response caught me off guard.

"I thought you didn't want to go to anything like that." He had told me a few times he had no desire to see Justin or Martin.

"My Father practically begged this time. He said there was something important we needed to discuss." Damon sounded annoyed by the fact we would be going.

What did Martin want us to go over so bad?