You Willingly Speak?

Damon had to leave almost immediately after introducing me to Nicholas. I hated that he was leaving earlier than expected but I understood. I wished I could go with him but I was needed here. He gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye and we parted ways. I made him promise to call me tonight before he went to bed.

Nicholas was now the one who would be driving me around for the time being. We were going to take Julie home and then I would go back to the mansion. Damon excused me from working the rest of the day. He told me it was because he knew I was about to take on a lot of the next few days. He wanted me to be rested.

"You two are so cute." Julie teased after we had gotten into the back of the car.

"Oh hush." I chuckled as Nicholas began to drive.

"Maybe one day I'll get me someone who treats me like a queen like he does you." She sighed. "You know every time you guys are seen in public you're a hot topic on social media right?"

I didn't have time to worry about my social media lately. I couldn't remember the last time I had posted something. "Oh I'm not surprised." Last time I had been a hot topic there were a lot of mixed responses. Some people hated me and others thought Damon and I were great together.

"So we're supposed to have the staff come in tomorrow, what time do you want them there?" Julie asked. "I'm supposed to report it to Mrs. Thorne."

"Hmmm." I thought for a moment. "Let's do 9 AM." I responded.

"Okay, sounds good. I'll let her know." Julie smiled.

"You're really enjoying this assistant thing aren't you?" I questioned with a smirk.

"I get paid to hang out with you, I'm not going to complain." She answered. "Plus serving you is a lot better than the people I was serving."

Julie and I talked a little more and then we approached her apartment building. She got out of the car and gave me a smile. "See you tomorrow!" She closed the door and headed inside.

Nicholas began to drive again, heading for the mansion. "Your friend seems nice." His voice caught my attention.

"You willingly speak?" I asked "Cody rarely says a word."

He chuckled lightly. "Yeah he seems to take his job very seriously. I've only been around him a handful of times after being hired by the security team."

"Have you met Damon before today?" I questioned further. Since this security guard was willing to talk I might as well make the most of it.

"No actually, this was a first for me to be in Mr. Tipton's presence. I had been put on the Los Angeles team some time after he had returned to Nashville from a trip he had taken." He must've been referring to when Damon left after the second punishment. He hasn't been back to Los Angeles since then.

"Oh nice. Why'd they choose you to accompany me while he and Cody are away?" I would have thought Damon would've picked someone with more tenure.

"I guess I was just qualified. My supervisor in Los Angeles is the one who picked me. I was told it was a good way for them to see how I could protect a person on my own." He explained while he was focused on the road.

I nodded in response.

"You're in good hands." He smiled as he looked back at me in the rearview mirror. "Especially after meeting Mr. Tipton, I'm not letting even a scratch appear on you."

I couldn't help but laugh silently. Damon must've scared him. "Good to know."

We arrived at the mansion and I made my way into the kitchen. I was prepared to cook for Damon for a whole week but now I was on my own. I was slightly bummed out because I actually enjoyed making the spaghetti for him. I was a little relieved though, I could mess a dish up easily and I just wanted to remember the first success on a meal for him.

I made myself two sandwiches with some lunch meat in the fridge. I scrolled through my social media to see any updates. I had nothing better to do and Julie had peaked my curiosity. It was about the same as last time when I looked up Damon's name on twitter.

"She's so pretty!"

"I can't believe he settled for someone like her!"

"If he can pick a girl that's not from a noble family maybe I still have a chance!"

"Guys leave them alone, he looks happy!"

I read the comments in my head while I ate. I favorited the positive comments and disregarded the negative. I didn't have the time or energy to give them attention. I learned from the last time just to brush them off.

After I ate I made my way to the bedroom. I had no intention of going to bed as I was still waiting for Damon's call. I decided while I waited it would be best to take a shower to help me relax. I was in there for a good twenty minutes when I exited the bathroom to get dressed. Before I could though my phone started to ring.

I hurried over and smiled at Damon's name. "Hello." I answered.

"Everything going okay, Love?" He asked.

"Yes. Nicholas seems to be nice." I reported back.

"Good. I finally made it to my room after having a meeting." He informed me. Then his voice gained a seductive tone. "What are you wearing right now?"

I could feel myself blush. "I just got out of the shower. So a towel."

"Hmmm. I can picture it now." I could practically see the smirk on his face.

I was about to answer when I heard a noise from outside of the door in the hallway. It caught me off guard and startled me. "Hey, hold on."

"Is everything alright?" His tone was now concerned.

"Um, yeah. Just a second." I responded as I made my way to the door. I cracked it open and didn't see anyone there, just an empty hall. It was only Nicholas and I here and he was on the other end of the house where Rose and Cody normally stayed.

"Love is everything okay?" Damon's voice asked again.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I responded while closing the door. I was probably just hearing things and felt uneasy because this was the first time I was staying here with no familiar faces.

I made sure I locked the bedroom door just to be safe. I talked to Damon as long as possible before he finally had to let me go. I spent the night feeling anxious from the unknown noise, I tossed and turned before I finally could sleep.