You Seem A Little Tense

I looked myself over in the mirror. Sunday had quickly approached and we were going to Martin's. I chose a pastel purple dress and kept it simple with my make up. I allowed my hair to remain in it's natural waves. I left the room to meet Damon in the car.

I was dreading the fact we would probably see Justin and his parents today. It had been so nice to not be bothered by them. Justin probably ran and told on Damon for stealing the contract with Mr. Benson. If Martin was calling Damon over to scold him at least we wouldn't be there for too long. Damon wouldn't stand for it.

I got into the passenger side of the car. Damon wore his usual attire, a suit. This was one I hadn't seen before and was a dark midnight blue. I didn't think this man owned anything that wasn't grey or black except for his ties. He smirked as he looked me up and down.

"About time Love. Shall we get going?" He teased.

"What's the rush? Are you excited to go see your family?" I responded as I put my seatbelt on.

He began to drive. "No. But the sooner we find out what my father wants the better." He let out an annoyed sigh.

"Do you have any guesses on what he wants? Do you think Justin said or did something?" I wanted to pick his brain to see what I should maybe prepare to face.

"At this point Love I really don't know. I think we should just be prepared for anything." He glanced at me and then back to the road. "You seem concerned, why?"

"I don't know. What if Justin outed anything that would bring me shame?" I bit my lip in worry. I wouldn't put it past Justin to do such a thing.

"Then I'll make his life at work even worse than it is now." Damon scoffed. I didn't know what Damon was doing to him at work and I didn't ask. I didn't have the time to worry about it with everything I had going on. "You seem a little tense, let me help." Damon glanced at me once more and then back to the road.

He removed a hand from the driver seat and placed it on my thigh at the hem of my dress. He slowly moved it up under, getting closer and closer to my core. I could feel my heart pound in my chest. His actions were exciting me.

"Damon, that's not a good idea." I warned.

"I'll decide." He tone was husky and dominant.

His fingers had found my lace underwear. He rubbed me on the outside causing me to let out a small moan. "Damon, we shouldn't do this." I spoke after my moan of pleasure had escaped.

"But Love, you're already wet for me." He responded.

His fingers moved into my underwear and began to rub me. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. Thankfully the windows in his car were heavily tinted so no one could see what he was doing to me. It would've been embarrassing if someone at a stoplight noticed his hand under my dress.

He caught me by surprise and I let out a gasp as one of his fingers plunged inside of me. ""Damn it Damon." I moaned out as he pumped in and out of me.

He had a smirk on his face as if he had accomplished something big. He continued working on me with his fingers, placing another one inside. He moved them fast and vigorously but yet gentle enough to make sure he wouldn't hurt me. I could feel myself building up to my climax.

The way he was working on me and the excitement from being in the car made this all the more thrilling. He could tell I was getting close and pumped his fingers faster. "Cum for me Love." His words sent me over the edge. I had finally had enough, I bit down on my bottom lip hard as I finally climaxed.

I looked over at him, panting. "That wasn't fair to do before a family function."

He was stopped at this point. I hadn't realized how long we had been driving but he finished me off just as we pulled into Martin's driveway. Thank goodness no one had been outside. He took his two fingers coated in my juices and placed them in his mouth. He looked me in the eyes as he sucked off my juices.

"Well, I don't give a shit. You're mine and I'll please you when I decide it is convenient." He spoke after removing his fingers from his mouth. "Now we should probably go inside."

We exited the car and Damon put his arm around my waist as we approached the door. We rang the doorbell and were greeted by Martin's butler. We entered the home and everyone was already in the living room. Damon removed his hand from my waist and looked at me.

"Go sit, my hand feels a bit sticky. I'll go wash it and be back." He winked at me before he walked to the bathroom.

I sat down on the empty loveseat. Justin, his parents and Victoria were already here. Martin had yet to make an appearance downstairs it seemed. The feeling in the room was filled with tension. Not the usual tension though, it was worse this time. Probably a result of Justin being furious with Damon.

"Welcome back you little skank." Ava scoffed, finally being the one to break the silence in the room.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks." I responded in a sarcastic tone.

"I know what you and my brother did in New York. First you break Justin's heart and now you're plotting to steal his promotion out from under him. You cunning little bitch." Ava's words were filled with venom.

"She didn't do anything but accompany me on my trip like a good fiancé would. Now be quiet you miserable old bag." Damon responded to Ava's words as he took a seat next to me. "Plus Justin should've seen it coming, a good businessman is always one step ahead." He emphasized the word good to insult Justin.

"I'm plenty good, not my fault you're a self absorbed asshole!" Justin shouted.

"Enough!" Martin shouted, silencing everyone. "We're here to talk about the black and white event we host every year, not to argue."

I've only heard stories about the black and white event. It was a high class party that the Tipton's hosted once a year. It was extremely formal and you could only wear white and black.

"But father-" Ava started but he cut her off.

"Not another word! I heard how you started the conversation Ava and that is unacceptable! She will be your sister in law, be better!" He scolded Ava in front of everyone.

Ava was surprised by Martin's words but kept her mouth shut. Damon was the first to speak. "So you wanted me here just to talk about the black and white party?" He questioned.

"Yes." Martin answered. I was relieved that this was the reason we were here and not because of something Justin did.