Do You Have Proof?

I woke up to the bright sunlight coming in through the window. I noticed Damon sitting in a chair, watching me. I don't know when he returned as I passed out after he left. It had to be an effect from the drug Nicholas slipped me. I had the world's worst headache right now.

Damon looked like he hadn't slept all night. His eyes grew wide once he saw mine were open. He rushed to the side of the bed. "You're awake." He spoke softly.

I nodded. "What exactly happened?"

"Nicholas tried to rape you. But I got here in time to stop him." He started explaining. "I've taken care of him. You won't have to worry about him coming back. When I returned around six this morning you were still passed out. Spencer and Max told me that you still hadn't woken up for anything. I checked in on you and your breathing was a little slowed so I sent for the doctor to come immediately." His eyes were filled with concern for me.

"I would assume I'm fine right?" I asked.

"Yes, it was just an effect from what he gave you." Damon answered.

"What did you do to him?" I was curious, but I knew the answer wouldn't be good.

Damon grabbed my hand in his. "I'm not going to go into the details with you, but I've made damn sure he won't be able to walk again." Damon's icy blue eyes flashed with darkness for a brief moment. His tone was enough warning that I didn't want to hear anymore.

"How did you know to come back?" It couldn't be just a coincidence that he came home in time to help me.

"Cody knows who all the employees are. It struck him odd he didn't recognize Nicholas. Then he found out from his subordinate in Los Angeles that Nicholas was new but his file fit best with what we were looking for, so Cody brushed it off. After you started the silent treatment Julie reached out to me a few days ago and informed me of Nicholas' odd behavior of watching you. She also mentioned about him once admitting to checking the door lock. I did my research and found that his file was not put in because he was hired by the security team, someone else had put it in their system." He explained.

"So what does that mean?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"It means he was never part of the security team. Either he put himself there or someone else did. He refused to give me any information last night so I'm doing my own research on the matter. Once I have confirmation on exactly who he is and who sent him I'll let you know Love." He spoke while still holding my hand. "I was already on the fence about leaving when you wouldn't talk to me. But this sealed the deal and I needed to return immediately."

I yanked my hand from him. He reminded me, I was still upset with him about the picture I had been sent. He gave me a puzzled look as I had caught him off guard.

"Well I'm fine now. You can go back to your client." I crawled to the other side of the bed and got out of it.

"Kaydence, why are you upset? You've been very cold to me the last week. Did someone do something or say something?" He asked.

"Yeah. You did." I responded with ice in my words. "Thank you for coming for me last night but I still don't want to see you right now."

"What did I do?" He asked, still puzzled.

"How can you not know what you've done?" I scoffed. I was tired of him playing stupid. If he could just admit to me what I already knew we could get this argument over with.

"Kaydence, I really have no clue what you're talking about" He stated.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up the photo. Seeing it again made my heart hurt. I tossed it on the bed near him. "Here's your reminder."

Damon picked up the device and looked it over. He studied it for a moment and let out a small chuckle. "This is what you're mad about? I can explain this."

I was irritated that he didn't seem to want to take this seriously. "Then explain Damon."

"I was exiting this restaurant when this woman came up and kissed me. I pushed her away immediately but someone must've had a watchful eye to capture that brief moment to send to you." He explained.

"Then why did you not tell me about this on the phone?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Because I didn't think it was a big deal." I could tell he was starting to get frustrated about me confronting him.

"Okay, well if I got it who knows who else did? What if the media has gotten a hold of this? Damon if this is a story that breaks I will be laughed at for being the girl who thought she could tame Damon Tipton!" I raised my voice.

He thought for a moment. "You're right, it does have a chance that it has been sold to the media but I will handle this. I promise Love." His tone was a little softer.

"Well how can I trust that? I feel betrayed by you. How do I know that you even went to Dallas just for business? Maybe you went to be with your second lover! I'm sure you can have any other evidence of your encounter with this woman destroyed!" I was beyond frustrated and couldn't contain the words coming out of my mouth.

"I'm telling you the truth Kaydence. I have no idea who this woman is. She approached me and left quickly after I rejected her advance." His face held a stern expression.

"I don't buy it." I rolled my eyes.

He seemed to get even more irritated that I wasn't going to let him off easy about this. "I have yet to lie to you once Kaydence. I'm very blunt and you know this. So listen when I say this, if I wanted to go kiss or fuck another woman I would not hide that. In fact I would probably be the first one to tell you. I have done nothing to make you doubt me, why are you starting now?" He was clearly annoyed.

"Do you have proof?" He was right that he hadn't given me a reason to doubt him but I needed to know for a fact that what he said about that encounter was true.

"No, but I can work to get it if it makes you happy." He responded. "You know this is probably something to do with Justin or Ava right? Why else would a random number contact you?"

"That could be true, but I want proof Damon. Until then I'll be sleeping in the room I was given when I first came here." I turned to exit the room.

"Kaydence." He called for me to turn back to him but I ignored it.

I walked out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. He may be telling the truth but I wasn't going to ease up on him until I knew for sure. If he was lying then he would deserve every ounce of this punishment.