Leave Me Alone

My phone rang for the eighth time today. Damon kept calling and I kept rejecting it. After the fourth call he got a hold of Nicholas, when asked if I could talk I declined. He knew I was okay and that there had to be more reason for my silence.

I just wasn't in the mood to talk to him. After seeing the picture from the mysterious number I felt myself shut down. I was on the verge of telling him I loved him a few days ago and then this happens. It felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. I had to shut my feelings away.

There was too much going on with the store. I threw myself into drawing up more designs and working on my dress. I had everyone else work on setting things up with Julie's supervision. I just wanted to be left alone right now. Not that Damon was allowing that to happen.

There were brief moments where my phone didn't ring but that was probably due to him going into meetings. I knew I should probably hear him out on whatever excuse he may have. But I didn't want to have this conversation over the phone. There was also no excuse that would be good enough for me to justify the picture I had been sent.

Julie pushed to spend the night with me tonight again. I was still uneasy about everything that was going on and now this. She didn't think it would be a good idea to leave me on my own. I was reluctant at first because I wanted to deal with this in private. But after thinking further I decided to let her stay again.

My phone began to go off again. I was fed up with the distraction. I picked it up and answered. "What is so damn important you won't let me work?" I asked coldly.

"Why haven't you answered my calls Love? Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine." I remained with my same tone. "Now that you know I'm okay can you let me go so I can finish what I'm doing?"

"No." His tone was stern. He picked up that I was in a bad mood. "What's going on? You don't sound happy to hear from me?"

"Where were you last night?" I asked. If he was going to make me talk I would at least see if he would be truthful.

"I see. Are you upset I didn't call you last night?" He questioned. "I'm sorry, I had dinner with a client here in Dallas that ran later than I thought. After that I went up to my room, I laid down for a moment before I was going to call but ended up falling asleep." He explained, obviously leaving out the part about the person he kissed.

I was frustrated that he didn't mention it. If there was a reasonable explanation surely he would've come clean. "Leave me alone, I'm busy getting things up and going for the store. Don't worry about calling me again, I'll text you to know the progress from the store but that's it. We can talk further when you get back."

"Kaydence, what the hell is wrong with you? I'm not agreeing to that." There was a sense of frustration in his words.

"Fine, I can just shut my phone off and have Julie keep you updated. In the meantime why don't you go back and give your client a kiss." I slightly raised my voice and hung up the phone.

I turned it off right after. I was serious and I wanted him to know that. Just because he was handsome and rich didn't mean he could go do whatever he wanted. My feelings for him were serious, now I felt the need to evaluate them further. I threw away any thought of saying I loved him. My love had been replaced with hurt.

I walked out of the back room. "Julie, if Mr. Tipton calls you, only talk to him about business. I've turned my phone off so I focus on my work. I'm going to go out for a moment." I informed her and exited the store.

I needed to get some fresh air for a moment. I heard footsteps following behind me. I turned around to see Nicholas coming in my direction. "Ms. Bush, as your security you must tell me where you're going."

I sighed. "I just needed to go for a walk. I'll only let you tag along if you promise to not answer any calls from Mr. Tipton right now."

Nicholas nodded. "Yes Ms. Bush."

I turned around and started to walk. "Stop calling me that, my name is Kaydence." I wasn't big on being referred to by my last name.

He nodded and followed along. "Sorry."

Nicholas continued to follow along with me as I walked down the sidewalk. I didn't have any real destination. I just wanted to clear my head. I walked for a few minutes in silence. It began to feel a little awkward.

"Thank you for watching over me these past few days." I spoke quietly to break the silence.

I could see a half smile on his lips. "It's what I'm paid to do."

"Tell me about yourself a little bit Nicholas. What did you do before being a guard?" I asked.

"I was going to be a mixed martial arts fighter. I went through a lot of training but in the end I ended up hurting my knee pretty bad. I was very frustrated at first and disappointed. Then I stumbled upon the ad for security. With all my training I was hired, and because not a whole lot goes on honestly my knee wouldn't be an issue." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry that happened." We approached a bench and I sat down. "Let's take a rest for a moment."

"What about you? What did you do before designing?" Nicholas asked as he took his seat.

"I took care of my mother when she was sick." I answered, I wasn't going to go and give the whole story to someone I hadn't met until a few days ago.

He nodded and it was silent again. He took me by surprise when his hand was placed on my knee. He proceeded to slowly move it up to my thigh.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped which made him remove his hand.

He flushed in embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I must've misread the situation."

"Yeah, you did." I stood up. "That is not acceptable behavior when you're supposed to be protecting someone."

"It's just you seem to have been upset with Mr. Tipton, even calling him by his last name. Then you didn't shoo me away from joining you and we talked. I thought-" He started but I cut him off.

"You thought wrong. Let's go back, I'll go first and you follow. Keep your distance." I ordered.