Who Are You Turning It Over To?

"You could have called me for this." Damon was displeased with why we were here. Martin had made it seem like a much bigger matter.

"Damon you haven't been back for weeks. Besides, talking in person about this is more ideal." Martin explained as he took a seat in the living room.

"What's there to discuss? The theme is the same as always. The decorators should do no different this year than they did last year." There was a hint of annoyance in Damon's tone.

"Well there's the discussion of who should cater and what dishes are to be served." Ava spoke up, putting herself into the conversation.

Damon shot her daggers with his icy blue eyes. He was still irritated by her prior comments. "This is business decided by Tipton Enterprises management. Your thoughts are not needed." He turned his attention back to Martin. "Let's hire the same caterers as last year."

Martin agreed and that was the end of the conversation. Ava pouted after Damon had shut her down from having an opinion. Justin was smart enough to keep quiet while Martin and Damon spoke. He must've known his opinion was not needed as well.

"Excuse me sir, dinner is ready to be served." Martin's butler spoke after he had entered the room.

"Very well. Let's go eat." Martin responded, he got up from his chair and headed for the dining room.

Damon held me by the waist as we walked together. I could feel the eyes glaring at me from behind. The eyes probably belonged to Ava. I knew this woman could be cold but I didn't know how bad it was until her anger was directed at me. When I was with Justin she had been so nice, almost too nice. It must've been her way of making up for the raging bitch she really was.

I took the seat next to Damon and across from Martin. The dishes were quickly brought out to us by Martin's staff. Today we were being served a roast for dinner. It was served with bread, baby carrots that had been cooked with the roast alongside mashed potatoes and gravy. Everything looked delicious.

Once we all had been served we began to eat. "Kaydence," Martin grabbed my attention, "I heard the store is coming along nicely."

"Yes. Renovations are about done, we're just waiting for the production to be complete." I responded with a slight smile.

"You certainly have come farther these past few months in Damon's care. I'm happy to see you working hard." Martin stated.

I could see a flash of emotion on Justin's face. It was an emotion I had never seen from him before. He was feeling jealous and had a look of envy on his face. The last time I had been here with him I didn't have any answer for Martin on what I wanted to do. Justin didn't give me an opportunity to pursue anything. I was supposed to remain available for whatever he needed.

"She's quite an impressive designer." Damon added to the conversation. "There have already been a few models that have reached out about helping advertise the brand."

I looked at him, slightly surprised as he had forgotten to mention this detail before. "Really?" I asked.

"Yes Love, you're fantastic at what you do." He complimented.

I could feel myself blush slightly. "Thank you."

We proceeded to continue eating. I could feel Justin glance at me here and there, but I ignored it. He didn't deserve any sort of attention of mine. After the meal had finished Martin wanted everyone to return to the living room. Damon agreed to go back and I was slightly disappointed we weren't leaving yet.

We returned to our seats in the living room. "There is another reason I called you here today Damon." Martin spoke, grabbing our attention.

"What is it?" Damon asked.

"The black and white event is two months away, after that I have decided I will begin the process of fully retiring. Which means I will have to start the process of turning over the company." Martin spoke.

I could see the surprise in both Damon and Justin's face. However it was more obvious in Justin's. Damon returned to his emotionless expression. It was no surprise that Damon was up for the CEO position.

"Just to be clear, who are you turning it over to?" Damon asked Martin.

Martin let a slight chuckle out. "You of course. You've worked hard these past four years helping me keep the company going."

Ava seemed too excited by this. "Does this mean Justin will become the company president?" She asked.

"No." Martin responded. The excitement from Ava drained immediately and Justin looked at Martin in disbelief. "Damon is capable of being both positions if he wants to, it's not uncommon. The only reason I kept the CEO position was to monitor how Damon handled being in charge. He's done quite well and I believe he'll be able to handle everything just fine."

Ava's face was red with anger. " How can you be so willing to hand the company over like that? Don't forget that he abandoned you years ago Father! You're not even giving Justin a chance! Justin has been here for you since day one, he deserves something! Without someone being over Damon Justin will never move up as he should! He's a heartless asshole and he shouldn't be in charge!"

"Grandfather, I've worked hard. Why can't we just move me into the president seat?" Justin asked calmly.

"Because you aren't prepared Justin. You haven't been a manager very long. Damon knows business, he's been in this career from day one. He has the tenure to have the position. Before I retire completely as long as you've shown promise you can still be in the vice president seat. If Damon decides to move you up that's his decision, not mine to make." Martin responded to Justin. It was clearly not the answer Justin had been hoping for.

"So never then!" Ava interjected. She then turned her anger towards me. "I don't know what you've done but I'm sure this has something to do with you, you little bitch!" She sneered, she didn't even care Martin was in the room.

"Ava, I've warned you once." Martin spoke sternly.

She ignored his words and came lunging at me. "I will ruin you!" She had been caught by Robert and Martin's butler before she had gotten close enough to me. She struggled to get out of their grasps, her face still red from being worked up. "You don't deserve any of this, whore!!"

"God damn it Ava that's enough!" Martin shouted. He then glanced at Damon and I. "Damon, get Kaydence out of here! You're sister has lost her damn mind!" Martin ordered.