I Think You Like It

"How many more do we have?" I groaned.

Damon and I were holding the interviews today. We had been going for about four hours now. It was around lunchtime and I was starving. Damon was the one who was mainly asking the interview questions. He had an idea of what we should be looking for and I was there pretty much to make sure that I could work well with the ones he recommended hiring.

Damon chuckled. "What time is it?"

"Noon." I answered.

He placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed circles with his thumb. "One more and I'll take you to lunch. Okay?" Damon offered.

I let out an over exaggerated sigh, "Fine." I smiled.

The door of Amethyst opened, another person was coming in for their interview. Damon's hand moved from my thigh before the young woman approached. Julie was given the task to be by the door and lead the candidates to the table where we sat. The young woman who followed Julie had dark brown hair and brown eyes, she was a petite build.

"Here you are." Julie smiled and returned back to the front of the store.

"Hello I'm Samantha Shae." She introduced herself, Damon and I stood to shake her hand and then we all took our seats.

"I'm Kaydence and this is Damon. He handles the more business side of things but I'll be the one in charge of the store." I smiled.

"What experience do you have?" Damon asked while looking over the application. The experience was listed on there but he wanted to hear it from the applicants in person. He said it was easy to sound good on paper, but he wanted to know if they had the same confidence in person.

"Well I've had four years of retail experience. My last job was at a small boutique and I helped keep the shelves stocked. I also assisted customers with any complaints, I like to make sure they all left satisfied every time. I've had the experience checking the inventory and making sure everything is accounted for along with putting in the information of what we need more of." Samantha answered.

"It looks like you've only worked at the one boutique, is that correct?" Damon asked, glancing up at the woman.

"Yes, I was dedicated to staying with them. The only reason for leaving is because the owners fell sick and had to sell. I'm not a fan of the new management so I decided I would look somewhere else." She explained.

"I like that, it shows you won't jump ship easy." I spoke up, I didn't want her to think it was a bad thing that she stayed with one company for all of her experience.

Damon asked her more questions about her availability and other general interview questions. Once he had asked them all, it took about fifteen to twenty minutes, he allowed Samantha to go. "Thank you for your time Ms. Shae."

We stood and shook her hand once more and she headed for the store entrance. "I liked her." I stated after she had left the building.

"She seems professional enough. We'll go eat and finish the last of the interviews. Then we'll start making the decisions on who will be hired." Damon responded.

Damon held my hand and we walked down the street to find ourselves a place to eat. We decided on a little restaurant just a couple stores down. It wasn't a high class place but that was okay. It was a small little establishment and there weren't very many people here. The hostess had led us to a table right away.

We were approached by a young man. "Hello, my name is Theo and I'll be serving you today. What can I get you to drink?" He asked.

"I'll have a Sprite." I answered.

"And I'll just have a water." Damon spoke.

"Sounds good. I'll be right back." Theo smiled and walked off.

We looked over the menu. It was their lunch time so they were serving hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and soup. Everything looked good, I knew this would be a place I would want to come back to. Especially since it was so close to the store.

Theo brought our drinks out to us. "Have you decided or do you need another moment?" He asked.

"I've decided. Have you Love?" Damon asked me.

"Yes, I'll have the chicken sandwich with the side of fries." I spoke giving my order to Theo.

He scribbled it down on his notepad. "And for you sir?" He asked Damon.

"I'll have the BLT sandwich, fries as well." Damon answered, still in his professional tone.

"Sounds good, I'll get this in." Theo walked off to place our order.

"You know we're on a lunch break, you don't have to seem so professional." I teased. He had kept the same demeanor since he had walked into the store this morning.

"But I think you like it." He responded, looking me up and down.

I could feel myself slightly blush and I was embarrassed. He wasn't wrong. Seeing Damon being so professional was a turn on for me. The only time he had slipped up today was when he put his hand on my thigh. I couldn't help the fact my eyes had been fixed on him throughout the day, watching how hard he was working. But there were a few times he picked up on my gaze.

"You've just proved my point." He spoke once more.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I responded, trying to hide the fact he had been spot on.

"Have you decided what you'll be making me for dinner tonight?" He changed the subject. He already knew he was right on the topic before so he wasn't going to press it further.

I had taken a sip of my sprite before answering. "I haven't yet. But I'll figure it out."

I had forgotten Rose was gone this week. I made sure Damon gave her the time off so she could see her family all at once. I had spaced that part of the arrangement is that he wanted me to cook dinner for him. I didn't have anything prepared and I knew Rose prepared fancy meals from scratch.

If that's what he was expecting from me then he would be disappointed. I could cook something simple like spaghetti but it wouldn't be noodles from scratch. Any bread that would be served would also not be made from me directly. After the interviews I would have to make it to the store before he came home.

"And don't forget. I'll be expecting some dessert as well." His professional tone was gone. His voice was filled with seduction, hinting at what he was wanting later.