What Mistake Could Be Made?

I had trouble sleeping last night again. I thought for sure I had heard footsteps outside of the bedroom and the doorknob attempt to turn. It was unsuccessful as I had made sure I locked the door thoroughly. I had called down to Nicholas who said he didn't see anyone. It was hard to argue that this incident was in my head.

I asked Julie to come and stay with me tonight. After a long day of work I needed a good rest and I would feel better if someone I trusted was with me. She agreed after I had explained the events to her. She felt that it was hard to ignore the doorknob too.

We had arrived at the mansion after picking up some chinese take out. I didn't feel like cooking anything tonight as I was too exhausted. We took it into the kitchen and ate. It was silent until Julie finally spoke.

"So like, when do Cody and Damon return?" She asked.

"I don't know yet. Let me try to call him." I pulled my phone out and dialed Damon.

The phone rang and then it went to his voicemail. He was really busy with his project in Dallas so I wasn't surprised he didn't answer. He was probably in a meeting or something. He called me before he went to bed the past few nights so he would probably get back to me soon.

"I'll ask him later when he calls to tell me goodnight." I assured her. "Why the sudden interest in Cody?"

I could see her slightly blush. "Just cause."

"You like him!" I teased.

"Shut up!" Her eyes were wide, it was a giveaway that I was right. "I just think he's cute."

"Well I wish you the best of luck trying to pursue him. Cody is very silent. I only know a few minor things about him because of Rose." I responded as I took a bite of food.

"Well, what do you know?" Julie pressed for information.

"He has a sister who lives here in Nashville. I've never seen her or anything. He met Damon back in Los Angeles when Damon was gone from Tipton Enterprises. That's all the information I have." I stated.

"Do you think he'd go for a girl like me?" She asked.

Julie was single, she had been since I met her. She didn't want a boyfriend while she was working as a prostitute. She didn't want to over complicate anything but I knew she wanted to have someone in her life. Now she was out of sex work and could pursue to date someone.

"I really don't know Julie. But you got more conversation out of him the last time we were in the car than I have in the last few months." I answered. "Plus he drives me around and you're my assistant so you'll spend plenty of time together."

I could see a little glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Well, I'll continue trying to get him to warm up to me."

We continued to eat our dinner and then we made our way up to the room. The room had everything we needed in it. I didn't intend to come out until it was time to go to work tomorrow morning. I didn't want to risk running into whoever or whatever was disturbing me. I also kept my new routine and made sure the door was locked up.

"Do you have pajamas or do you need to borrow some?" I asked.

"I'll need some. This was kind of arranged last minute you know." She answered.

I walked into my closet and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top. We were the same size which I knew because we had exchanged dresses in the past. I exited and handed them to Julie. "Here. You go change in the bathroom and I'll change in the closet."

"Sounds good to me." She took the clothes and shut the bathroom door.

I entered the closet and searched for a pair of pajamas for myself. Once I found some I changed my clothes.

"Kaydence!" Julie hollered.

I exited the walk-in closet to see Julie looking a little shaken up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone tried messing with the door just now. They stopped when I came out and called for you." She explained.

I took my phone and dialed Nicholas right away. I placed him on speaker phone and waited for him to pick up. In a couple rings he answered. "Yes Ms. Bush?"

"Nicholas, there was someone messing with my doorknob just now. Julie saw it with her own eyes. Is someone in the house?" I asked.

"Oh," Nicholas chuckled a little. "That was just me. I knew how on edge you've been so I came to check the lock. I should've told you in advance. I sincerely apologize." He spoke calmly.

"Okay. Thank you." I ended the call and explained to Julie what he said.

"That's a little suspicious. Keep an eye on your guard Kay." Julie spoke after she knew he was off of the phone.

I nodded. It did seem weird he would check the lock like that. But Damon did threaten him to take his job seriously. "I will. I'm sure it's nothing troubling." I gave her a reassuring smile.

Julie and I watched TV to relax ourselves before bed. It was nice to have a friend here tonight. I was enjoying her company and this sleepover idea turned out to be a hit for the both of us. It was like we were high schoolers, hanging out without a care.

I noticed the time was about ten in the evening. Damon still hadn't called. He called by this time the last two nights. He must really be busy or maybe he had a long day and fell asleep. He would probably call sometime in the morning and explain it to me.

Julie and I continued on watching our show. My phone buzzed to signal I had a text message. I could feel a jolt of excitement as I hoped it was Damon. No one else besides him would usually contact me this late at night. The number that lit up my screen was unknown though.

I looked at my phone confused as I swiped up to unlock it. They had sent me a picture message. I opened it and immediately felt my heart break. There was a slight sting to my eyes as I knew tears were going to try to escape. Julie must've caught on to my sudden change because she hurried over.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I handed her the phone to take a look herself. I didn't want to have to explain it with my own words. I was speechless right now.

"Oh shit." Her tone was full of surprise. "There has to be some mistake!"

"What mistake could be made?" I asked. "You see the picture Julie. Another girl is on his lips!".

I don't know who sent me the photo but it was of Damon with his lips on another girl. This girl must've been why I got his voicemail and why he hadn't called me yet.