You Two Can Leave

I finally woke up to my alarm. It was seven in the morning and I needed to get ready for work. I climbed out of bed and changed into a dark blue skirt and a long sleeve white blouse. I threw my golden blonde hair into a bun and applied a little make up. I needed to make sure I didn't look as tired as I felt.

It was a sleepless night as I kept feeling anxious. The slightest noise kept making me jump. I had thought about calling Damon but I didn't want to keep him up. I knew it was probably all in my head. If it had actually been anything threatening Nicholas would've informed me.

I had told Nicholas to meet me with the car at seven-thirty sharp. I went downstairs and exited the mansion, he was on time and waiting. I got into the back seat and shut the door.

"Good morning Ms. Bush." Nicholas greeted.

"Good morning." I responded. "Hey was anyone inside of the house last night or around it?"

"No. I didn't see anyone. Did something happen?" His tone showed he was concerned. He was driving to the store at this point.

"No, I thought I had heard a sound in the hallway. It was probably nothing." I answered. I still felt uneasy about it though. Something seemed off.

The only culprit I could think of would be Justin. Damon put him in the hospital last time for attacking me. Would he be so bold to come and try again? If he did Damon might kill him this time. But Justin was getting more brave so it wouldn't surprise me.

"I'll keep an extra close eye on the security system tonight." Nicholas reassured me which gave me a little relief.

The car parked in front of the store and I went inside. I wanted to make sure everything was prepared for my new employees. It was about eight now so they would be here in the next hour. As I was getting everything ready Julie rushed in with two iced coffees in her hands.

"Am I late?" She asked out of breath while handing me one of the coffees.

I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my lips. "No, you're on time. Maybe even a little early."

She seemed to relax. "Are you ready to be a boss now?" She smirked.

"Yes. I'm nervous but as ready as I can be." I responded.

I spent the next hour getting things set up a little bit. I want them to have an idea of where everything would go. As I finished my four employees walked in. Kira was a thin girl with caramel skin and long black hair, her eyes were dark to match her hair. Ivy was pale skinned with hair that was blonder than mine and chocolate brown eyes. Katie had slightly tanned skin with light brown hair and hazel eyes. And then finally there was Samantha, I wanted to hire her immediately after our interview the other day. She just fit well in my opinion.

"Welcome." I greeted the women with a smile. I had an all girl store staff because Damon didn't want me to have any male subordinates, at least until I wasn't spending all day at the store.

"Hello Ms. Bush." They greeted back.

"Please, call me Kaydence. Now let's get started." I directed.

The ladies followed behind me as I showed them which displays were going to be where. I showed them where I wanted mannequins to showcase some outfits. They all listened attentively as I showed them what to do. They all had experience with retail customer service so I didn't have to go over how to run the register.

We spent the next few hours placing the displays where we had wanted them. It was about noon when we finished and there wasn't very much left to do. I had gotten a call that clothes wouldn't be delivered until tomorrow. I dismissed the four employees with full pay for the rest of the day. That way they could prepare for the long day of putting the inventory on the racks and displays..

I sent Julie to go get us lunch to eat while I worked on sewing one of the originals I had come up with. I had also dismissed Nicholas for lunch and was enjoying my time on my own. I was so caught up in what I was doing I didn't hear the two women enter. It was only after I heard someone clear their throat that I removed my attention from my work.

"What do you want?" I scoffed as I looked upon Ava and Victoria.

"We just wanted to see how things were going." Victoria smiled but it was far from being sincere.

"I highly doubt that. We're not open yet. You two can leave." I was stern with my words.

"My brother has left for business. I wanted to come and talk to you. Woman to woman." Ava spoke up.

"What's there to talk about?" I folded my arms across my chest. Either she was here to belittle me or she wanted something.

"You seem to have this power over my brother. I don't know what it is but I've never seen him be so protective and listen to someone else. The only hope Justin has of advancing is you." She tried to seem pleasant as she spoke, but I knew it was an act. "Kaydence, I know the history of you and Justin hasn't been good. But be the better person and get Damon to promote him."

"You came here to beg Ava? That doesn't seem like you unless this is your last resort." I rolled my eyes. "Seems that Martin doesn't feel Justin is capable, that's on Justin. Not me."

Her face darkened a little. "You got my son in this mess by being disobedient and running away with his uncle. Justin deserves to be happy. Tell Damon to stand down and to stop interfering with Justin's contract. He still has until the event to prove himself worthy of the president seat."

"If you really know your brother then you know once he has made a decision it's pretty much final. Even if Martin gives Justin the president seat Damon will still be his superior, except he would hold all authority and just remove the position from Justin." I sneered, I wouldn't let these two women bully me.

"Is something wrong?" Nicholas cut in before Ava could speak further.

"Let's go Victoria, we've been in this whore's presence long enough." Ava directed.

They turned to leave. I assume they didn't want to get in trouble if Nicholas reported to Damon. Before they walked out of the door Ava turned to look at me.

"This isn't over Kaydence. I will do everything in my power to make sure Justin gets into the proper position. I have no problem taking down my brother." After that she left the store.