(Damon's POV) Who Sent You?

*Damon's POV*

I walked out of the mansion on a mission. If I hadn't gotten here in time he would've hurt Kaydence. Sending him to the police wasn't good enough for me. Yeah he'd be taken in and probably charged to the fullest as the police would practically do anything for my family. But that wasn't good enough.

Kaydence is mine and he was going to pay for what he had done. He was supposed to protect her but instead he was the threat. Julie was supposed to only talk to me about the store by Kaydence's orders but she disobeyed. She felt it was important that I know about the strange events going on. I immediately started looking into him and found out he had never been hired by Cody.

I got into the driver seat of my black BMW and sped off. The quicker I dealt with Nicholas the quicker I was able to get back to Kaydence. I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I made my way down to the secluded warehouse. This was a warehouse owned by Tipton Enterprises for when things needed to be stored. I also used it for my own personal reasons when I needed to, like tonight.

I was beyond pissed as the scene I walked in on was stuck in my mind. I didn't want to scare Kaydence which is why I controlled my anger as much as possible. The less she knew about what happened to Nicholas the better. I cared deeply about her and I wanted to keep her conscious clean.

I stopped the car in front of the warehouse. I got out and went inside. Cody had Nicholas tied to a chair blindfolded. I wanted to get some answers out of him before I did anything too extreme. If he had been sent by anyone they would need to face punishment as well. No one would get away with hurting her.

"Is he awake?" I asked. The anger was obvious in my voice.

"Yes sir." Cody responded.

I ripped off the blindfold and gave him a punch to the face. "That was a bold move you pulled. Did you really think you could get away with it?" I sneered.

He gave a chuckle which enraged me more. "If it wasn't for her bitch friend who called you I would've gotten away with it."

I gave another blow to his face with my fist. As a child and into my teen years my father had me take classes for fighting and boxing. I was experienced with how to beat the shit out of someone. "Who sent you?" I asked coldly.

Nicholas spit out some blood that had developed in his mouth. "By you guys of course." He smirked.

He was just making my anger worse and worse every time he talked. I grabbed him by the throat and began to choke him. "That's not what I meant dumb ass. Who sent you to harm Kaydence?"

He started to turn purple as he gasped for air. I only let when I noticed he was on the brink of passing out. I still needed my answers and I couldn't do that if he was passed out. Cody stood by with a few of our other men.

"I don't know how you managed to fake being a part of our security but I have people looking into this. I will find out eventually how you were put into the system and I will find out who sent you. Why don't you make this easier and just tell me?" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait." He smirked once more.

This is where I lost my cool completely. He didn't want to talk so I was done giving him the opportunity. I wailed on him, punch after punch. I had so much force that his face became bloody very quickly.

I pushed over his chair to knock him to the ground. I kicked his stomach to make him groan in pain. He deserved every bit of what I was doing to him. I even gave him a few blows to his face with my foot.

I continued my assault until I felt he had enough. I had Cody and another guy sit him back up. "Now are you sure you don't want to tell me?"

"I'm not scared of you." He spat at me.

I couldn't help but let a dark expression grow upon my face. "Well, by now I'm sure you've got a concussion from what I've done. But you should be scared. Not necessarily of me, but of these guys." I gestured to the guards standing by Cody.

"And why's that?" Nicholas asked.

"That's a good question." I smirked. "See, I can't kill you because then that would look really bad on my family. However, these guys will do whatever I say without any questions. If I want you gone they'll finish what I started." I patted him on the back and headed for the door. "You know what to do Cody."

I left the warehouse and got back into the car. I wasn't going to have them kill him, I just wanted him to think that. I planned to have them continue beating on him until he was paralyzed. Once they were done he would be dropped off at the hospital and that would be the end of it. He didn't want to give me answers so he was useless, I had my own ways of finding out the information I needed.

I finally returned to my mansion around six. When I asked Spencer and Max how Kaydence was they told me she hadn't moved or been awake since I left. Out of worry I went to check in on her. Her breathing was slowed down, I sent for the doctor immediately as I didn't know what exactly Nicholas had given her.