How Dare You Touch My Woman

The sign for the store had been put up a week ago last Friday. Everything looked great. We had all the product we needed and we had a great team of staff around. The only thing left was for Damon to return so we could open.

I wanted the store to open as soon as possible, it was the only thing that's kept me sane lately. But I didn't want to see Damon. I was still hurting from the photo that had been sent to me a week ago. The hurt made it easy for me to keep my word on shutting my phone off. He could only check up on me through Julie or Nicholas.

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable around Nicholas. After the incident of him touching my thigh last Wednesday his eyes kept watching me. Like an animal that had watched it's prey run away. He had been embarrassed about the situation but it seemed like an act. He seemed more disappointed.

Julie had stayed with me every night which helped calm the nerves I had. There was no noise outside of my door. She had a weird feeling about Nicholas too, she felt he was up to no good. At this point I was beginning to feel that maybe she was right. I didn't understand how he would be given the task to watch me if something wasn't right. Damon was thorough on who would be around me.

"Hey Kay, I have some errands to run so I won't be able to go back with you tonight. Is that a problem?" Julie asked while biting her lip from being nervous.

"No Julie. It's fine. I'll lock my door and call you if I need anything." I faked a slight smile.

I couldn't keep her from doing things for herself. She had already spent a week with me, she needed to get her own tasks finished. I planned to go home, eat and then go to bed right away. I also was going to give Cody a call and see if he had any other information on Nicholas. I even considered having him send someone else in his place.

I locked up the store and waved Julie goodbye. I got into the back of the car and waited for Nicholas to take me home. The silence was uncomfortable and there was some weird tension as he drove. I would give anything to have the silence with Cody, at least that was comfortable. It felt like forever but we finally arrived at the mansion.

I went straight to the kitchen to eat my dinner. I settled on eating a salad with a glass of juice. I stepped away from a moment to go to the bathroom and returned to eat. I ate the meal in a hurry as I didn't want to risk any chance of running into Nicholas. Once I finished I placed my dishes in the sink and went to my room.

As I made my way up the steps I began to feel off. It was like I was drunk but it made no sense because I only had the juice. It got harder and harder to get up the steps. I missed one and started to fall back. A pair of arms caught me, I looked up to see Nicholas with a twisted smile on his face. He must've slipped something in my juice when I stepped away.

"Wha-" I tried to question what he was doing.

"Shhhhh." He responded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He spoke, his words sounded as if they were a threat.

He carried me up the stairs and into the room. He laid me down on the bed and began to undress himself. I tried to move myself away but the drug was in full effect now and I couldn't move. It felt like my entire body was just dead weight.

"Since you're not willing to let me have you, I'll just take you by force." He smirked.

"P-Please d-don't." I stuttered out.

I remembered I had my phone in my pocket. It took all my might but I reached for it and pulled it out. I pressed the button to turn it on. At this point I would welcome Damon blowing up my phone. Before it had fully turned on Nicholas yanked it from my hand and threw it against the wall.

"I don't think so Kaydence." He spoke as he approached me.

I could feel the fear develop as he came closer and closer. He stripped off the pants I was wearing. "Please, stop. Don't do this." I cried out.

"Shut up!" He shouted.

He tore off my blouse, leaving me in only my bra and underwear. I wanted to run away from him so bad but my legs wouldn't move. I could feel my eyes burn with tears that began to escape down my cheeks. There was no escape for me. I closed my eyes waiting for Nicholas to act on his plan.

"You're so sexy. This is going to be so much fun." He spoke as he made his way on top of me.

"You can still stop, please." I pleaded but kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to look at him.

"No!" He shouted in my ear as one of his hands cupped my breast.

My eyes opened when I heard the bedroom door be kicked open. Damon came in, his face was so dark it was as if he could kill someone. I was so grateful to see him right now despite my heartache. I could deal with that later, but right now I needed help.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He spoke with so much anger in his tone as he grabbed Nicholas by the back of the neck. He threw Nicholas into the wall and held him by his throat, choking him. "How dare you touch my woman!"

Cody had rushed into the room with a look of anger on his own face. Damon let go after Nicholas' face began to go purple. I watched the scene in front of me but still didn't feel like I could move. I couldn't even find any words to speak.

"Cody, you know where to take him. Send for Spencer and Max to come watch over Kaydence. Once they arrive I'll meet you to deal with this scum." Damon's face was clouded with darkness and his tone was stern.

"Yes sir." Cody grabbed Nicholas and dragged him out of the room.

Damon rushed over to me and wrapped me in his arms. "Are you okay Love?" he asked, his voice was now filled with concern.

I couldn't find any words. I just cried as he held me against his chest. He came for me, but that also didn't excuse what he had done. I wasn't in the right mind to talk about it right now though. I was still shaken up and needed the comfort from him.

I eventually calmed down and he got me into some pajamas. He finished tucking me into bed when Spencer and Max entered. They were two of his most trusted guards, right after Cody. Damon gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Stand guard at the door, who knows if this man has an accomplice. I'll be back when I'm finished." He turned and looked at me. "Get some rest, I'll be awhile."